Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Motherly Conscience

Chapter 6

by frankxgerard 2 reviews

"We have way too much sex, Frankie..."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2007-12-17 - Updated: 2007-12-17 - 376 words

This is going to get kind of darker. I think. Like, not like the vampires story did, just kind of. I think. It's not going to be confusing, or super long. But, yeah. Just warning you. =(


Gerard blew smoke into the air, watching birds fly by in the grey sky. Frank came out to stand by him after a few minutes, his pants unbuckled and his shirt still lying ripped on the floor. He’d managed to wrestle the belt from his wrists.

“I like that shirt, I’ll have you know,” he said.

And Gerard couldn’t help but laugh. He brought his cigarette back down to the railing, reaching over to run his hand through Frank’s sweat-dripping hair.

“We have way too much sex, Frankie…,” he said.

Frank shook his head. “You can never have too much of that, don’t listen to anybody if they tell you that. They’re stupid.”

Gerard grinned.

“So does this mean I’m forgiven?” Frank asked.

“I was never really mad at you. Just wanted to have a little fun…,” Gerard said, handing the half-smoked light to Frank, who took it gratefully.

“You sadist,” Frank said, grinning and nudging Gerard with his shoulder.

“Yeah, well you know you love it.”

Frank shrugged, licking his lips. “Only ‘cause you’re great in bed. Role play, my friend. That is the answer to all your sex life crises.”

Gerard feigned shock. “Me? You’re implying that I, Gerard fucking Way, have ever had problems that have anything to do with my cock?”

Frank giggled, snubbing out the cigarette on the rusting railing. Gerard smiled and entwined their fingers, placing them on Frank’s chest.

“Well, tell your little friend that it’s gonna have to wait at least another three days till it can have this fine ass…”

Gerard unlinked his hands and slid them down Frank’s back, slipping his fingertips just under the waistband of Frank’s slacks.

“That’s fine. I was going on strike anyways,” he said, promptly removing his body from against Frank’s.

He winked and strutted his way back into the hotel room. Frank gaped, and then huffed back in after him.

“You can never let me win, can you?”
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