Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Million Sunsets, One Last Sunrise.

Chapter Two: Save Me.

by EvolHexx 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-12-18 - Updated: 2007-12-19 - 846 words - Complete

Chapter Two: Save Me.

The boys father, walked towards me. A tall man he was.

“And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?!” He screamed loudly at me, his breath smelt of drugs and vodka.

I eyes him in disgust.

“I’m your worst fucking nightmare.” I spat.

The boys father walked towards me, his friend accompanied him.

He snorted.

“He’s my son, I can do what the fuck I want with him!” He warned.

I eyed him darkly.

“I thought you said—He’s no son of yours.” I mocked.

The boys father grinded his teeth in annoyance.

“Who are you and what do you want?” The boys father’s friend asked.

“My names Gerard Way, and what do I want? I want you to leave that kid alone.” I snapped.

The boys father snorted. “Back off cunt!”

I lifted my eyebrow. “Cunt?” I bit my lip, repressing my anger.

“Yeah, that’s right CUNT! Back off!” The boys father pushed me roughly.

I grinned. “Touch me again, and I’ll make sure you have no fucking hands to screw yourself with!”

That had done it.

The boy’s father had charged himself towards me, his fist held high. He brought it down upon me quickly, I smirked catching it in-between my left hand, I slowly began to crush his hand slowly. He yelped in pain, as his finger began to snap. He started screaming hysterically.

“You asked for it.” I whispered, twisting his wrist snapping the bone, he screamed as he dropped to his knees.

“If it wasn’t for your son, I would have beaten your fucking filthy ass right here.” I yelled angrily, smirking as his friend had taken off, he looked at me. “I’ll never forget this.” He warned.

I laughed. “Good.” I whispered, as he gathered himself up and fled. I watched as he ran, soon disappearing down another alleyway.

I walked towards the bleeding boy. I reached out, touching his forehead, it was soaked in blood. I held my urge to attack him. I grinned, death was approaching his soon.

“What is your name?” I asked kindly.

He turned his face towards me, my eye widened. He was even more beautiful close up.

“F-F” He paused, he was caught in my gaze.

I looked away.

“F-Frankie Iero.” He whispered, his voice filled with pain. He was suffering.

I nodded.

“Frankie Iero— Are you aware that your dying?” I mumbled.

He nodded, groaning it pain.

‘I want to save him.’ I thought to myself, my heart aced.

“I-I” He coughed, blood.

I silenced him.

“Frankie, do- Do you want to live?” I asked him.

He eyed me curiously, he nodded.

I grinned, I would give him the choice I, and Mikey never had.

“Frank, would- I know you don’t know who I am. But, would you like, to live forever?” I whispered.

His eyes widened.

“Do you?” I mumbled.

It wasn’t long until he finally died, he needed to answer quickly.

Tear ran down his cheek. “Yes.” He whispered, through a sob.

I smiled.

“Frankie, once I give you this gift. You can never die, I know what may sound amazing but trust me. Its hell. You’ll watch everyone you care about, grow old and die. Yet you yourself will stay the same. You’ll live a life of secrecy, and darkness. Do you want this?” I questioned him.

He look a while to answer I smiled, he was really thinking about this.

“Yes.” He whispered through a sob.

“Okay.” I smiled down upon him.

I leaned in closer towards him. “This is going to hurt Frankie.” I whispered.

He nodded.

I was centimeters away from his lips. “Do you trust me?” I asked.

“Y-Yes.” He voice broke. He was dying.

I turned his head, so his neck would be reviled. The smell of his blood was driving me crazy.

I placed my lips on his neck, I felt my fangs expand. I bit down, Frankie yelped. I pushed my fangs down harder.

Until suddenly, a warm liquid gushed into my mouth. I swallowed, an electric current suddenly passed through us both. I continued to drink.

And then, without warning. Frankie’s lips met my neck, he bit down.

I was dump struck, this had never happened when I had turned Mikey.

We lay there, for hours it seems. I drank his blood, then he reclaimed it. A continues rhythm, until we both stopped half way in between feeding.

I gasped, as I looked down upon Frankie.

His wounds had already begun to heal, his face was already beginning to whiten itself. He looked up towards me, in pure horror.

“Don’t be afraid.” I comforted him, I stood taking him in my hands bridal style. “Sleep.”

I felt him cuddle against my chest, I smiled beginning the walk home.

‘What just happened?’ I though to myself—

I froze suddenly, as it had hit me.

My creator had explained this to me—

My jaw dropped.

“Eternal Mates.” I whispered to myself.
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