Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > A dangerous demon slayer

shame to the stars

by domi_01 0 reviews

chappy 6

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Rin,Sesshoumaru - Published: 2007-12-06 - Updated: 2007-12-07 - 805 words - Complete

The rest of the day had been uneventful other than that weird aura that came and left earlier that day.

Rin was still a little shaken up at what happened and constantly kept looking over at her arm to the point where it annoyed her and she forced herself to stop or draw some unwanted attention from Sesshomaru.

A man with long black hair, fire-red eyes and armor sat on a throne while he watched the black priestess do her job; suddenly a snake like creature came to black priestess.

The black priestesses name was Myumaru; she had olive green hair, with a very light orange like eyes a she had the attire of a black priestess. Her snake-like shikigami came possessing the blood of her next victim.

But she could do nothing until she found something that the girl possessed, to enter the girls body, so she could gain control of her.

“Well?” the man impatiently asked. She looked at him and smiled,” Patience Lord Tyko she will soon be yours, but if you want that Taiyouki to suffer for stealing her from you will have to wait, this will take longer than expected.”

Lord Tyko huffed and walked out.

Sesshomaru was a bit amused and concerned; since he returned Rin had been a bit twitchy, she kicked ass (A/N authors comment not sesshy’s) when need be but still she twitchy and she kept glancing at her arm.

Rin was making a fire and cooking, she made a soup, she had learned to make and Jaken had literally almost devoured it in one gulp; he had taken a liking to her cooking.

Now she was resting, when she noticed Jaken come up to her, he held out a beautiful flower for her; it had silver with honey-yellow petals and in the middle it was a magenta color and it had an unusual stem color it was midnight-blue.

He murmured,”For you.” She took the flower and smiled, and then she gave him a quick kiss on the forehead the act caught him off guard but he recovered quickly blushing furiously and then stalked off murmuring to himself.

Sesshomaru watched bemused when he saw Jaken hand Rin the flower, and it was a very unusual flower indeed, but he felt a strange feeling churn in his chest when she kissed Jaken but he shook it off.

Rin fell asleep, but woke up it was moon-high and she looked around her lord was nowhere in sight.

She told Zentarii to watch camp, and she followed Sesshomaru’s scent to a hill and there he stood in all his magnificent glory.

She walked to his side and commented,” The stars look beautiful and are shining brightly today.” All she got was an acknowledging,”Hn.”

After her comment he silently thought “much like you.” He then cursed himself he had no right to be thinking such. And yet the way she looked bathed in the moonlight she looked beautiful and shone brightly putting the stars to shame.

She inwardly sighed they were getting nowhere then she got an idea.” Lord Sesshomaru?” He turned to look at her. “Close your eyes.”

He cocked an eyebrow, but he complied curious at what she was going to do.

She reached into her kimono and took out the other half of her necklace the Yin half. She walked around him and pushed his shoulders down so would bend down somewhat.

Then she put it over his head and pulled his hair gently up so that it wouldn't get tangled with the necklace.(A/N you know how sometime he have to pull our hair to make sure tour necklaces aren’t holding our hair down? I meant it like that.)

He wanted to see what she had put over his head when he had bent down a little to allow her to do whatever she was going to do, he felt move his hair out of the way and then she backed away and said,” You can open your eyes now.”

He looked he saw nothing different but a shiny black gleam caught his eye and he lifted it to his face it was the symbol of Yin and it was beautifully carved made of a glorious stone. He put his gaze on Rin and then it went down to her neck she had the Yang.

Feelings began to stir inside him so all he did was give an approving nod. He did not hide it under his haori. Yet again she surprised him when she took his hand in hers and she leaned her head on his shoulder he did not object.

They stayed that way the rest of the night until Rin fell asleep on Sesshomaru. ;) (A/N get your minds outta the gutter peoples.)

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