Categories > Original > Romance > Dark Love

2.Dream a Little Dream....

by IlovetheCoreys 0 reviews

Drew has nightmares....

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-10-23 - Updated: 2007-11-08 - 165 words - Complete

Drew spun around. There he was, his shadow swiftly moved past her. She felt it, his body against hers; the beating of his heart was calm; his breath trickled down her neck- she knew he was smiling.

“Miss me?”
His voice dripped with ridicule; why did he know that she wouldn’t turn around?
Her lashes swept over her brown eyes as tears streamed down the sides of her pale cheeks. His hair brushed against her cheek as he slowly kissed her neck. But he couldn’t let her enjoy herself for too long. He needed to show her power. That no one could come as close to her as he could; he was the only one that had rights on her. He owned her. His fingertips swam across her neck, she moaned, and he liked it. He loved the way she submitted to him, he loved that she knew there was nothing she could do, she was helpless and she couldn’t fight it.
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