Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Beautifully Broken

Chapter Three: Barely Stuttered Out A Joke Of A Romantic

by falloutbaby89

We see things in Patrick's POV

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-12-15 - Updated: 2007-12-15 - 2103 words

Sitting in the dark had never really been my favorite thing. Normally I would watch TV until my eyelids felt heavy and then I’d switch it off and go straight to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. But not tonight, I just couldn’t. I had too much going on through my head to even go to sleep. You’d think after the strenuous day I’d had today I’d be in la-la land, dreaming of sunshine and daisies. No, instead I was lying on my living room couch staring at the ceiling.

I heard the sound of the door unlocking and looked at it, wondered why the hell is he only here at one am. The lights switched on, which caused me to shut my eyes. I opened them again slowly only to see his head of dark brown hair and brown eyes stare right back at mine. A questioning look was plastered on his face.

“What the hell are you doing up so early in the morning, especially on the couch and not in your bed?” he asked as if it concerned him. I shrugged.

“Thinking,” I stated.


“Something.” He lightly sat on the glass coffee table in front of the couch I was lying on and raised his eyebrow.

“Something or someone?” damn, this kid could always read me. I sighed out loud.

“Someone,” I admitted. He grinned. Oh no, here come the twenty-one questions.

“Spill,” he demanded, as he made himself comfortable on the floor with a pillow under his ass.

“Come on Pete do we have to do this now?” I asked, trying to get away with telling him about her.

“No Patrick we have to talk now. I know you haven’t slept at all since you came back from the interview, even though you said you were tired. And in any case, what better way to use my insomnia than to listen to what you are thinking?” I had to admit he had a point. Pete’s insomniac ways would lead him to wake me up in the middle of the night and tell me about a song he had just written.

“Ok fine, I’ll tell you,” I gave in, “but you can’t tell Joe and Andy because I know I won’t hear the end of it,” I warned him. He nodded eagerly.

“I won’t say anything,” he assured me. For some reason, I had a feeling he would tell the guys when he’d see them. He normally does.

“Remember that twenty-first we performed at two nights ago?” I asked him. He nodded, signaling I should go on. I exhaled loudly. “Well I bumped into her when I went to go get a drink, which I didn’t get thanks to your impatience,” I looked at him. He rolled his eyes.

“Trick just stop going off the tangent and tell me already,” he whined. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

“I don’t see why I have to tell you, it’s not like it’s going to influence your life in any way.” I for some reason tried to avoid telling him about her. There was something about her that wanted me to keep her a secret, but in a good way.

“Patrick are you feeling alright? Since when don’t you want to tell me about a girl you met? It is a girl right?”

“No shit Sherlock I did say I bumped into her, not him!” I wanted to smack him upside the head but that would make me have to get up, which wasn’t an option because I was so comfortable.

“Hey I just wanted to make sure. Well there are only two reasons why you wouldn’t want to tell me about her: a, you’re scared that I’d want to meet her because she actually has a mole the size of Mount. Everest or because she is too special to talk about which would be weird because you’ve only seen her once,” he looked at me in the eye.

“Actually…” I muttered.

“Once again I say; spill,” his eyes were beady and he shifted closer to me as if I was going to whisper.

“I kinda saw her again yesterday,” I bit my bottom lip. 1…2…3

“You what? When? We were doing interviews and shit the whole day yesterday.”

“She works at that record store two blocks from here. I went there yesterday during the hour break we had between the AP Magazine and Spin,” I informed him. He opened his mouth in shock only to close it again as quick.

“That’s why you were late! And to think I actually thought something bad happened to you because you’re never late! Psht.” He playfully punched my arm. Oww.

“Yeah we started talking and I lost track of time,” I shrugged.

“And what did you guys talk about?” Ok now he was getting nosey.

“Stuff that really doesn’t concern you,” I furrowed my eyebrows. What, did he really expect me to tell him about her ass that I was unintentionally looking at? Ok not a good time to think about that Patrick, we don’t want Pete to see little Trick wake up. I shifted uncomfortably a bit. Luckily Pete didn’t notice.

“Okay fine you don’t have to tell me. But please tell me you did ask her out,” he said pleadingly. Someone please tell me how this would influence his life?

“Yeah I did. We’re going out this Friday night. You’ll probably see her cause we’re gonna go right after the Conan performance.”

“Aren’t you gonna be stinky? You do know you sweat like a dog when you’re onstage,” he looked at me squifly. I looked at him in a deadpanned manner. This time I actually lifted up my hand to smack his head.

“What the hell was that for?”

“For being stupid!” I chastised him. He rolled his eyes ignorantly. “Of course I am going to shower before we leave dimwit. I invited to her come watch us play, then we’ll get going on with our date and then after that I’ll take her home,” I informed him, only to get a silent “oh”.

“Sounds good,” he nodded. We sat in a few seconds of silence and I could see he wanted to ask something.

“Just ask me Pete,” I sighed.

“So what does she look like?” he blurted out. Damn, I saw that question coming.

“She’s hot as hell!” I blurted. “She’s got olive skin, almost like yours but better,” he made a little sound with his lips. I continued. “Brown hair that goes under her shoulder blades, brown eyes that represent the best chocolate ever. She’s got amazingly full lips with a cute small pout. She’s a tad bit shorter than me with an amazing body, not to mention the as…stounding beauty,” I let out the breath I was holding and corrected myself before I said something about a specific part of her body. Never in my life had I had such thoughts entertain my mind. Bad Patrick.

“Wow, she does sound hot. I’m happy for you man, it’s about time you got yourself a girl. You were starting to become a distraction whenever Ashlee came by,” he smirked. I lightly punched his shoulder and chuckled.

“Thanks for only letting me know now, Pete.”

“Always a pleasure. Well I’m pretty beat now so I’m gonna go sleep,” he said while getting up, stretching in all his glory. I might as well also go to bed.

“Yeah I’m also gonna go.” I got up off the couch and made my way to my room.

“Have sweet dreams about her ass, but control yourself,” he called out. I could hear him smirk. I knew he’d figure I almost talked about it, he always hears the wrong things.

“Fuck you,” I flipped him off. He laughed as he shut his bedroom door.

Oh dear

Yep, I was right. Pete couldn’t even wait until the night of my date with Lynn until he told Joe and Andy. Hell, it had only been less than forty-eight hours when he told the guys.

I was woken up by the sounds of Joe’s laughter and decided to make my way to the kitchen. Just as I had entered I knew it had to be about me, thanks to Joe who laughed only louder and pointed at me. I then looked at Pete who had his back to me while cooking. Wait, since when does Pete cook?

This had been going on for the past hour and a half. We were still sitting in the kitchen, me next to Joe trying to eat my breakfast peacefully. Joe would keep nudging me and then wink at me when I’d look at him. What a fool.

“You know Trick, you should ask Lynn if she has any nice friends,” he said, grabbing the pot of coffee and poured some in his mug.

“Oh so her name is Lynn? I was wondering when I’d get to know that little detail about her,” Pete said before I could say anything to Joe. He planted a smirk on his face as brought his mug of black coffee to his lips. Andy was busying himself in the fridge “looking” for something to eat. Yeah right, I could see he was trying to hide his smile.

“Yes her name is Lynn, Pete. Is there anything else you guys want to know about her?” I looked around at everyone. “And Joe, if you don’t stop nudging me on the side I won’t put in a good word for you with her friend.” He stopped nudging and kept his hands to himself.

“Okay I’ll stop,” he mumbled. I looked over at Andy who was still smiling and looking into the fridge.

“Andrew,” he snapped at the mention of his full name. I grinned. “There’s nothing vegan appropriate in the fridge, you finished it all the last time you were here and neither Pete or I are vegan. I love my meat,” he grimaced when I said that. “Get your head out of it!” he huffed and crossed his arms against his chest.

“Well excuse me, I seem to be the only who’s not making fun of your almost outburst about your girlfriend’s ass. So I’m trying to do you a favor here,” he paused and looked at Joe. A smirk crawled on his face. This can’t be good. “So Joe, have you met this Lynn?”

Joe, who was looking down at his phone, snapped his head up and grinned. “Oh yeah,” he answered him and nodded eagerly, “she was the birthday girl at the party we performed at when we came back. She really is hot; I don’t blame Trick for fantasizing about her ass. It’s there all right,” he smirked. I smacked the back of his afro covered head. “Oww you schmuck!”

“Thanks you jackass!” I retaliated. “And in any case why is everybody making fun of me? Whenever Joe gets a new girlfriend no one ever makes fun of him and he’s the youngest!”

“Well that’s because it’s in Joe’s nature to talk about a girl’s ass, even though most of the girls he’s dated hardly had anything for him to hold on to-” Joe interrupted Pete with a “hey” but Pete continued as if he wasn’t, “whereas you wouldn’t know how to speak dirty even if someone gave you a manual.”

“I can so speak dirty!” I riposted.

“Uh huh, sure,” Pete mocked me.

“What, would you want me to prove it to you?” I crossed my arms. He nodded. I raised my eyebrow, “you’re joking right?”

“Duh, I don’t need you speaking dirty to me. I got Ashlee to do that,” he winked and joined in Andy and Joe’s laughter. I just smiled and shook my head in amusement.

“So…” Joe started while Pete put the dishes into the sink, “you say Lynn has a hot friend eh? Is her ass as great as Lynn’s?”

I groaned and dropped my head onto the kitchen counter with a loud bang. I could feel everybody’s eyes on me. Then someone laughed, I guessed Andy since I knew all their laughs.

It was gonna be a long day…
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