Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Big Girls Don't Cry

Are You That Somebody?

by xlosersx 3 reviews

LExi and sean, get to know each other better.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-10-09 - Updated: 2007-10-09 - 654 words

Sean's POV

Ok, I was starting to really like Lexi, and we just had started talking an hour ago. Was I falling for her too fast? Maybe I was, but she was such a strong person, she has such a hard life. She said she used to cut herself, I can relate to that, I used to do the same thing when I was 15, that was when my parents split. I couldn't help getting lost In her brown eyes. I think I'm in love...

Lexi's Pov

Ok, Sean and I are really hitting it off. We have alot of things in common. We were having a really good conversation. until my phone vibrated.
" Um I'll be right back, I have to take this call." I said getting up from the couch.
"ok, take your time." Sean said smiling understandingly.
I walked into the bathroom, locked the door. then answered the phone. The number said private.


"Lexi?" asked the sweet, soft voice it was Lindsey shit.

"What!" I said.
I heard a sigh on the other end of the phone.

" Lexi, I'm really worried about you, your my best friend.. there was a pause. "And your dad's worried too Lexi."

"Lindsey didn't I tell you before I don't care!" I yelled.

" I know you don't care, but.. i'm worried just me not your dad, he's worried too, but Lexi please tell me where you are?"

" No I don't care Lindsey!"

" You mean you don't care about me either?" She asked on the verge of tears.

" At the moment no." I said the hung up.

I knew I shouldn't have treated Lindsey that way I knew she was a sensitive person. But I wasn't about to let her or my scumdad, get in the way of me and Sean getting to know each other.

Lindsey's POV

I sat on my bed crying, Lexi had really hurt my feelings. I didn't know what to do, I was really worried, I know Lexi's been thorough alot, and I'm scared. She'll do something stupid like cut herself again, or worse commit suicide. I Shook the thought out of my head. She wouldn't do that or would she? Crap I have to do something, I decided to call Luisa.

" Hello."

" Lu..isa." I asked about to cry even more.

" Lindsey?"

"Yeah." I said sniffing.

" What's Wrong?"

" It's Lexi."

" Is she cutting herself again, I swear if she is.."

I cut Luisa off.

" No, I don't Where she is." I said.

" Isn't she supposed to be with her dad?"

" Yeah But she's not, he's been looking for her."

" That little fuckwit." said Luisa under her breath.

" So What should we do?" I asked anxious for a answer.

" Let's try to 3 way, her ok?"

"Ok." I said.

Luisa dialed Lexi's number, It ringed and ringed until Lexi's voicemail came on:

"Hey's it's Lexi, leave a message at the beep, if don't know how to do that hang up."

Luisa hung up, Lexi's line.

" Aren't you gonna leave a message?" I asked confused.

" No, were gonna find her ourselves, i'll be over there in 20 minutes." Said Luisa she sounded determinded.

"Ok, I'll be ready." we both hung up.

I walked into the bathroom splashed some cold water on my red puffy face. Then I changed into a pink polka dot babydoll top, and a pair of light jean shorts, and grabbed my hoodie, because it looked it was going to rain. then I ran downstairs to wait for Luisa.

Luisa's POV

I have to get ready quick, I told Lindsey I would be there in 20 minutes. I changed out of my sweatpants, put on a pink and light blue cami, and a pair of plaid pink and blue shorts. I put my hair into a messy bun, with a chopstick. I grabbed my Hello Kitty hoodie. And I was off to Lindsey's. Boy Lexi is gonna get it, when we find her!
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