Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hollywood Hills and Suburban Thrills

Chapter 5

by lil_chica007

Haley and Kimmy go on an adventure, while Haley and Pete go on a different kind of adventure...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-11-16 - Updated: 2007-11-17 - 3564 words - Complete

I dedicate this chapter to lovehillaryx3, who wanted it a little juicier. I hope this is juicy enough for you, I feel kind of dirty.

The inspiration for the end of this chapter came from the Goodnight Moon trailer, you'll know what I'm talking about. ; D

Haley and Kimmy had been moping around the office for a week. They were suffering from collective design writer’s block. Designer’s block. They had even tried working in different locations, just for a change of scenery. They tried working in the car, in the lobby of the building, a park, they worked in a Starbucks until they got kicked out for taking up five tables, and they went to Pete’s house, where all they wound up doing was designing an outfit for Hemmingway, and cleaning out Haley’s closet. She brought the shopping bag full of clothes she didn’t want anymore to the office for anyone to take what they wanted. They were now lying on the office floor, staring at the ceiling as Tim rummaged through the clothes trying to give Ali a makeover.
“This would look adorable!” Tim shrieked.
“That’s a dress made out of sequins. I live with my grandmother, where would I wear a dress made out of sequins?”
“With THAT kind of attitude, you’ll still be living with your grandmother when you’re 40. You put tights under it, and a little jacket, and it’s dressed down. You can take it from day to night.”
“So, basically the exact outfit Haley’s wearing right now?” Ali pointed over to where Haley and Kimmy were watching and giggling.
“Don’t get me started on that monstrosity.” Tim made a gagging noise.
“Hey!” Haley sat up, looking down at her outfit; a hot pink tunic-y mini dress, black and white striped leggings and a black hoodie, with her black converse. “I like my outfit, just because I picked it out myself doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s an updated version of Twiggy. It’s like Twiggy meets…”
“Meets hobo?” Tim cocked an eyebrow.
“No, I don’t know what Twiggy meets, but I like it.” Haley pouted.
“Those shoes are horrible.” Tim shuddered.
“I can’t wear heels every day, I’m only an inch shorter than my boyfriend. It’s starting to give him a complex. And you’re wearing the exact same ones!” she pointed at Tim’s feet.
“I’m a boy, it would be inappropriate for me to show up in platform wedges.”
“But it would be funny.” Ali giggled.
“Twiggy meets the MisShapes!” Kimmy burst out.
“Yes!” Haley shouted, and the girls high-fived.

“I still don’t know what to do.” Kimmy whined from her spot on the floor. The girls hadn’t moved all morning, instead making everyone step over them.
“Ugh. Maybe we should just start over and come up with a new theme. I think I’m depressed.” Haley sighed, throwing her arms over her face.
“Haley, I think someone’s here to see you.” Tim said, looking over at the elevator as the doors dinged open and Pete stepped out carrying two large, flat boxes. He walked over and stopped directly above Haley and Kimmy.
“What’s wrong with them?” he glanced up at Tim.
“We’re depressed.” Haley said; her voice muffled by her sleeves.
“Well, Tim called and told me about your situation, so I brought you Sprinkles cupcakes.” He held one of the boxes out.
“Oo.” Kimmy perked up.
“But you only get them if you get up and sit at a desk.”
“Oh.” She slumped back down, then thought better of it and stood up, taking a cupcake from Pete.
“I also brought you these.” He pulled a large envelope out of his back pocket and held it a few feet above Haley’s head. She reluctantly got up and took the envelope, pulling out two airline tickets.
“Why are you sending us to Vegas?” she looked in the envelope for anything else.
“Well me and Tim figured, your whole line is about the everyday rock fan in Vegas, how better to research, than to go to Vegas?”
“When did you and Tim have all this time to plan?” Haley looked between the two.
“I can get a lot accomplished in the 45 minutes it takes to go pick up lunch.” Tim nodded.
“I wanted to help.” Pete shrugged.
“Thank you, Baby.” Haley wrapped her arms around his neck briefly. “Where’s my cupcake?” she opened the box and carefully chose the one with the most frosting.
“Well, I’d better be going, I just wanted to drop those off.” He checked the time on his sidekick.
“I’ll walk you downstairs. Do you want one?” Haley mumbled, her mouth full of cake and held one out to Pete. He shook his head and Haley put it back and grabbed his hand heading towards the elevator.
“Thank you again.” Haley said as Pete’s arm wrapped around her waist once the elevator door closed. “I can pay you back for the tickets.”
“Don’t worry about it, I used my frequent flyer miles. I was heading up there to check on Panic’s new album, and I was going to ask you to go with me anyway. So when Tim told me how stuck you guys were; I thought Kimmy could come and you could try to get some work done.”
“It’s still really sweet.”
“To be honest, I just couldn’t stand the thought of being away from you for three days.” He pulled her closer and kissed her.
“So, when do we leave?”
“Sunday afternoon. I’ll see you at home.” He kissed her again as the doors opened at the lobby.

“Oh my god, this is so cool! Everything is so big and glittery.” Kimmy exclaimed, skipping down the sidewalk back to the hotel. “I’ve never been to Vegas before.”
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” Haley laughed. She stopped to sign an autograph for someone who recognized her. She got noticed far less that she expected, and less that she used to, it was probably the fact that she was walking around like a tourist in a tee shirt and flip-flops. And her hair and entire style was different, she barely looked like the girl in the magazines anymore. However, they’d only been in town for 4 hours so far.
“We should probably start working, rather than shopping.” Kimmy looked down at the piles of bags in their hands.
“There’s plenty of time for that. We’re doing research. We can shortcut through this hotel.” Haley guided them into the lobby of a casino.
“So, do you come here a lot? You seem to know your way around.” Kimmy said, impressed.
“A couple of friends would come here a lot for the parties in between jobs.” They exited the opposite side of the building and found themselves across the street from their hotel. “You see that valet?” Haley whispered, discretely nodding at a guy with spiky blond and a little red vest getting into a sports car.
“Yeah.” Kimmy nodded.
“I totally made out with him once.” They both laughed and ducked behind a potted palm tree when the guy looked over. “So what do you want to do tonight? Should we go to the casino, or go see Celine? You can’t go to Vegas and not see Celine.”
“Let’s go to the casino tonight, and Celine tomorrow.”
“Right, we have to pace ourselves.” Haley nodded.
“Celine’s so terrifying with the chest pounding.” Kimmy demonstrated, accidentally punching herself in the boob. “Ow.”
“I wish I was Celine’s arm choreographer.”
“I want an arm choreographer.”
“I’LL be your arm choreographer.”
“Sweet.” Kimmy giggled.
“So I’ll meet you in the hallway in, like an hour and a half. Let’s wear our Betsey Johnson dresses.”
“Which ones?” Haley had used her company credit card to buy them each dresses at the Betsey Johnson store, crazy sequined ones that matched, and ones that sane people would wear in public.

Haley swung the door of the hotel suite open, holding it with one foot while trying to scoop up the bags she dropped in her search for her key. “Here, let me help.” A tall skinny guy smiled at her and held the door open. “You must be Haley.” She gave him a confused look, and glanced at the door to check that she had the right room number.
Pete stuck his head around the corner of the wall. “Hey, Baby. I didn’t think you’d be back so soon. You’ve met Ryan?” He pointed at the guy holding the door.
“Oh, right. Nice to meet you. You scared the crap out of me.” She laughed.
“I want to introduce you to Panic.” Pete said, taking the bags out of her hands and stacking them in the hallway. He led her into the room, where three other guys were standing around. “This is Brendon, Jon and Spencer” they each waved as he called their name.
“Hi. You seem really familiar.” Haley said, pointing at Jon, trying to think of where she knew him from.
“I’m from Chicago. I’m friends with your brother.” He nodded.
“Oh, that’s right!” She clapped him on the shoulder. “I made out with you last Christmas!” Jon widened his eyes and looked at Pete, who frowned and looked between him and Haley. “Oh, don’t worry. I was drunk…and maybe a little stoned.” She waved her hand in Pete’s direction as the rest of the guys laughed.
“So, we were just going to get something to eat. Do you want to come with us?” Pete asked.
“Me and Kimmy already ate. We were going to go to the casino downstairs. Maybe you guys could meet us there when you’re done.” She looked around at the group who all casually shrugged and nodded. “Cool.”

After the guys left, Haley showered and changed and met Kimmy in the hallway exactly when she said she would. “Oh my god, we look fabulous! I feel like a disco ball” Haley bounced.
“We look like we’re going to the 1984 prom! It’s hilarious.” Kimmy’s sequin dress was bright blue, and she had on black tights and gold shoes. Her long black hair was in two braids over her shoulders. Haley’s sequin dress was black and white horizontal stripes, and she had hot pink converse that matched her pink bangs that were pulled back in a faux-hawk, with the rest of her platinum hair in a ponytail.
“Your shoes are better than mine. I didn’t bring any that matched.” Haley pouted on their way to the elevator.
“Yours look cute. How many pairs of those do you have?”
“Oh, I have them in every color. I’m an addict.” She nodded. “The guys from Panic! At the Disco might meet us later.”
“Too bad Ali isn’t here.” Kimmy smirked.
“Seriously. So, I totally made out with one of them.” Haley bit her lip.
“Just now?”
“No! He’s friends with my brother, I met him at a party like a year ago.”
“You’ve made out with everyone.”
“I HAVE made out with everyone. What does that say about me?” Haley giggled.
“That you’re a ho?” Kimmy joked.
“Hey! I’m still your boss. You’re not allowed to call your boss a ho.”
“I’m sorry I called my boss a ho.”
“It’s ok. I am kind of a ho.”

“So, what should we do first?” Kimmy asked as they entered the casino.
“I don’t know. I’ve never gambled before.”
“But you said you came here all the time. How do you come to Vegas and not gamble?”
“I usually just found cute guys and watched them gamble. I was, you know, ‘arm candy’” Haley said, using finger quotes.
“Hey, did you just get here? We’ve been looking for you.” Pete called out, approaching them followed by Brendon.
“He made me go in the girls bathroom.” Brendon shuddered.
“It takes time to look this fabulous.” Haley shrugged. “Oh, this is Kimmy. Kimmy, Brendon.” They each smiled and gave a little wave.
“So what are you doing?” Pete gave Haley a quick kiss. “You really do look good.”
“Thanks. We were just talking about how neither of us know how to gamble.” Haley laughed.
“So then, what were you going to do until we got here?” Pete looked puzzled.
“We hadn’t figured that out yet.” Kimmy shrugged.
“So, do you want to learn Blackjack? That’s pretty easy. We can get a private table.” Pete grabbed Haley’s hand and led them all towards the Blackjack tables.

Haley’s dress was shorter than she planned, and it rode up inappropriately high when she sat down. Now she knew why Kimmy was wearing tights. Pete had apparently noticed, and couldn’t keep his hands off of her, which made it very difficult to pay attention to her cards. It also didn’t help that she sucked at Blackjack, while Kimmy was a natural and had a giant pile of chips in front of her. “Wait, so you’re Mormon?” Kimmy asked Brendon.
“Then, aren’t you not supposed to be here? Drinking that?” Haley pointed at the vodka tonic in front of him.
“Technically, yeah. But I’m also not supposed to do pretty much EVERYTHING I do, so I don’t care.” He smiled.
“Works for me.” Haley laughed. “Can I have a sip of that?” she pointed to the drink sitting in front of Pete, who just stared blankly at her. “I’ve had, like, 4 Diet Cokes, I just want a sip.”
“I thought you didn’t want to throw away 2 months of rehab.” He said.
“It wasn’t that bad, I could always go again. And I wasn’t really there for alcohol. They just thought it would be a gateway back to everything else.” She shrugged and took a sip of Pete’s drink, placing it back down. “Fuck, that was good.”
“You promise you’re not going to start all that crazy shit again.” Pete looked genuinely concerned, while the others just looked a little uncomfortable.
“I promise I’m not going to fall off the wagon.” She smiled. They continued playing for another hour or so and Haley was starting to get the hang of it. She also kept taking periodic sips of Pete’s drinks, until she was starting to feel a little buzzed. Her eyes began to wander around the room as she thought about the work they had to start focusing on tomorrow, and how she still didn’t have any ideas. Just then, a guy wearing a tuxedo made out of some shiny material walked by in front of her. She gasped and grabbed Kimmy’s arm. “I’ve got it!” she grinned.
“You got what?” Kimmy asked, confused.
“You get how to play?” Pete asked, and Brendon looked over from the other side of Kimmy with a ‘have you gone insane?’ look on his face.
“No, for the line.” She turned to fully face Kimmy. “It’s not about the glitter and sequins, that’s for the showgirls. It’s about the fabric. Ordinary items made out of unusual materials. Motorcycle jackets out of satin. Hoodies out of gold lamee. Leather baby doll dresses…”
“That’s kind of kinky.” Brendon chimed in.
“Oh, my god. That’s amazing! It was staring us in the face all along.” Kimmy jumped up, excited. “I have to go sketch.”
“I’ll come with you.” Haley hopped out of her seat, and paused to brace herself against the table.
“Are you ok? How much of this did you drink?” Pete reached his hands out to steady her.
“When they make you go straight-edge for 8 months, it doesn’t take a lot. I’m fine now.” She giggled. Leaning in to Pete’s ear, she whispered “Remember what I said about me getting drunk…” she gave him a sexy smile and followed Kimmy out of the casino, practically running.

It was almost 2 am when Pete heard the door of the suite open and Haley stumbled in. “Hey.” He said, looking up from his spot in bed, typing on his laptop.
“Oh, you’re still up. I was trying to be real quiet.” She giggled as she tripped over her shopping bags piled on the floor.
“I was just emailing some people. Did you get a lot done?” he closed the computer and put it on the table next to him.
“Fuck yeah, we sketched out like half of the collection. I don’t know what it’s going to look like in the morning though.” She crawled up the bed and straddled his lap, giving him a deep kiss.
“Are you drunk?” he smiled as he slouched lower in the bed and she began nibbling at his neck.
“I may have had a couple glasses of mini bar champagne with Kimmy. But you shouldn’t be complaining.”
“I’m not. I’m just questioning.” He flipped them over, and pulled her under the blankets.
“Wait, my shoes!” she stuck her feet in the air and Pete pulled her shoes off, throwing them across the room. He leaned down, sliding his hand up her thigh, bringing the dress with it until he exposed her black lacy thong.
“Oh, fuck Baby.” He groaned and pulled the dress up over her head, revealing the matching bra. “You’re so sexy.” He kissed her hip.
“Like it? I went shopping just for you.” She pulled him up closer to her face, and kissed him roughly, wrapping her hand around the back of his head as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. She rolled them over and reached into the front of his boxers, making him moan. She licked down his chest and stomach as she stroked his arousal. She could feel his breath go ragged as she yanked his boxers off. She glanced up, and saw him biting his lip with his head thrown back and his eyes squeezed shut. He cracked his eyes open when he noticed her pause.
“Why’d you stop?” he whispered, his voice deep and rough. She giggled, and wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock, sliding her mouth up and down as his hand went to the back of her head. His breath sped up as she continued her actions. “Wait, no…” he breathed, tugging on her hair.
“What’s wrong?” Haley lifted her head.
“I don’t want to come like this.” Pete pulled her up and reached for her thong, sliding it down her legs and tossed it onto the floor. She unhooked her bra and threw it in the same general direction and rolled over, pulling Pete on top of her. He gave her a wicked grin and began kissing and licking his way down her body.
“That tickles.” She giggled, placing her hands on his head in an attempt to move his face away from her hip.
“I’m just returning the favor.” He spread her legs apart and kissed the inside of her thigh, before thrusting his tongue into her center. She moaned and dug her fingers into his shoulders as her hips bucked up off the bed. He inserted a finger, moving it in and out. When he felt her begin to tighten, he moved back up her body and positioned himself at her entrance. He leaned down and kissed her, her tongue slipping into his mouth.
“Like the way you taste?” he growled as he thrust inside her.
“Oh, god yes!” she moaned. She quickly felt her release building as his pounding grew faster and harder.
“I can’t hold on much longer.” he groaned, biting her neck.
“Oh, fuck. I’m gonna come…” her body tensed and shuddered, driving Pete over the edge. He rolled off of her, pulling her into his arms as they both tried to catch their breath.
“Shit, that was amazing. We should get you drink more often.” He grinned.
“I’m still kind of buzzed. My inhibitions are lowered.” She smirked. “Do you want to do it from behind now?” she looked up at his face, gleaming with a thin layer of sweat.
“Give me a minute, I think you wore me out.” She sat up and swung her leg over his, straddling his hips. She picked up his hand from where it lay limply next to him she placed it on her breast. He lifted his other hand and placed it on the other side, massaging gently.
“Whenever you’re ready.” She rocked back and forth teasingly, grinding into his hips.

This is Kimmy’s dress:
This is Haley’s dress:

I came up with most of the chapter based on these dresses.

btw- the conversation about Celine Dion's hand choreographer is one I have actually had with my sister, and one in which I punched myself in the chest, almost knocking the wind out of me. It kind of hurt.
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