Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Silver Feather

Girl talk

by someonerandom 0 reviews

The Lady Fiona has a talk with her step daughter.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2007-10-23 - Updated: 2007-10-23 - 425 words

A.N:Okay, I've decided that I'm going to give anyone who decides to review a choice on the story here. Would anyone like to see 'Chrys' from "a different Cinderella story" make an apearence? If no one tells me their preference than I'm just going to do whatever...

When they reached Fiona’s suite the older woman sat her stepdaughter down on a fluffy pink chair in front of a mirror.
“You know, you could be so lovely if you put a little more effort into your appearance.” She said sweetly, “I mean just look at your skin! It’s so dark from too much time reading in the sun.” Sophie raised an eyebrow. Both she and her brothers had all inherited their mother’s darker skin-tone and black hair which contrasted sharply to the Queen’s own overly-powdered face at the moment.
“There’s nothing wrong with my skin.” She replied coldly.
“Oh I wasn’t trying to insult you my dear. But you really do need to put more effort into your appearance. After all, how will you attract a husband if you don’t even try?”
‘Attract a WHAT?!” The Princess exclaimed “I am 12 years old! I am NOT looking for a man!” Fiona smiled at her kindly.
“Oh not yet, but we should start setting the ground work. Come now. Let me show you how to dress properly as a young Princess. I suppose your brothers did the best they could given, well, them.” She said in a light voice while she brushed Sophie’s hair. However the girl did not miss the snipe at her brothers, even if it was said in a jovial tone.
“And all the reading you do…you should spend more time doing other things, and less time with those commoners.” She continued, there was a hypnotic note in her voice that made it hard to concentrate, but the Princess ignored it and protested the separation from her friends in the town. After an hour of getting nowhere the Queen dismissed the Princess after she had gathered more than enough information about the girl for her purposes. The child was dangerous. Her spells were not working and she was stubborn and head strong. Well, there was only one thing to do. While that child was around she rallied her brothers together instead of allowing them to fight and seclude themselves and she affected the king in a way that Fiona did not like. No. She would have to go…at least for a little while.
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