Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell me I'm an Angel.....Take this to My Grave

Ch 25 "I Have One Question.."

by feeandgee22 9 reviews

Gee has a question. hat will Frank say?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-10-13 - Updated: 2007-10-13 - 712 words

UPDATE!!!!! Yay for you guys! I hope you are getting attached to this story because I really love writing it!

Ch. 25 “I Have One Question….”

Grabbing the bottle of champagne, Gerard popped the cork, letting the excess flow out over the top. Then taking both glasses, he poured a healthy measure into each, before placing one in my hand. “Cheers,” I said, touching our glasses together lightly, before sipping it all down in one gulp. We repeated this action over and over, making silly toasts until the bottle was empty. I frowned when I found that there wasn’t even a single drop left in the bottle to drink. Gerard just looked at my pouting face, before addressing me with a smile.

“I had a feeling that wasn’t going to last very long,” he said, taking the empty bottle and throwing it over his shoulder casually. “It just so happens that I planned accordingly,” he added, smiling as he produced a full bottle of Jack Daniel’s Whiskey. Breaking into a grin of my own, I grabbed the bottle and spoke.

“Well you do think over everything…,” I said taking a large swig. “But, I think we should save some of this for later. I’m kinda hungry,” I asked, putting the top back on the bottle and rubbing my aching tummy. Seconds later he reached over to a waiting serving cart by the table and handed me a silver platter filled with on of my favorite foods-VEGGIE PASTA. It seemed like he always thought of everything. For a minute, I was worried he was gonna hand me a fancy steak or a pork chop. I was pleasantly surprised that he remembered that I didn’t eat meat, that is, except for hot dogs, because they are just so damn good.

The clinking of Gerard’s fork on his plate pulled me from my inner vegetarian rant. Smiling back at him, I picked up my own fork and started eating. It was good, really good. After about three plates of the stuff, my belly felt like it was going to burst. Getting up from the table, I grabbed Gerard by the hand, led him to a soft patch of moss that littered the ground like a soft earthy bed and pulled him down. I laughed as he practically yelled out in surprise as we fell on top of each other. Then he sat up on his elbows and kissed me lightly on the lips before whispering in my ear.

“So you’ve obviously got some ideas about how to burn off all that pasta, eh,” he smiled menacingly, before his whole face changed and became suddenly serious. “Hey Frank?,” he began kind of slowly.

“Hmmmm,” I said, burying my face in his warm neck.

“No wait,” he said, as I started nibbling on his neck playfully. I ceased immediately, noticing how quickly his demeanor had changed and looked up at him worried. “I wanna ask you a question…and I need an answer, a straight answer. Can you do that for me?” My insides suddenly seized up in my throat and I knew what was coming. Taking a deep breath, I nodded, looking directly into his glowing green eyes.

“Taking my hand in his, he leaned in close and whispered, ”Franklin Anthony Iero…will you, will you m-marry me?” I was suddenly so overcome with emotion that I couldn’t speak. I could only stare back into those green eyes, my own brimming with tears. He seemed to take my hestitation and silence for an answer and collapsed into my shoulder, sobbing like a child.

Hearing him weeping, finally drew my voice and I croaked out one word. “Yes.” There was a hiccup in the sobbing and he quickly raised his head and brought his face inches from mine. “Wait! What did you say?,” he asked almost desperately, a crazed look in his eyes.

Smiling, tears still falling at the creases of my eyes, I pressed my forehead to his. “I said yes, you dumbass.” Not even a second after I finished, his lips closed over mine in a rough, passionate kiss. His hands digging in around in his pocket, he soon withdrew a shining silver band.

Omgee! So cute hun!
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