Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Baby, Seasons Change But People Don't.

When I Wake Up...

by XxIceCreamHeadachexX 3 reviews

Saffy and Pete talk.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-10-23 - Updated: 2007-10-23 - 1327 words - Complete

Chapter Eleven: When I Wake Up...

"When I wake up, I'm willing to take my chances on the hope I forget that you hate him more than you notice I wrote this for you."

I sat up. My thoughts were raveled in pure shock and disgust, and the headache only made these thoughts worse. How could I let myself do this? This was so far beyond my character, that for a second, I thought maybe it was just a nightmare. Unfortunately, pain slithered across my arm as I allowed my soft fingers produce a pinch. I gave the sleeping body next to me a nimble nudge as he proceeded to be entranced in sleep. I gave him a harder nudge as he stirred and muttered a few hidden words under his odorous breath. His eyes gleamed morning grogginess as he turned on his side and noticed me. His naked body shot up at the sight of mine and tried to conclude what had transpired. He caressed his crusted eyes with his fists and blinked frantically, trying to see if this moment was actually existent. To his amazement, it was.

"Uh...?" was the only words that poured from his water-lusting mouth.

"I think...." I trailed off as sweltering tears baked in the corner of my blood-shot eyes. Pete swallowed back and altered his honey gaze to his trembling hands.

"We had sex?" he suggested, though the answer was quite evident.

I nodded and the tears proceeded to journey from my eyes. I quickly seized my wrinkled clothes that were so loosely thrown to the floor in a quick attempt to travel to the bed. I slipped them on under the covers in a matter of seconds as I hastily escaped to the door in a brisk motion. Tears still fleeted out of my optics as I heard a distant call for my name. Pete must've been yelling for me, but I was too preoccupied in getting the hell out of this unknown house. We must've exchanged our virginity in the party house. It certainly wasn't the place where I imagined my first time.

As I flied down the hall, I caught myself once I reached the steps. I peered over the stairs and the house was an utter disaster. There was numerous clutters of beer cans and liquor bottles that were shattered and crushed to the cold tile floor. My green gaze caught a glimpse of the afro boy outstretched on the fake leather couch, with a party hat tilted to the side of his head, and his small hands embracing an empty beer bottle. Suddenly, Pete had found his way from the room and saw me. But, as my sight caught him, I fled down the stairs with him chasing after me. I didn't really know the reason why I was running from him. Perhaps from pure embarrassment or the fact I was upset about the whole thing, and wasn't in the mood to see him, nor talk about it. I turned my head, and the boy was getting awfully close. He may be short, but that kid could run!

As soon as I reached the bottom floor, I darted to the front door and was exposed to the frosty, December wind. But, I was apathetic to the bitter season, for the only thing my mind was set on, was getting out of that house. When I got to my car, I fumbled with my keys until a clammy hand clasped around my small wrist.

"Let me go!" I yelled as a few birds squawked and rustled in the leaf covered trees.

"No! Just listen to me, okay?" Pete calmed, but I still tried to wriggle from his grasp.

"Leave me alone! I just want to be alone, okay?" I cried, tears gushing from my sorrow-filled eyes.

"No! Okay, I know this seems bad, but we can work through this." he comforted, with his grip tightening as I kept trying to escape from his hold.

"No! Everything was fine until you came along! Before you, Patrick was himself and I wasn't falling for you!" I yelled, biting back my tongue as his eyes searched mine.

Crap, did I just tell him I was falling for him? I hate word-vomit.

His grip loosened a bit and I could depart from his tight hands. I pressed my back up against the car and slid down to the bleak ground as I hugged my knees to my chest. Pete squatted down next to me and moved the stray hair strands from my face to reveal my tear hazed eyes.

"Listen, Patrick would've changed some way or another even if I never came here. People move on. It's time you should too." he said as I punctured a daggered stare into his soft eyes.

"No! You stole him from me! And last night, you stole something else from me too! You're just a big, dumb thief!" I snapped as he just gave a muffled grunt and a light chuckle.

"I didn't 'steal' him from you. He's not a possession. He's his own person, and it's his fault you guys aren't friends anymore, not mine. And as for last night, that wasn't all my fault. You got drunk to, you know." he lectured.

Damn it, why was he always so fucking right? I swallowed back and we sat there in agonizing silent moments for what seemed like forever.

"How did you get so smart?" I finally spoke as Pete just gave me a chuckle and half-smile.

"Might've been those brownies you gave me." he answered as I laughed from the memory of our first time meeting. Who would've known, that I would be falling for Pete Wentz; the guy who I hated and the guy who I thought hated me. I guess first impressions aren't always so accurate.

Pete stood up and dusted off his pants. He held out his hand and I clamped mine in it, as he helped me up.

"Shall we go home?" he asked.

"I guess I'll have to face my parents some time." I answered opening the car door and plopping myself onto the fake leather. He made his way to the passenger seat as I gave him a questioning look.

He read my thoughts and answered,
"Patrick was my ride. I didn't bring my car. So... Can you take me home? I mean, we live like... Right next to each other."

My only reply was a laugh and shoving the key into the ignition. Suddenly, the engine roared as the car heater coughed puffs of warmth onto our bodies and the soft hum of the radio began to compose radio tunes. I drove into the morning and to our houses.

"See ya, love." Pete fare-welled once I pulled in front of his house.

"See ya." I replied and watched him creep into his home. I parked in my drive-way and silently closed the car door as I tried creeping into our house.

I walked into my warm home and saw nobody was about. A sigh of relief wavered over me as I ran up to my room, safe from parents. I jumped onto my bed, and thought over the party. How stupid could I get? Especially the part when I chugged that beer right in front of Patrick. He must think I'm so completely fake. Suddenly, a faint knock on the door made me depart from my thoughts as I muttered, "Come in!"

My little brother sauntered in and said, "Someone's at the door for you." and ran off. Who could possibly be at the door for me? I got up from my bed and traveled down the steps.

Suddenly, my jaw collapsed from utter shock as my eyes set their gaze upon the person in the doorway.


glindapsawyer, xxACoalminexx, ClandestineUntited, and mooniexmisfit!

LOL, sorry for the caps overload. =D
But seriously, you guys rock. Thanks so much
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