Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Million Sunsets, One Last Sunrise.

Chapter Three: Dream

by EvolHexx 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2007-12-19 - Updated: 2007-12-19 - 1281 words - Complete

Chapter Three: Dream

I walked silently through the streets of New Jersey, until I was met with a familiar sigh of an old cottage. I smiled.

“Home sweet, home.” I whispered.

Frankie groaning in pain, his bones were slowly healing. I grinned, entering the old cottage.
“Mikey...” I mumbled quietly to myself, the sun was about to rise. I quickened my pace down the dark hallway, stopping at an old broom closet. I smiled.

“Mikey, you were a genius.” I whispered, entering the broom closet carefully, I kicked the left wall and it squeaked as it opened reviling hidden stairs. I held Frankie close to me, kicking the door close once I enter.’ I walked silently down the stairs for a minute until I finally came into the clearing of a dim lighten room, I sighted.

“Frankie, were home.” I muttered quietly.

“Hmm?” He grumbled.

I chuckled quietly.

“Frankie, you can sleep in my room, I’m going to sleep in my brothers. Okay?”

“B-Brother?” He muttered.

I grinned, as a slight flashback of my brothers dying scream echoed in my head once again.

“Yeah, brother.”

I placed carefully onto my bed, tucking him in.

“Good night Frankie.” I whispered, I turned to depart when suddenly Frankie’s hand reached out, taking hold of shirt.

“Stay.” He whispered.

I bit my lip. I couldn’t stay.

“I- Frankie. You need your rest.”

He’s face fell. “Please, I. I- don’t want to be alone.” His voice broke.

I sighted.

“Ehh.” I began.

“Its okay, you don’t have to.” His voice came to a silent whisper.

I ran my hand threw my hair in frustration.

“Fine.” I mumbled.

His eyes lit up, I grinned seating myself on the floor next to him. “Lie down, and sleep.” I snapped harshly.

Frankie obeyed. He shut his eyes, breathing in deeply.

I smiled.
He looked even more beautiful when he sleeped.

“W-What’s your name?” He asked, as he began to slowly drift away into slumber.

“My names Gerard Way, Frankie.”

He smiled, as he slowly drifted away in slumber.
I stood, stretching. The sun had risen.
I chuckled quietly to myself, as I watched Frankie’s chest rise and fall.
He would sleep for a week, until his body finally died, then he would rise and I would teach him everything he needed to know, about being a vampire. I smirked. “Your going to be a handful aren’t you?” I asked him quietly, laughing to myself.

I stroked his cheek, I leaned in giving a quick kiss on the forehead.

“Thank you Gerard Way.” He whispered.

The head rushed to me face. ‘HE WAS AWAKE!’ I blushed.

”You little bastard.” I mumbled to myself. He chuckled.

I quietly left the room, shutting the door.

”Fuck.” I sighted loudly. “I think I’m in love with this kid.”



I ran as fast as I could, trying my best to keep up with Gerard. I breathed heavily. “MIKEY!” he shouted.

‘Who was Mikey?’ I questioned myself, I ran faster until we reached a hilltop. I came to a stop.

And there, a pail young man stood. Gerard threw himself at him. Screaming his name, he was pushed away firmly.

“Gerard!” I tried to yell. I was mute. I couldn’t speak. I rushed to his side, he couldn’t see me.

“Gerard, leave it will kill you also.” The boy called Mikey yelled. Turning towards the rising sun.

“If you die Mikey, then I’ll die also by your side.” Gerard yelled, Mikey shot him a glare.
Unexpectedly, Mikey reached out pulling Gerard into a tight embrace.

“I can’t live like this anymore, please. Let me die.” Mikey’s voice broke.

My mouth opened in pure horror. ‘No! Don’t die!’ I tried to yell.

Suddenly Mikey turned towards me, Smiling.

I froze. ‘Can you see me!?’ I yelled.

Mikey smirked turning toward the now crying Gerard.

I observed Mikey; he was pail just like Gerard. He wore his hairstyle scruffy and spiked, with a small short fringe coming down his left side of his face. His eyes, bright blue. He worse glasses, that suited him quite well.

I felt the heat rush to my face, he was attractive.

“Gerard—” Mikey whispered. “I’ve watched a million sunsets, but this time I think, I’ll want one last sunrise.” He smiled warmly at Gerard.

I felt the tear’s begin to form in my eyes. ‘Don’t die!’

“Go now.” Mikey muttered sadly. Gerard turned towards the sun one last time.

“Mikey, I think one day I’ll watch the sunrise also.” Gerard turned, towards Mikey. “Good bye brother.” Tears drizzled down his cheeks, as he turned rushing for shelter.

‘Gerard!’ I screamed after him. ‘Don’t leave me!’ I whispered. Tear fell from my eyes, I turned towards Mikey, he eyed me warmly.

“What’s your name?” He asked me, turning towards the rising sun once more.

”F-Frankie.” I mumbled threw a song.

“And Frankie, why are you crying?”

“I-I’m alone.” I whispered as I held in a loud sob.

“No your not. I’m here.” Mikey turned to face me, smiling warmly.

Without thinking, I ran towards him. Embracing him, sobbing harder.

Mikey chuckled, as he returned the hug.

“Frankie, will you watch the sun rise with me, for the very last time?”

I smiled, looking up towards him.
I felt so childish.

“Thanks.” He whispered.

Mikey wrapped his arm my waste, holding me close to him. The sun began to peek over the hills, he flinched.

“Are you okay?!” I asked concerned, he smiled down upon me.


I returned the smile, and watched as the sun began rise.
This was the end. Mikey was going to die. I had to stop it somehow.

I leaned my head against his bare chest, he chucked. I looked towards his neck, he wore a silver chain with a star attached to in, I grinned.

“Gerard gave me that.” He whispered, I lifted my hand tracing the star, with my finger.

“Its beautiful.” I whispered.

He tightened his grip around me, I looked up towards him. His flesh began to darken, the sun was burning him.

“Mikey!” I reached out, stroking his cheek.

“Frankie.” He placed his hand on top of mine. ”I want you to have this.” Mikey handed me his necklace, closing it firmly into my hand. “Put it on.” He smiled, I obeyed clipping the necklace around my neck, I held the star in my hand for a moment.

“Thank you.” I whispered, the tears began to form.

Mikey held me in an embrace for a moment, we broke apart.

The sun had risen half way, Mikey yelped as his skin began to blacken I gasped.

“Run Frankie, Don’t turn back no matter what you hear.”

I nodded. I took one last look towards Mikey, he smiled. “Run.” He whispered.

I turned, and began running. Tear drizzled down my eye’s as I quickened my pace.

I ran forward, never looking back.

After moment of running--
I heard it.
A screaming roar of pain, Mikey was burning. He was dying.

The screaming had lasted forever it seemed, I breathed heavily as I gasped for air.
The screaming had finally come to an end.
Mikey was dead.

“MIIKKKEEEYYY!” I screamed.

I shot up, covered in cold sweat. I screamed hysterically, my throat burnt. I gasped for air. I calmed myself.

“Just a dream, just a dream!” I assured myself, I looked down toward my chest.

And there, the silver chain with the star charm lay.
It wasn’t a dream.
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