Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Silver Feather

Another Story

by someonerandom 0 reviews

I'm telling the tale of a different person or this chapter, she will be appearing again in the story obviously.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2007-12-05 - Updated: 2007-12-06 - 563 words

A.N: Yes, this is the same story, the Silver feather, I’m simply planning to have Sophie meet this character at some point and want to give some info on her too.

For the longest time I had no notion of who I was, where I’d come from or anything. All I knew was the lake, the other maidens and him. I knew that he had been the one to trap us here and that he wanted something from me other than what he asked for, something I could not, should not and would not give.

Every night he would come and ask the same question; and every night I would give him the same answer. It didn’t matter if he asked nicely, with good manners and a polite voice, if he begged or if he became angry and threatened me. I did not know why, nor did I care. He was holding all of us captive, and few of the other maidens could remember who they were. A handful seemed to, but it was as if they were forbidden (which they probably were) to tell any of us our identity.

Our prison was very cleverly constructed, for there were no bars, no walls, no barriers aside from our personal desire that is, and that desire; to simply be human, or at least be able to be in our true form. During the day, all of us were robbed of this, and transformed into emperor swans, a painfully ironic position for those who claimed that they must be royalty. Our lives would have been completely miserable if we hadn’t somehow learned to tolerate each other, which was certainly a difficult task, considering the egos of several of the girls, and our numbers were constantly growing, when once every full moon a new girl was added to the flock, or another frog to the pond (these were the young men He took). This continued for nearly a year, until he had “collected” more than 3 dozen of us in all, and then he suddenly stopped. That was when he began to try and get violent whenever I refused him; it was also when I discovered a few things of my own.

One: I knew how to defend myself.
Two: There were at least two of the frogs and three of the other maidens that were quick to rush to my aide.

Three: I was not human.

The last of these discoveries was almost accidental. I cut myself on something, I don’t know what, but my blood-it was not just red, but had something else in it and it shimmered in a way that blood supposed to.

When Von Rothbart noticed this he looked up at the setting moon (He always came just before I would transform into a swan again) and smirked evilly.
“Well Odette, it appears you need another day to think about my proposal.” He said malevolently as he began sauntering away, his cruel laugh echoing across the lake and through the clearing by the shore. I hung my head and sighed as the lights appeared, looking so innocent at first with their fire-fly like appearance, at least until they surround their victim and grow in size and intensity until the beautiful golden light fully encompasses the person and after it vanishes, you are left with a swan.
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