Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What's Wrong is Right, and What's Right is this Love

Not Now, Maybe Soon

by BlacknWhiteRainbow 3 reviews

Gerard sends Mikey to the showers.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2007-11-25 - Updated: 2007-11-26 - 346 words

"When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed." - Marilyn Manson

A/N: Manson quotes! Here's chapter. Not as good I had originally thought, but 16 is for sure good. It involves syrup. I have a question. I think mechanics are hot do you agree? Random I know. Review my pretties.

Chapter 14 Not Now, Maybe Soon

Mikey's POV

I could never imagine that Gerard's mouth was such a delicacy. It was mine and I took it. His tongue was rough on my mouth making me moan. His fingers laced themselves into my hair. I kept my hands well positioned on hips. I broke apart from him, to breath. He leans into my ear.
Mikey. We have to stop.
No, we don't. I kiss him again. He looks back with scared eyes.
Yeah we do. It's not right.
I don't care.
We shouldn't though.
I know.
I'm going to finish breakfast you go shower. I kiss once more to seal my love for him. I obey his order and leave to go shower.

Gerard's POV

Mikey was a good kisser. Didn't know that. Like learning it though. He thought he was boss, so my tongue retaliated. I felt his hands touch my hips. My hands twined themselves in his hair. I had to breath. I leaned into his ear. I was so sure of these feelings, just wasn't sure if they were right.
Mikey. We have to stop.
No, we don't. He kisses me. I want him to do it again. And again. I'm just scared. My dream's a reality. It's too good to be true.
Yeah we do. It's not right. What is my mind saying?
I don't care. I don't either. Kiss me again. Make it better.
We shouldn't though. We shouldn't do alot of things I want to though.
I know. You know this and you still love me in that unbrotherly way.
I'm going to finish breakfast you go shower. He kisses me again. I want to join him in the shower. I won't for now at least.
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