Categories > Original > Romance > Dark Love

3.Memories, Part 1

by IlovetheCoreys 0 reviews

Drew remembers the day she met Corey 'the Felddog' Feldman.....

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-10-25 - Updated: 2007-11-08 - 96 words - Complete

Memories are hard to forget.

Drew lay in her bed, remembering the day she had met Corey 'the Felddog' Feldman...


Drew was dragged into a club by her mom, Jaid Barrymore.
"But mom," she said, "I don't really care to meet anyone."

"Drew, don't be silly," said Jaid. "You need to find a special person - someone you can share yourself with."

Drew pulled herself out of her mother's grasp and headed across the floor.

Suddenly she looked up, and there, standing against the wall, was....

No way! It couldn't be him!

But it was....
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