Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Childish Games


by lyssaleigh 3 reviews

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2007-11-22 - Updated: 2007-11-22 - 788 words - Complete

“Graduating with Honors, Amanda…”the voice was drowned due to the roar of clapping and shouting by her boyfriend and friends. She walked across the gym floor and received her diploma. She smiled big as she almost forgot to move her tassel then took her seat as a graduate of SA High. She watched as Kristan, then Alyssa received their diplomas. Brendon and Beckett both were there cheering them on. As soon as Alyssa sat down she was standing right back up for the recession. They pronounced the graduating class of 2006 and the girls threw confetti in the air.
“We did it!” Lys exclaimed once outside of the high school.
“I know!” she gave Amanda a hug before finding her family. Actually Amanda’s parents and relatives were with Lys’.
“I’m so proud of you.” Their dads told them. The girls just beamed and just took pictures.
“I’m hungry!” complained Amanda. The plan was to eat dinner with their families and meet back up at Amanda’s for a party. The girls did that, their boyfriends came along as well. Amanda ended up at Olive Garden, while Lys ate at Eat N Park. Dinner went rapidly. It was mostly talking about Lys and Amanda when they were growing up.
“Spence should have come out with us.” Brendon gave her a quizzical look and asked why. “Because he’s like a brother to me, we’ve known each other since we in preschool.”
“You’ll see him at the party.” Cathy informed her. Ah the party! There was Kayla, Jon, Lexi, Spencer, Kristan, Beckett, a few other friends who graduated with them along with bandmates. It was held in Amanda’s background. Music was blaring and the only two people where dancing, where Lys and Bden. Go figure!
“Hey Amanda, do you have that Taylor Swift song?” she shrugged and Lys popped in her country cd. It was the first song.
“You’re obsessed with this song.” Exclaimed Brendon and Amanda had to agree.
“Our song is the slamming screen door, sneakin’ out late, tapping on your window, when we’re on the phone and you talk real slow, cause it’s late and your mama don’t know. Our song is the way you laugh…” Lys sang. But everyone just stared at her. “What?”
“Put some good music on.” Someone yelled in the group of friends.
“F4!” their friend Colleen shrieked.
“Hao yun qi, Neng he ni yi qi, Cause I can’t help falling in love with you!” Alyssa, Amanda, Kayla, Kristan, and Colleen sang at the top of their lungs. The boys just looked at them.
“Long story.” Stated Kristan. The friends continued dancing until a slow song came on. It was an oldie, but a goodie, Savage Garden ‘I knew I loved you.’ The couples found each other. Lys and Brendon; Amanda and Ryan; Kayla and Jon; Lexi and Spencer; Kristan and William; Colleen danced with Sisky, Jessie with some guy named Sean, Holly with her rocker boyfriend Andy and another friend Neen with her boy of the week which was Vincent.
“This is the perfect song for us.” Ryan whispered into Amanda’s ear. Just then someone laughed and snorted which killed the mood.
“Hey guys!” Brendon gathered everyone around him. “A toast, to life, liberty and-”
“Bullet proof marshmallows!” Kristan and Lys screamed then laughed but stopped because no one else was laughing. It was great. “Sorry. Old saying.” They let Brendon continue his goodbye speech. This was probably the last time all the friends would be together. Holly was moving out to California to be with Andy. Jessie was going to visit her aunt in the Caribbean for the summer. Spencer, Brendon, Ryan, and Jon along with Beckett, Sisky and their band would be touring this summer. Kristan would be working at the local Girl Scout camp. Kayla, Lexi, and Vincent still had one more year of band camp. Amanda Jean would be quitting her job at Taco Bell and joining the Subway crew. Finally Lys was signing her life away to Kennywood(a local amusement park) for the summer. Anything can happen this summer.
“Feel the rain on your skin. No one else can feel it for you. Only you can let it in. No one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips. Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten.” Natasha Bedingfields’ lyrics blared through the speakers.
“This is the best song!” Lys spoke her opinion.
“It fits our situation.”
“To our song!” Holly concluded. They all toasted and finished the night dancing, reminiscing, and talking about the future.
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