Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bury My Heart at Camp Iero

Bury My Heart at Camp Iero

by The_Chort 3 reviews

Felix White is sure to spend summer as a miserable camp councellor unil she discovers that an angel (Frank Iero) is one of her fellow miserable councellors. At least now she has something (more lik...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Warnings: [Y] - Published: 2007-08-15 - Updated: 2007-11-11 - 967 words

For the first week I was going to be in the area with the tents. There were six different areas of the camp. One with cabins, one with tents, one where everyone slept "under the stars," the mess hall, or the "lodge," as it was called, the giant pool, and the horse stables. but those were just the areas the campers knew about. There were plenty of things they didn't get to see, but I'm sure there were plenty of things they didn't want to see (such as the camp in and of itsself).
No self-respecting homosexual tween wants to be dumped off at some holding tank for kids just like them. Especially since this camp had been known for at least two suicides a summer.
Not that I could blame these kids though. There were other ways I would have liked to spend my summer than at a holding pen for gay kids with intolerent parents (job, anyone?). Instead I had to PAY to come here (okay, so maybe I didn't have to pay, but still).

"Felix!" Julia, one of my fellow miserable councellors called.

"What?" I called back.

"Come here, dumbass."

I dragged my ass out of the tent to see what in the fuck was so important that I couldn't go about unpacking my things and wallow in my own isolated misery.

"We've had some parents complain about the idea of putting one boy and one girl in each tent."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Do they want their kids to fuck each other at camp? Are they not aware they're gay?"

"Well, it's looking like we're going to have to reconfigure the sleeping arrangements."


"Patty said you had to help."

"Patty says lots of things. I need to finish unpacking first."

Unfortunately, that only took about two minutes and then I was stuck into being around Julia.
There were five tents and eight kids. This actually worked out perfectly because there were five girls and eight boys. We were informed that one boy and one girl were bisexual and their parents didn't want them to get into "none o' that fornicatin'" so we needed to give them their own tents.

Just as we were about to drive out to get some died Coke (there was only a Pepsi machine here) an angel walked into the office. Or, at least, he looked like an angel.

His hair was dark and his eyes were brown. Cinnamon brown, or maybe hazel; I can never tell. He had guaged ears and a pierced nose and lip as well as a few tattoos.

But there was one thing taht was bothering me: "Aren't you a little hot?" I asked. I know it's a question only nags ask, but Jesus, it was eighty degrees with ninety percent humidity.

"Yeah," he took his shirt off, causing my jaw to almost drop upon seeing how toned he was and how many more tattoos were hiding under his shirt. "Patty sent me to tell you ladies heat you need to hurry your asses up and get to the fire circle."

"I'm done," I said quickly.

"Patty'll castrate me if I don't come back with both of you."

"That sounds like Patty," Julia said dreamily. I could tell she had the hots for this angel too.
Wen I stood up I discovered that I was only a couple of inches shorter than this guy. It truely would have been a shame if Patty had castrated him.

"So what's your name?" Julia asked, flipping her auburn hair. This would have irritated me if I hadn't know she did this to any guy who wasn't a total geek.

Once she saw us, Patty's bleach-blond daughter who "helped out" a lot around camp asked (like an idiot), "You two shop at the same stores?"

The angel and I glanced at eachother. We were both wearing the same camoflouge shorts and Etinees.

"No shit, Sherlock," I said before Patty, who was rapidly approaching, was in earshot.

"Frank!" she said overly cheerily. "I'm so glad to see you made it back with both of the girls.
The staff t-shirts arrived today, so w'll be meeting in fifteen minutes." With that, she left.

"Wanna go swimming?" Frank asked.

"Sure!" Julia said.

Since she was going, I had to go. There was no way I was going to be upstaged by Julia Niles. "I'll go too."

We all quickly changed into our bathing suits and met at the pool. Before any words were exchanged Frank pushed me in.

When I surfaced I saw Julia sunning herself and trying to accentuate her suspiciously perky breasts in her pink string bikini. Meanwhile, Frank was attempting in vane to scare me by grabbing my ankle. When he realized that wasn't going to work he surfaced, grabbed me in his arms (yes!) and threw me.

"What the fuck?!" I hollered from across the pool.

"Tell me your name and I'll stop!" he hollered back.

I mentally slapped myself in the face. How could I not tell him my name? "It's Felix!"

"Hey red?" He called to Julia. I stifled my sidesplitting laughter. Julia hates it when people call her red. "What's your name?"

"It's Julia!" she said in her normal pissy tone. That meant she was no longer interested in Frank.

Somehow, we wound up really close to each other. "So, you're in the tent division too," he smirked.

"Yeah," I smirked back. "Unfortunately, so is SHE," I motioned toward Julia.

"What's she scared of?"

Before I could answere, Patty and her skank-whore daughter arrived and I lept about eight inches back.

"Out of the water!" Patty yelled. When we were out she handed Frank and I each our staff t-shirts and we left. Dinner ws in forty-five minutes, after all.
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