Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My Heart Is the worst Kind Of Weapon

Chapter 11: I sing the blues and swallow them too.

by dasiaRAWR 4 reviews

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Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-12-16 - Updated: 2007-12-17 - 1755 words

"What's up with you?" Renee asked on our way to Algebra. I haven't exactly been a happy camper and usually I would tell Renee everything, but what would she know. Her life is fine. She has her boyfriend, good grades, and happy parents. Nothing against Renee, but lately I envied her.

She continued to ask me until Max appeared. Now her full attention was on him and I was glad. Nate ended up coming to school late. So that meant, he would have detention and he would come home late from soccer practice. That made me some-what happy, being he despises me all of a sudden. Before he was just your typical big brother jerk, but now, he ust think he's tooo good to even waste his time on me. If only I could understand why. It's not like I drove our father away. Mom did.

"Ms. Stewart, Where's your assignment?" Mrs. Morris, my algebra teacher, asked. I looked around the class at my peers. They were waiting for me to hand in my homework. "I don't have it." I mumbled low. Renee looked in my direction concerned while a couple of kids giggled. "Excuse me" Mrs. Morris said. I rolled my eyes. "I don't fuckin have it." I say looking out the window. The class got quiet and I knew it was because of me. Mrs. Morris walked back to her desk, slamming the books, trying to get the attention of the class. I loked back at her.
She stared back, disappointed. Which wasn't much of a surprise. I disappointed most people in my life. "She has it." Renee speaks up. I turned to her, surprised.
She went into her book bag in pulled out the work that was due. Mrs. Morris walked up to her and grabbed the paper, examning it. "Ms.Jeffries, Why do you have Dasia's homework?" she asked. Renee frozed. Renee was in over her head. "Because I left it at her house yesterday." I say looking Mrs. Morris in the face, "I went over her house and forgot it." Mrs. Morris looked at the both of us and walked back to her desk, continuing her lesson.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Renee let out a deep breath. She wasn't used to having to lie to teachers, or anyone in general.
The Bell ranged eventually. I got up, shoving my books in my bag. Renee was already at the door waiting for me.
"Sit, Ms. Stewart." Mrs. Morris instruct while erasing the board. I glanced over to Renee who didn't know what to do.
"She'll see you at your locker" Mrs. Morris tells Renee. Renee walked off unsure and I sat back down in my chair.
"You know this is unacceptable" Mrs. Morris says sitting on the desk in front of me. I looked away. "You've missed every assignment for the past week and a half." she informs me.
"Well, I"ve been busy.' I lied. She ignored me. "I'm not the only teacher that has been getting no homework from you. If you keep this up, I guarentee, when June comes, you will not be going to the 10th grade."
I shrugged to myself. but I guessed she noticed. "Dasia, you have so much potential. Why are you wasting it?" she asks.
I didn't know how to answer. I mean, no one believed in me. I wasnt even sure if I was worth it. "You could do so much if you put your mind to it." I laughed. What could I possibly do that hasn't already been done by Nate.
"Why are you laughing?" she says with a stern voice. I became serious again. "Look, I'm sorry" I said just to shut her up. She got up. "Ok, since your so sorry", she says handing me a bunch of papers."I want you to make up these homeworks you missed and not have Renee cover for you.". I stared at her in disbelief. "I don't know how to do this" My voice getting louder. "Just give it a try and I'll be happy. If you would put as much effort in your school work as you do with all your drawings, you would be able to do soo much."I grabbed the papers and threw them in my bag with the rest of my stuff.
I walked out without another word. The school was empty with the excpetion of the jocks who had practice and their girlfriends who watched patiently. Renee left and I couldnt blame her. Who would want to stay in school after hours.
I opened my locker, putting the books randomly in. I looked down at the algebra one, thinking. I closed my locker, placing the algebra book back in my bag with the accompanying homework.
I walked down the hallway towards the main entrance when Nate and his friends came out of the locker rooms. One of them, being Pete. Nate continued walk, without glancing in my direction. Pete gave him a curious look and then smiled at me. Once Nate, was far enough, he walked over.
'Hey" he says trying to keep up with my pace. I wasnt in the mood to talk to anyone. Especially Pete, the most oblivious guy on the face of the earth. I know I haven't exactly flirted with him. But I wondered how freakin long would it take him to catch on to the fact that the only reason I even spend time with my brother was to be in his presence.
"Well, I'm the lead singer of the band....for good.' he tells me. I stopped. My mind was elsewhere, but I tried my hardest to give him some of my attention."Your walking by yourself. Just wait for Nate and all of us."
I stared at him.I tried to smile, but it was forced.
"Pete, Let's go!" Nate yells from the field. We were in school parking lot. I looked down.'You don't want to keep them waiting."

Pete's Pov
What did she mean by that? I don't want to keep them waiting. She looked at me, obviously wondering why I was here. I even wondered why I was in front of her, telling her anything. Nate called after me again. This time, the rest of the guys were getting restless. I turned towards them, but resisted. I looked back at Dasia, who rolled her eyes. I knew now what she meant. I must look like a puppet to the other guys. But I wasn't.
She began to walk off, when I called for her. I heard a couple of guys from the field, suck their teeth. She turned back around, "What!?" Like Nate, she hid her feelings well, and I hated that.They either hid them or completely shut everyone out. Like they've been doing a lot recently. It makes me so curious. "We're gonna start the game without you"one of the guys yell. I shrugged my shoulders to dasia and jogged off to the guys. I knew she was annoyed.
By the time I was on the field, it seems everyone was split into teams already. I was on Nate's team, as usual.
Once I was by them, Nate hit me on the chest. "What was that about?" He asked with a little accusation in his voice. "I told her I was lead vocals." I explained.
He could've cared less."For?"
"My band" I tell him. He shook his head, irritated. 'Big fuckin deal!" he says. I swallows hard, holding back from replying.
Nate explained the drill we would be running. But me, I wasn't paying attention. I don't know why, but my eyes followed Dasia as she walked the parking lot. "Pete" Nate says, but I didn't hear him. HIs eyes followed mine and saw who I was staring after. dasia."Did you fucking hear me?" He shouts. I replied yes even though it wasnt true. We walked to the center of the field and took position. I looked around wondering what we were doing. But suddenly coach blew his whistle. We were doing suicides, running up the field then backwards down. I did it with no problem. He blew his whistle again, and everyone shifted.
I looked around lost. "Pete!" Nate yelled frustrated. Suddenly the soccer ball was kicked my direction, and out of sheer luck, I managed to keep it in my possesion. I looked around the field for an open oppurtunity to pass. My footwork was good, but I couldn't focus. For some reason, I glanced at Dasia again. She was getting in a car with that Matt guy. He wasnt exactly the good influence. I kept trying to multi-task my way down the field. I kept looking at Dasia then the goal then Dasia again. I didn't want her to leave with Matt. But what's it to me? She's not my sister. Then again, I wouldn't want my little sister, Hilary, to be with him either. That's it! I was concern for her safety. nothing else.
I looked back up to see Robert running towards me with all his force. I had no time to react. He slammed me to the ground with all his might and stole the ball. I layed there, breathless. All I could hear was my teammates's comments. They were mad. I should've passed it to someone. No, I should've stayed focused.
I Got up, still trying to catch my breath. I looked over my shoulder to see that Dasia really did leave with Matt and suddenly I was angry.
Nate ran over to me. "What was that about?" I couldn't answer him. What was I going to say? That I was paying attention to his sister. No way. "Next time keep your eyes focused in the game." He says pushing me. "Instead of on my sister." I looked up, shocked. "Dude, I wasn't looking at your sister. I mean, come on. That's your sister" I defended. He stared at me for a minute. "Then what were you doing?" he asked. I thought for a moment. "She was with Matt, from 3rd period." His eyebrow raised. "The guy who always stoned." I shook my head unsure. I didnt know that. I just heard stories about him. But now, I really didnt want Dasia with him.
Nate laughed. "She found a deliquent like herself. Maybe they'll wed in a jail cell" he says running back to the others. I didn't think it was funny. It wasnt funny at all.
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