Categories > Anime/Manga > Sailor Moon > Love lore of the Wind and Sea

The Awakening

by Neptunestears 0 reviews

The Lore continues:

Category: Sailor Moon - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Haruka (Uranus), Michiru (Neptune) - Published: 2006-01-06 - Updated: 2006-01-06 - 1561 words

Chapter 3:

A soft breeze wafted slowly down through the parted clouds to meet and brush across the waves tentatively, this was only the beginning.

The sea-maiden watched over the handsome woman as the hours passed, with care and gentleness. She fed her what little she took -mostly fresh water- and changed her bandages for clean dry ones regularly. It was a hard task considering there was not a dry spot on the whole island besides the cove. So the mermaid used the warriors own tunic and material when needed knowing not what else to do.

On the second day, Neptune had been wiping a cool rag across the wind warrior's brow seeing her patient had a slight fever. She had sustained pretty concerning wounds, Neptune saw that almost at once. A blow to the shoulder damaged the left wing, making her unable to fly and left a nasty gash on her shoulder which she knew would then leave a scar, a large painful looking bruise on her side, scratches, scrapes and a busted lip were the least of worries.

"Who did this to you, my winged warrior?" Neptune whispered cradling their head on her lap while smoothing golden colored wisps of hair from her eyes gently, stroking her cheeks. "I will mend your wounds and help you to fly again..."
A young boyish featured girl practically ran to keep up with her older brother Coeus, who strode ahead with strong legs, a bold torso and gleamed from head to toe in polished Uranian armor.

"Please, Coeus! Let me go with you!" She pleaded with him, fighting with the stubborn skirts she was always forced to wear by social standards, keeping up at his pace. The noble born Uranian knight stopped and turned slightly as he looked down into the strong already determined face of his nine year old sister, meeting her unwavering sky blue eyes.

"Haruka..." He was the only one in her life who considered her family and not just the first-born female to carry on the royal name as an heir. There for he called her by her first name ever since she could remember.

"I can help you fight!"

Coeus sighed shaking his head, and knelt meeting her eye level. His cobalt colored eyes gazed into hers as he put a hand to her shoulder.

"I am a trained knight and there for must fight to protect this realm and its people. You must stay here and live to carry on the royal blood and the name of Uranus."

Uranus looked away in anger, knowing in her heart that she was just a pawn in the royal game, and a prize to a lucky noble prince in the future to bear many children. She was a woman, and therefore trained only for such purposes. Her brother, after countless pleas and naggings, had taught her since age seven the basics of sword play and combat and she soaked up all she could and excelled greatly by leaps and bounds.

"Will you return?" She now asked, looking to him once again. Her eyes held wisdom much older for her age, and she used them to request that he not lie out of saving her the pain of the truth and to not give the sugar coated truths young people normally received.

He took a deep breath and stood, looking to the rocky soiled earth of their home planet before looking to her again.

"I know not, but if I have to I will die in my cause and for what's right. I will protect this kingdom till my very last breath leaves my body."

Uranus looked up to her brother with admiring, loving eyes that glazed over with tears she would never allow herself to cry again.

"Are you afraid?" She asked then.

"Yes, and I am not shamed for saying so. Everyone is afraid sometimes, but the ones that survive have to be strong. You have to be strong... she will have to be strong."

Uranus swallowed the lump that had started to form in her throat and nodded knowing who 'she' was. Coeus's lover, a shy and gentle maiden from the village who was banded by the King of Uranus to be wed her brother because she was not of proper leverage or royalty of any kind.

He took a step back and began to walk away before turning to her again.

"Haruka, will you do your older brother a favor then?" She quickly nodded and he tossed her a dark blue leather pouch.

"Give that to her, should I not return..."

The young girl nodded solemnly and Coeus smiled warmly to her.

"Though I never could truly understand you Haruka, you are the only person in that damned castle who I can say I could relate with. And I love you."

And with that the young knight of ten and eight years ran off sword drawn, and disappeared into the portal that took him to the war scene outside of the magical walls that protected the village and the kingdom.

Some odd weeks and days later, Uranus looked to her distraught father as he clutched what objects they found at the battle scene. She had listened to the news that the king's messenger brought with an unreadable expression, save the cold bitter tears that fell slowly down her cheeks. She then vowed that she would never cry again. Nor would she allow to hear the words, 'I love you' from another person again. No one could come close to her heart now. The only living soul in her existence, who loved her as a person, was killed in battle.

Coeus's sheathed blade had lain at the king's feet along with some odd pieces of armor. He did not notice as Uranus bent to pick it up, nor did her father bother to turn his distant gaze from the castle's window as she ran to the village square, clutching an worn leather pouch.

The love torn, anguish screams of the sobbing woman Uranus had fled to, forever haunted her dreams that day forward. She forever carried the scar of that horrible responsibility which she pushed to the back of her mind and kept there.

It was all a fever brought memory...
When the fallen winged entity officially came to again, she groaned and wished she had not. Her body ached in protest of misuse and unwanted beatings, even though she was a trained knight. Her open wounds stun from the salt water. The worst of which, she noticed was bandaged, and there was a cool thick type of balm spread on it.

Tentatively Uranus licked her mouth, and tasted the remains of salt water and a busted lip, which was starting to scab over. She tried to sit up and the world spun. She clutched her head and laid back down on the hard surface of the rock, swearing like the knight that she was trained to be as a page.

Where was she? What happened?

She kept her eyes closed not really wanting to know.

"Am I dead then?"

She whispered aloud not really expecting an answer. Her throat was hoarse from the salt water and the trial her voice went through the past days. No, she could not be dead. She felt pain, hunger, all of them physical. And emotions, like a thick cloud, slowly swept over her, chilling her. Among which she felt anger, rage, betrayal, maybe even a bit of loneliness but she pushed that thought away quickly.

"Well I've been cast out of Heaven, so I must be in Hell..."

She would have laughed at the sheer irony that this was, if it did not hurt so damn much.

'Broken ribs...' she thought imaging the dark bruise forming on her side and how it hurt a little to inhale.

It was then Uranus's memory came back in a full rush. This time she made herself sit up. Slowly, she stood and risked a glance around.

Nothing was there, just miles and miles of aqua churning. All of it dreadful, deep watered sea, all around. It surrounded her at all sides, making her breath catch in her chest and she felt a bit dizzy.

A thick fog clouded the atmosphere making all the shapes and colors pastel and soft, shifting in the sunlight like an impressionist painting. Shifting colors from light that managed to filter through. Looking up, she could not even see the world from which she fell.

'This isn't right. I'm a creature of the sky, of the Heavens. What am I doing here? I have to get back and kill the bastard who did this to me... I will avenge my father's death and take back what rightfully belongs in our name...'

She tried to see what other damage was done and tried to move her wings. At once, she drew in a sharp shallow breath through clenched teeth and paled a little from the pain of it.

"Don't, Please."

A soft urgent voice requested from whence it came. Instinctively, Uranus reached for her sword and found it was missing. Remembering the fall, she swore again and reached for her dagger with no avail. She was injured, weaponless, and in a foreign land. Her senses were on full alert and she ignored the pain and braced herself, not taking any chances...
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