Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Holiday to Remember

A New Year

by ShadeDancer 1 review

Chapter 5

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Harry, Snape, Tom Riddle - Published: 2006-01-18 - Updated: 2006-01-19 - 1354 words

Well, here's the next chapter for you along with a question. What do you guys want to happen next? I have a few different ideas swimming in my head and might end up writing different endings, but your opinions would be appreciated.


/Disclaimer/: I don't own Harry Potter and I don't own the song Auld Lang Syne, I don't think I even want to claim the twisted version below.

Chapter 5: A New Year

Harry shifted back into the shadows, the New Years revelry weighing upon him. There had been a raid earlier, one Harry had refused to participate in, and the success had boosted morale. Harry sneered at them for picking on defenseless muggles and frightened children. Surprisingly his disdain had actually generated some response, allowing Harry to begin convincing the Death Eaters that the people would better submit to the new rule they intended to impose if the people didn't fear torture and death. It would be pointless to overthrow the ministry and Dumbledore if they destroyed their world in the process, leaving those they would rule with only anger and thoughts of vengeance to urge them to continue. Of course, any more convincing would have to wait until another day seeing how every Death Eater in the Manor was currently drunk and singing their off-key version of Auld Lang Syne.

Should auld corpses be forgot,
And never brought to mind.
Should auld corpses be forgot,
And auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my victim,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' poison yet,
For auld lang syne.

Harry wondered which Death Eater was responsible for the lyrics; his bet was on a very smashed Lucius. They really needed to work on this when they were actually sober.

And surely you'll pay for your life,
And surely I'll keep mine;
And we'll drink a rich sip o' blood,
For auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my victim,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' poison yet,
For auld lang syne.

Even Tom was signing softly, a wine glass tilting slightly in his hand. It had surprised Harry to see Tom loosen up so much, but then a good shag in a dark corner was enough to make anyone happy.

We'd have run about the graves,
And taunted the reaper fine.
But you've wandered the underworld far,
Since auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my victim,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' poison yet,
For auld lang syne.

He himself had drank a little too much and was beginning to feel drowsy, which was why he had retreated to the corner. Idly Harry listened to the words of the next verse, shaking his leaden head in disbelief at what the Death Eaters had come up with.

We'd have thrust into your body
From morning till night,
But aurors came and ended the fun.
For auld lang syne

For auld lang syne, my victim,
For auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup o' poison yet
For auld lang syne.

Harry barely had the time to acknowledge that the alcohol shouldn't be effecting him this way before he began to fall, his legs giving out, strong arms catching him before he could hit the ground.

And here's a knife my helpless victim,
And I'll place it in your gut.
And we'll take a cup o' poison yet,
For auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my victim,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' poison yet,
For auld lang syne...

Harry tried to tilt his head back to see who had him, but it seemed as if he was completely detached from himself, his body unwilling to cooperate with his fuzzed mind.

~~ ~~ ~*~

It had been all too easy, well not easy, but with cunning and a well laid plan everything had run like clockwork. He knew Harry would check his food and drink, had noticed the Gryffindor start the habit in his fifth year, and so had waited until the Dark Lord had distracted his young lover's attention away from his drink. Watching Voldemort take possession of Harry's lips and thrust against the slim body to make Harry moan had nearly been Severus' undoing, he had almost stolen Harry away then and would have most likely forfeited his life. He had never realized that having a soulmate would effect him so badly, perhaps if he had known he wouldn't have gotten himself stuck under the mistletoe when he realized Harry was coming down the hall. It had been a foolish impulse, but it had gotten him that heavenly kiss and so much more. Only he had blown it, but he was willing to set things right and save Harry from the Dark Lord. Cradling Harry against him, Severus activated the hardened tear he had charmed to be a portkey.

Normally portkeys wouldn't work from Riddle Manor, but the tear was Harry's and was saturated with his power, the strange power that was unlike that of other wizards and had allowed him to pass through Hogwarts wards.

Severus never saw the sharp eyes of his Master flash to them right before the portkey activated, never heard the scream of loss and rage that issued from Tom Riddle's throat as he realized what was happening. It was a scream that immediately sobered the festivities going on around him and rudely shocked the Death Eaters into a less inebriated state as they struggled to discover what had displeased their Lord and try to keep from being cursed for no apparent reason.

~~ ~~ ~*~

Harry couldn't sleep even though Severus' arms were wrapped protectively around him. It had been disorienting to wake up like this and after piecing together what must have happened Harry had almost considered slipping away from Severus and going back to Tom. But lying there had eased some of the constriction that had been banding about his chest for the past week. Harry knew this relaxed state wouldn't last though. Over the past few days he had done his research on soulmates and mistletoe-discovered soulmates and was now damning himself for ever pulling the prank.

Normally finding a soulmate didn't produce any problems as any bonds were dormant until specifically activated. When he had kissed Tom and Severus beneath the mistletoe it hadn't only alerted them to the fact that they were soulmates, but had activated the latent bonds between them. Even between soulmates these bonds weren't often activated due to the constant need to be in the presence of one's soulmate for the first few months. Thankfully the need would lessen overtime, but until then it was an intense pull, intense enough to make a person physically ill if separated from a soulmate for too long. The illness had affected Harry more quickly than was normal as well because his connection with Tom was amplifying the loss he was feeling from his bond with Severus. Harry cursed himself again for not researching more about the mistletoe.

Now, he needed to find a way to get both his soulmates to accept each other and their places in his life or they would all end up dead as the bonds frayed and eventually snapped. Once found and the bonds activated, soulmates could not survive without each other for long unless they had something to ground themselves with. The only instances ever recorded of a person living beyond the death of a soulmate had been when there were children involved, and then the survivor of the bond only lived long enough to see the children grown enough to be capable of taking care of themselves. The survivor was usually found to have committed suicide or just allowed themselves to fade away in order to join their soulbond in the next world. It wasn't a pretty thought to contemplate and Harry was already feeling stretched far too thin. It wouldn't be too long before movement became impossible for him, his ends of the bonds were deteriorating that fast, but he couldn't bring himself to move from Severus' arms. He was so comfortable here, even if he wasn't complete.
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