Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Motherly Conscience

Chapter 5

by frankxgerard

"I’ve said this before, me and Frank are just friends. There’s nothing going on between us! I love Ray as much as I love Frank!”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-12-07 - Updated: 2007-12-07 - 1027 words

“Ew, take a shower, Gerard. You stink,” Frank complained.

“And you don’t?” Gerard joked.

Frank pushed him into the bathroom and closed the door after him. Gerard pulled Frank’s shirt off and looked at the art cluttering his chest.

“You know, I sort of regret this one…,” Frank muttered, tracing his fingers over his own skin.

Gerard took Frank’s hands and pressed it to his lips.

“She’s not gonna make it, is she?” Gerard whispered.

“What gave you that idea?” Frank asked, pulling Gerard to him and peeling off the older man’s shirt so their flesh was pressed flush together.

“I just don’t wanna be alone…,” Gerard answered.

Frank leaned in and pressed his mouth to Gerard’s, their tongues barely meeting before they pulled away.

“You won’t be alone…,” Frank said.

Gerard’s eyes were watering. Frank hugged Gerard and swayed to the music in his head. Gerard had since convinced himself that his mom was not showing up everywhere and spying on him, so he ignored her voice. Frank pulled Gerard to the shower and helped the troubled man from his clothing before pushing Gerard in and closing the door behind him.

“I’ll just sit this one out,” Frank said, recognizing that Gerard needed his space.

Gerard’s skin goose-bumped under the steaming water. He tilted his head back under the spray.

“You think Mikey’ll be okay on tour?” Frank asked from his place sitting on the sink.

Gerard thought for a moment, rinsing his eyes.

“He’ll be alright… We’ll just have to keep a good eye on him…”

Gerard was slightly distracted. He was pretty sure he could see someone other than Frank outside the shower. He finished washing and dried off, wrapping a towel around his waist as he stepped out.
Donna was indeed standing in the center of the bathroom.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Taking a shower,” Gerard answered simply, ignoring the strange look he got from Frank.

“Why aren’t you with Mikey? He’s all alone,” She said.

“Alright, I’ll go see him after… happy?” Gerard suggested.

He stepped next to Frank in front of the mirror.

“Are you seeing ghosts or something?” Frank asked.

“Maybe…,” Gerard sighed.

Frank shrugged and left the room.

“What is Frank doing in you’re room?” Donna questioned, her tone as if she’d just caught them sneaking around at a sleepover.

“He just has… nightmares…,” Gerard lied.

“You’re not a very good liar,” She accused. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“You’re not here; you can’t be, so why should I tell you anything?”

“Gerard…,” she started slowly, voice raising slightly, “is there… something, going on between you and Frank?”



Gerard swallowed thickly and turned to look the image in its eyes.

“Mom, or whatever the fuck you are, I’m not gay! Goddamnit, I’ve said this before, me and Frank are just friends. There’s nothing going on between us! I love Ray as much as I love Frank!” he yelled, losing his temper.

“You’re telling yourself that?” a voice said.

Gerard turned, Frank was leaning in the doorway, watching Gerard.

“No, I-”

“Save it, Gerard,” Frank said, leaving the doorway.

Gerard spun around and yelled to the spot Donna had occupied seconds before.

“Fuck you! Whoever you were! Just fucking leave me the fuck alone!”

He slipped clothes on and rushed from the bathroom.

“Frank, wait I didn’t mean-”

“I know, Gerard. You were talking to your invisible little friend… weren’t you?”

Gerard stared blankly at him, blinking.

“You think I’m making this up, don’t you?” he said.

Frank didn’t answer.

“You think I can’t be serious?” Gerard asked, his voice louder.

Frank stood from the bed. He had an untied tie around his neck under the collar of his white shirt. Gerard gripped the ends and pulled Frank less an inch away from his face.

“Fine. I’ll prove just how serious I can get,” he snarled.

He pushed Frank roughly to the bed, fingers tugging at his hair. Frank hissed before Gerard’s lips were attacking his mouth. Gerard ripped the tie from around Frank’s neck and tied his wrists with it. Gerard undid Frank’s shirt with no regard to the buttons, tearing it straight down the middle.
Frank’s chest was already glistening with sweat.
Gerard dragged his teeth down the skin, kneeling between Frank’s knees as Frank sat on the edge of the bed. Frank let a whine escape his lips, which Gerard quickly silenced with a bite under Frank’s rib cage.

“Don’t say a word…,” he whispered.

He unbuttoned Frank’s slacks and pulled down his boxers.
Frank kept his mouth shut as best he could as Gerard blew him, humming and flicking his tongue around him.
Frank’s chest rose and fell heavily as he gasped for breath, gripping the sheets behind him and letting his hair fall forward over his face. Gerard felt Frank’s muscles begin to tighten and stopped promptly, digging his fingers into Frank’s calves.
Frank whimpered, an unbearable tension building in his groin.
Gerard gave incomparable head. Frank never doubted that, but he didn’t exactly know how extensive Gerard’s skill was. Gerard could make you scream so loud the walls shook, he could make you laugh your brain out from the unique mix of pain and pleasure shot through your dick, or he could make you want to cry your eyes raw. Frank didn’t exactly know what to do at the moment. Gerard was keeping him on the edge, holding on by less than a pinky finger. Gerard always got his point over, he was very… persuasive.

“Fuckkkk…” he groaned, scratching under his eyes with his fingernails.

Gerard smirked.

“AH, Ger- gah…. FUCK- Oh my Goddd...,” Frank yelled.

His whole body shook, sweat gleaming on every possible place on his skin.

“Yeah. Thought so,” Gerard said stonily.

He stood and walked out onto the balcony leaving Frank to tremble in his aftershocks.
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