Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Alice

She's Not Crying For The Attention 'Cuz That's Just On.

by meeniemoe 5 reviews

You know what? Just read. I can't really explain how this chapter goes without ruining it.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2007-10-21 - Updated: 2007-10-22 - 1831 words

*A/N:* If anyone has a favorite quote, add it in your review. :)

Chapter Five:
She’s Not Crying Just For The Attention ‘Cuz That’s Just Ridiculous…ly On

“There’s something drastically wrong.”

“Spencer, nothing’s drastically wrong until he says so,” Ryan said with sudden calmness in his voice. His foot was tapping against the tiled floor of the kitchen. It was agreed that while Brendon and Jon went out with the girls, Ryan and Spencer would stay back at their place and wait for the “emergency call” from Jon, i.e.: If Alice said “no”.

Almost immediately, Spencer’s cell phone went off. Both full-grown men jumped at least a foot high in their chairs before Spencer’s cell phone hit the floor with a /clang/. Ryan swore, and Spencer dashed for the cell phone.

“Yeah?” Spencer said breathlessly.

The conversation shouldn’t have lasted more than three words. Ryan knew it had to be either ‘She said no’, or ‘She said yes’. So why did it take at least 30 fucking seconds to tell Spencer that she--

And then Spencer hung up with a vacant look on his face. Ryan looked at him expectantly, but no words came out of Spencer’s mouth. “Well…?” Ryan asked cautiously now, afraid for what the answer was to be. Spencer tried to phrase everything correctly in his head before he spoke:

“Well…she didn’t say no.”

“So she said yes!” Ryan exclaimed jovially. He ran to hug his friend excitedly. “We’re going to a wedding! Can you believe it Spence? Finally!”

Spencer took a step back before he winced and said clearly and loudly enough for the whole of their neighborhood to hear, “She didn’t say yes either, Ry.”

“What do you mean she didn’t say no? Or yes? What did she say?”

“She didn’t say anything. She cried. And now, Diana and Alice are outside of the restaurant having a small chit-chat whilst Jon is comforting Brendon. What d’you say? Should we pull out the emotional ambulance for Brendon?” Spencer looked at his watch.

Ryan’s mouth was still hanging agape. Spencer stared at his best friend, before he muttered, “Ry, come on. We haven’t got all night. Brendon needs our help, remember? And we said if this didn’t work out well, we’d…”

“No. No, Spence. I’ve got an idea!”

“Ryan…if this involves…”

“No, it doesn’t involve a SWAT team or anything, I promise. I don’t have any intention of killing Alice in any way…I was kidding when we were talking about that tonight…no, I have a different plan. But we gotta do it /now/, understood?”

Spencer shifted his weight, looked at his best friend uneasily, and asked, “So what do we have to do?”

“Alice…shh…it’s okay.” Diana rubbed Alice’s back with (hopefully?) enough reassurance to calm her down.

But it probably wasn’t working. Because Alice was still heaving terrible sobs, and Diana could tell Alice was a nervous wreck. She checked her cell phone again. Come on, where the fuck are you?!

“Alice, come on. Pull yourself together!”

“…I…I-can’t…because…I…don’t know what I’m…d-doing…”

“Baby, you don’t know what you’re doing? This is Brendon Urie who just asked you to marry him! Don’t get me wrong…I don’t want to pressure you into marriage darling, it’s just…”

“Diana…am I too young? Am I too young to get married?”

“How old are you?” Diana asked, unintentionally. Of course she already knew how old Alice was.

“I don’t know!” Alice shrieked, and went back to sniffling. Diana’s eyes widened, and she was going to try and reason with her, but…/buzz/. /Buzz/. Diana’s cell phone vibrated in her pocket. She nearly died of relief, but instead, hastily told Alice that she was going to fetch some napkins for her to drown her miseries in. Alice, who was barely functional at this point, nodded.

And as soon as Diana left Alice to herself on the bench outside of the expensive restaurant, a rather large yellowish…thing…walked directly past her. Alice stopped crying nearly immediately. What…?

The yellow thing kept walking back and forth, as if to be pacing. Then, when it realized Alice was there, it looked down at her. The yellow thing was a person! A person dressed up as a…

“Pikachu?” Alice asked confusedly. The person was wearing a yellow jumpsuit and a mask to match. It wasn’t Halloween yet…what the hell was a random person doing, donning a Pikachu outfit? Certainly not to fit in…

The Pikachu sat down next to Alice, and in gruff voice, asked, “Have you ever felt like you were being put up to something you didn’t want to do?”

Alice blinked. What the fuck? It nearly distracted her from her dilemma. That was when it spilled out:

“Yeah, I know that feeling. Actually, I’ve just been proposed to…but…”

“Congratulations!” The Pikachu exclaimed, but in a muffled voice. Apparently the mask was stifling the person’s ability to speak.

Alice didn’t notice it too much, but instead, went on to say, “Yeah, that’s what you’d think, right? Only I have this foreboding feeling that I shouldn’t be marrying this early in life. Or that I’m going to make a mistake. I’m not sure with what I’m doing. I’ve been having a tremendously fun time with this guy who proposed to me, but…I just don’t know. Life doesn’t make sense, you know?”

“Since when has life ever made sense?” The Pikachu snorted into his mask. “If the guy proposed to you…what’s your name?”

“Ali…Alexandra, I mean.” Alice didn’t want to give out her name to a complete stranger! She didn’t even know who the man was. For all she knew, the guy could track her down in her sleep and rape her. Okay, that was a little far-fetched, but the world was definitely not safe enough (these days).

“Alex…may I call you Alex?”


“Alex, if the man proposed to you, he’s obviously speaking from his heart. The least you could’ve done is respond from the heart. So what did you do? I guess you said no, judging from your state…”
“Pikachu-- you don't mind if I just call you that right? Pikachu...I didn't say yes...and I didn't say no…Sorry, this is just so awkard talking to a Pokemon character." Alice cast a sidelong glance, unsure whether or not she wanted to discuss her personal life with some freak in a costume, "I'm just really unsure about this relationship happening so fast. If I have a relationship, I want it to last forever. I want a stable relationship!" She paused.
She tried to give her emotions a chance to calm before she went on, "Brendon and I, one minute we're head over heels in love, and then we're apart for years. When we weren't together we wanted each other more than anything, and now it seems like since we have what we wanted the most…It’s awkward now. We'll be angry at each other, and then forget the love we share now. And remember the seperation that happened years ago..." Alice felt the tears welling up in her eyes, "I think…it changed me. I just don't know if we can go back to what we were in love with. I love Brendon. Don't get me wrong. With all my heart. He's funny, charming...immature." She giggled at the last one, "Which is what attracted me to him. But are we stable enough for...for marriage?" She rubbed her temple and sighed, not knowing her own thoughts and emotions.
Alice nearly screamed out of frustration, until a Hispanic waiter came out and told them to quiet down.

“Wow. Uh…have you ever considered marriage psychologist?”


“Okay, okay! Kidding. Um…”

Alice then peered at the strange Japanese-cartoon character next to her. She asked, “Who are you, anyways? You sound sort of familiar.”

The Pikachu tensed up. Then, quietly, he uttered, “All you need is love. It’s how you survive. Without love, life is rock and roll without…without a drummer.” Alice sat there, pondering Pikachu’s musings.

“I…I guess.” She mumbled, and blew into a tissue she retrieved from her purse.

A moment passed.

Alice stood up, and said with more confidence, “I think I love him more than anything, really.”

“You think?” Pikachu asked uncertainly.

“No. Definitely. I love him more than six out of the twelve months in a year. Isn’t that marriage, though? Getting through the road bumps of life? If so, I don’t think there’s any other man who can make me happier than Brendon.” She said happily, and stuffed her tissue back into her purse.

Before she left to walk into the restaurant, she hesitated and lingered by the door. Then she turned to the Pikachu, who was ready to get up and leave…to wherever he was going…

“Pikachu. Do I know you?”

Pikachu turned around, and looked at Alice in the eye. “You know, that’s an interesting question.”

“Really, though…have I known you previously? Before this encounter?”

A silence swept over the conversation.

Then, softly, Pikachu said, “You know me now.”

So as Alice watched Pikachu walk away, she burst back into the restaurant.

Brendon was there, almost literally pulling his hair out. Jon was trying to console the guy, rubbing his back as witnesses looked on at the scene. A few people seemed really peeved at Alice (probably for breaking the poor guy’s heart…) and one even poked her in the arm, saying, “You better make him happy now!”

That was when Alice broke back into tears and threw herself into Brendon’s arms, begging him to take her back.

And he did. With all of his heart, he took her back.

A/N: Just for the record, I basically cried at the end while writing this lol. Oh! And I updated within a week. Yeah, that's right. I guess you can take THIS evidence and say that if you leave more reviews, I'll update faster.
I love you guys! (And, evidently,
Also, there's one part in here that I didn't write (the huge fatty paragraph where Alice is talking about Brendon before she screams out in frustration and the Hispanic dude comes out telling her to be quiet), and I have to credit Lifey (Life is 42) on here (who is also my first reviewer, lol) and basically best friend in real life. She is really a great, witty writer, and if you have never read her stories, I'm appalled. (Well, not really, but read them anyways lol!)
Over and out.
xoxo, nat
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