Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > For real..?

Chapter 2

by iluvgee 3 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-11-05 - Updated: 2007-11-05 - 277 words

Chapter Two

The sun was slowly creeping through the beige curtains, when Mya heard a slight tapping at the door.

“Half 7?!” Mya mumbled sleepily as she got up out of bed.

One thing that was running around in head was whether she should answer it or not. Mya thought about it and decided that she ought to seeing as it could be important.

She poked her head out around the door and guess who was there, staring right back at her…

“Gerard…from the lift…from MCR?” Mya said sounded more confused then ever.

Gerard smiled “You remembered me” He actually sounded please.

“It’s not like I could forget you” Mya came across awkward and arrogant, when she actually didn’t mean to “I mean you are Gerard Way of course I remember you!” Mya tried to sound a bit nicer by adding it in. “So anyway, what exactly are you doing here, at half 7 in the morning?”

“Oh, sorry about that. I just came to bring you this.” He grabbed hold of her hand and placed a small piece of paper in it.

“What’s this?” Mya asked, as she looked at it.

“My number…call me” He winked and before Mya could say anything he was gone around the corridor corner.

She looked at the piece of paper again, who’d of thought that at 7:30 in the morning she’d be standing in the door frame of her hotel room talking to Gerard Way not forgetting that she was in her pyjama’s, definitely not Mya!

She closed the door behind her and went back over to the bed.

“Well that was a surprise!”
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