Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Trashed And Scattered

7. Demolition Lovers

by leitchy 2 reviews

problems arise.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-12-10 - Updated: 2007-12-10 - 1104 words

I awoke the next morning and smiled into my pillow. I’d had a good dream about Gerard, and… well… it was good. I yawned and stretched and crawled out of bed, and looked on the ground for something decent looking to throw on. It ended up being my skinny’s and my Misfits shirt. I ran down the stairs barely yelling goodbye to my Mum and sat on the front porch of the Way’s house.

I heard yelling come from inside, and a cry of pain. I furrowed my eye brows, tempted to open the door and make sure everything was ok when Mikey came running out and fell over me.
“Oh hey. I’m off. Gerard’s not coming to school today. Bye!” He mumbled, and took off down the street. I looked back at the Way’s household, praying that everything was ok, and took a step down onto the sidewalk, and walking the now slightly familiar path to Frank’s house.

Frank walked through the front garden with his head down and hood up.
“Heya Frankie!”
“Hey!” He replied, looking up, a grin forming on his face.
“How ya going?”
“Yeah, good good. And you my dear Ally?”
I giggle at the nickname he had given me.
“Not the best. Gerard’s not coming to school. I can’t tell him that I like him today.”
Frank’s face fell.
“Oh… Maybe another day?” He said softly.
I smiled. Yeah, Maybe tomorrow would be better. I could think through what I would say. I sent a smile Frankie’s way and he glanced up, a sad smile crossing his features.
“What’s up?” I asked him.
“Nothing.” He said, shrugging, pulling his hood up and starting for school.
I stared after him, soon jogging to catch up with him. What was wrong with Frank?

By the time lunch had come, Frank still hadn’t improved. He sat quietly under the tree, a bit to the left of us.
“Yo Frank! What’s up? You look pretty out of it this morning. It’s not you!” Macy called out to him.
“I’m fine.” He snapped, getting up and walking off towards the art room. I glanced at Macy and she shrugged.
“Maybe he’s sick. It’s just that he is never quiet. He’s always bouncing or singing or just annoying someone.”
I let out a laugh. He seemed so hyper, it was cute.
“Hey Macy, do you know what’s up with Gerard?” I asked casually.
Macy froze. “What do you mean?”
“Well, when I first met him, he was freaked out to go back home, and there was a lot of yelling coming from his house." I paused for a second trying to gauge Macy's reaction, but she was unreadable.
"Then, this morning, I heard yelling again, and a cry of pain, and then Mikey came out, saying Gerard wasn’t going to be at school. I dunno. It’s probably nothing. But…”
“Fuck. That son of a bitch, He’d told me everything was ok again! Shit...” Macy muttered angrily, balling her hands in to fists, a torrent of obscenities flowing under her breath.
“What do you mean?” I was starting to get real worried.
She stopped, attempting to calm down. I could tell she was hiding something. “Look, it’s not for me to tell. Gerard will bring it up if he wants to. Just, keep an eye on him, and make sure he’s ok. Please?” Her eyes pleaded with me.
I nodded. “Sure, No worries. That won’t be hard.”
"Tha-, Say what?" Macy raised an eyebrow.
“Well, I live next door to him, and it’s not like he’s hard on the eye or anything...”
Macy giggled.
“You little perv, I KNEW YOU HAD A THING FOR HIM!” She cried.
“Shh!” I told her.
She laughed again. “You guys would be really cute! Frank must be- Oh…" The laughter evaporated from her voice, and she sighed sadly. " I think I know why Frankie’s upset…”
I looked at her questioningly.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be back!” She said quickly, and ran off in the same direction as Frank had run.
Ok, what the hell is going on?


It turned out finding Frank was not going to be as easy as it sounded. Running towards the main buildings of the school was not helpful, considering there were several main buildings. I roamed the halls, peering in to class rooms. I passed by Frank’s locker, noticing that his guitar was missing. Reality slapped me across the face. ‘Where the hell else would Frank be?’ I chuckled to myself. I made my way up towards the derelict house the school had bought and decided to call a music room. As you can tell my school did not have the best music program. In fact it seemed to be so anti- music it was surprising there were so many talented musicians in the student body. What can I say? This is New Jersey.
I had one foot on the porch when the sound of voices reached my ears. Frankie wasn’t alone. I smiled. Ray had come to his rescue. Franks infectious laughter cut through the soft hum of their conversation as Ray attempted to shred. And failed. I smiled. If there was one thing that could make Frank happy it was music. And if there was anyone who could get you to talk it was Ray. Something about his quiet, reserved nature just made you want to spill your secrets at his feet. It went silent for a moment before a haunting melody began to float through the window. I sat down on the step, closing my eyes, absorbing every note. My heart skipped a beat as Frank began to sing.

“Hand in mine, in to your icy blues,
And then I say to you, we could go to the highway...”

Another of Gerard’s latest literary masterpieces. Goosebumps formed on my skin as I zoned out from my surroundings. The school seemed so far away, my troubles and worries left behind, trapped in its stuffy classrooms and lockers.
My eyes snapped open as the bell rang happily. I sighed sadly, my mind craving to hear the rest of the song. I heard the sounds of guitars being packed in to cases and I remembered the fact that I was actually eavesdropping. Not wanting to get caught and therefore stuck in an awkward situation I quickly ran back towards the main buildings, this time searching for Alyzon.
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