Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Shadows of the Past

A Seed is Planted

by fire-rose 3 reviews

Theresa is found unconcious in the hallway, and everyone wonders what has happened

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-10-06 - Updated: 2007-10-06 - 1393 words

Hey guys I'm back, finally. I'll be finishing off this story soon, I hope, as long as I don't get too much homework. Enjoy!


It wasn’t until dismissal bell that Theresa was found, lying sprawled and unconscious on the cool school hallways. The first few girls out of class shrieked at the sight of her. Eventually, the teachers, wondering what the problem was, stumbled upon Theresa and ushered her to the nurse’s office. By the time Jay, Odie, Herry, and Neil came out of Math, she was gone and the school had fallen back into its normal schedule, with a bit of gossip flying around that was missed by the four of them.

“Where is Theresa?” Jay asked, slightly on edge after she did not return to class. He hated to admit it, but he was quite paranoid, as many strong leaders are. Of course, a line has to be drawn somewhere.

“She’s probably still in the bathroom,” Neil replied, not sounding concerned at all. “She doesn’t carry around a mirror so how is she supposed to check her appearance.”

His last comment seemed to stimulate him, and he pulled out his mirror to check his already perfect reflection. Jay restrained himself from rolling his eyes at Neil’s shallowness and forced himself to forget about where Theresa was, at least for that moment.

There next class, Science, also passed by without any sign of Theresa. So, eventually, by lunch, it was not just Jay who was worried.

“Hopefully she’s not hurt or something,” Herry said, glancing at various crowds as though he expected Theresa to pop out at any moment. He also smelled strongly of vinegar, a result of his own experiment.

“Yeah,” Odie agreed. He to had a chemical smell, about him, but he smelt like charcoal. “Hopefully, Cronus hasn’t had anything to do with it. I’d hate too think she was captured.”

Jay nodded in agreement, that thought already having passed his mind.

“But I supposed there would be a lockdown or something, wouldn’t there?” Odie continued, after Jay did not respond. “I doubt Cronus or his giants could saunter in here undetected?”

“A lockdown?” Herry replied. “That would be bad, wouldn’t it? I mean, it’s like a few hours sitting on the cold floor, no food…”

“Herry, it would be more serious than that,” Odie said, as if scolding a child. “We’d probably have to solve the problem, wouldn’t we? It would be difficult to explain ourselves our of something like that.”

“Oh, right,” Herry said, though he didn’t seem to entirely understand. It was easy to see why his was renowned for his great strength, not his great wits.

They walked in silence to the cafeteria, which was a buzz with activity. If they had not been so absorbed in their own thoughts, they may have heard a few remarks about Theresa being found in the hallway, but the news was brought by Atlanta and Archie.

“Hey guys, where have you been?” Atlanta cried as soon as she was them. The look in her eyes gave Jay a feeling that she knew where Theresa was.

“Um, class?” Herry answered, to involved with eating to give the question much attention.

Archie ignored him and added, “Theresa’s down in the nurse’s office. They found her unconscious in the hallway.”

“What?” Jay cried, speaking for the first time since math.

There was a slight pause as Jay, Odie, Herry, and Neil fully absorbed the news. Then, the six of them rushed over to the nurse’s office and knocked heavily on the door.

“Yes? Who is it?” asked a voice from the other side.

The heavy wooden door opened wide, revealing an even heavier woman. She was at least a head shorter them Jay and she had harsh looking eyes. Her nose resembled that of an eagle, large and pointed. The wrinkles around her face crinkled like paper when she glimpsed at the children. “Oh, it’s you six. I’d thought I’d being seeing you.”

Jay spoke up. “Yes, well, as you know, our friend Theresa was sent down here and we were wondering if we could see her-”

“She was taken home by her, er, grandma just a short while ago,” the nurse replied rapidly. “Nice lady, though I don’t see any resemblance between the two.”

“Okay,” Jay replied. “Thank you.”

The nurse merely grunted in reply and quickly closed the door. She seemed to be in some sort of hurry, though Jay wasn’t sure why. But he gave little thought to the idea, since he had developed a one track mind when it comes to Theresa.

Jay turned to the others and whisphered, “I’m sure that Theresa’s ‘grandma’ is Hera.”

“Which means she will be in Chiron’s study now,” Odie continued, understanding what the nurse had said as well.

“Well, that’s easy then,” Atlanta said. “We’ll just go see here.”

“Well, no,” Jay said. “We can’t all skip school to go. It will be too suspicious.”

“Who says we’ll be skipping school?” Atlanta said. “It’s lunch now.”

“Well, sure,” Jay replied, “but we won’t have time to go visit her and come back with our short lunch hour.” (a/n: welcome to my life!)

“Always got to be the voice of reason, don’t you?” Atlanta said. Jay merely shrugged. “How about you and I go? To people wouldn’t seem suspicious, would it?”

“Yeah, sure,” Jay replied. Turning towards the others, he added, “Meet us after school. We should be back by then.”

“Yeah, if anything’s wrong we should be able to solve it,” Atlanta added.

The team split up, Jay and Atlanta heading for the janitor’s closet and the others heading back to the cafeteria. The afternoon at Olympia High passed as normal as always, the usual gossip being spread and the usual spats forming between even the dearest of friends. But, behind the glistening sapphire blue portal in the less than ordinary janitor’s room lay a place that was definitely not ordinary, and in which strange events were unfolding. Of course, to the gods and the few mortals who were behind this portal, the events were quite normal.

“Is she all right?” Jay asked immeadiately as he entered Chiron’s study.

“Ask here yourself,” said a familiar voice, and Jay sighed in relief as he saw Theresa, conscious sitting upright on the chair.

“She seems well enough,” Chiron added from his post behind Theresa, a mysterious air in his voice. “I can”t quite figure out what happened, though.”

“I told you, Chiron, it was just a bad headache,” Theresa said, sounding frustrated. Atlanta twitched at the word ‘headache’, which Jay found odd. “It runs in the family.”

Chiron gave Jay a look which made him realize that something much more serious had happened to Theresa, but for some reason, she wouldn’t say.

“Well, are you okay to come back to school now, or do you need to rest?” Jay said, attempting to hide his concern, but not succeeding

“Yeah, well maybe I’ll rest here for a bit,” Theresa said, sounding a bit strange. “Too much stress at school right now.”

“Okay,” Jay replied, apprehension growing inside of him. “See you later.”

“Bye,” Atlanta said, waving as her and Jay exited through the large wooden door.

Once the door was shut, Chiron said, “I’ll just leave you to rest too, then.”

He left through the other door.

Theresa sat in the refreshing silence for a few moments. Though it wasn’t obvious from the outside, there was a delicate internal struggle occurring with Theresa. She fought for control of her own body against the evil force within her. She could sense its malicious intentions, and with a small cry she realized the spirit had one over her. Common sense and her conscience fell into a deep slumber, and she felt her determination and persistence grow stronger.

Inside her head, with a raspy voice, chilling as death itself, said, “You are mine now Theresa, and together we will show the gods who really is on top.”


This was writen late so please excuse me for mistakes

Please r&r

Have a good weekend!
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