Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampire Falling

Chapter 2

by PsychoticRockChick 0 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-12-30 - Updated: 2007-12-31 - 1627 words

It was dusk when I arrived at the house, it was prettier than what I expected the large bay windows which seemed to extend around the whole house and the white picket fence quite casually around the property, I stopped the car at the entrance and got out slowly walked to the gate and pushing it open with ease, I slid back into the car and drove in, I sensed a feeling of privacy as soon as I stopped again there was someone outside the front door looking curiously at me, I shut the gate and quickly got back into my car as I slowly drove up to the house, I stared at her eyes and knew she was my mother’s oldest friend, the way she looked after herself as she stood there on pouch with her blonde hair flowing against the wind and her cherry red lips that were so plump with passion made her irresistible to any one even me, I slowly stopped outside the house and turned off the engine, I slowly got out and walked up to her
“Niomi?” she asked
“yes, you must be Monica” I replied which she nodded as she gave me a tight embrace
“welcome to my home” she said, I smiled
“its very beautiful” I replied as a few others came out the door
“everyone this is Niomi Calvin, her mother and I are very good friends” she said looking at the curious eyes, everyone nodded except for one who I looked at, he smiled and retreated back into the room, I stared in wonder as he turned away
“come in Niomi, I am Emma and your staying right next to me” said one girl. Whose hair was as red as fire, I nodded as I grabbed my bag from the boot and followed everyone inside, Emma quickly took my spare hand and quickly led me to the room,
“it has everything you need, but if you need something, I am sure I can help you” she said, I nodded
I sighed as I sat on the giant couch as Monica walked in
“something wrong?” she asked, I shook my head
“no just wondering what there is to do around here?” I asked which made Monica laugh a little
“ we usually go to and do the normal things humans do around here, there is a carnival tonight I thought you might like to go with everyone” she said, I smiled
“sure that would be nice” I replied as she touched my hair
“well let’s have something to eat and then go” she replied, I nodded as we walked down to the main room, where the boy I saw earlier was waiting, he smiled when he saw me which made me get butterflies in my stomach and if my heart would beat I am sure it would be going crazy right at that moment
“I am Frank nice to meet you” he said softly, I nodded as Monica looked at me and gently walked away
“Niomi” I replied as he shook my hand softly, he kept staring at me as Monica took my hand and smiled
“come on, dinner is served” she said as we walked into the dining room, I smiled when I saw my feast as we sat down and enjoyed it.
As we walked outside I could smell the fresh blood floating in the cool breeze, the scent was remarkable making my senses more aware of being with living company rather than the un-dead, It was truly desirable and making me feel like I was alive which is harder than it seems.
“So what do you think?” asked Monica as we walked into the carnival, I smiled and saw how happy everyone was, there smiles show more love and being alive than anything I could every see, I promised myself I wouldn’t get caught up in the scent provoking me to go wild with my temptation
“its beautiful, the colures are amazing” I replied making Monica laugh a little
“tempting isn’t it?” she asked as I stared off to a young man who was hitting the weights, his sweaty body making his scent more alluring to me
“very much so, but I think I can handle it” I replied with a smirk, she laughed and took one of her sons hands and ran off to the rollercoaster, I laughed to myself until I felt someone touch my hand
“would you like to go on the Ferris wheel?” asked Frank, I smiled and nodded as we walked to the ride, I glanced up at him
“so you live here?” I asked making him smile
“I thought you might notice I don’t look like everyone else, so casual and relaxed, I am on a holiday from New Jersey, just having some time with my family before the tour starts again” he said as he paid for the tickets, I nodded and looked around as we waited in line for out turn
“what about you? Why are you here?” he asked, I took a deep breath and looked at him
“my mother’s choice, she wanted me to hang out with my own kind and figure out some stuff I guess” I said looking away, Frank squeezed my hand a little
“well I am here for a few weeks I hope, so let’s enjoy it” he said, I nodded as Frank helped me onto the carriage, the man who was in charge of the ride smiled as he locked us in, I looked at frank who smiled more at me
“don’t worry they will let us out eventually” he said with a smirk, I giggled a little and gently felt a slight bump as the ride start and looked outside the cage
“So do you like it here?” he asked which made me jump and look at him
“I am beginning to like it” I replied making him smiled showing a glint of his white teeth which were immaculate, I smiled back
“what are you doing tomorrow?” he asked, I shrugged
“the night is young and since I don’t sleep, I think its easy to say nothing at all” I replied, he looked at me and gently took my hand
“how about a swim at our lake?” he asked, I smiled more and nodded
“sounds like I have something to do now” I replied as the carriage stopped at the top of the Ferris wheel, I looked out as far as we could see and then gasped
“it’s going to rain soon” I said, Frank nodded as he sniffed a little
“it’s going to be a huge storm” he replied, I smiled as I saw a little lightning off in the distance
“I think we should head back, people will think it’s strange to see vampires running around and having fun in such danger” he replied making me laugh.

As we got out of the carriage, Monica was waiting for us smiling profusely
“sounds like we are going to have a good night after all, what a great home coming present for you Frankie” she said making Frank groan
“mum don’t be like that” he replied making Monica make a face
“okay no more” she replied as everyone else seemed to just pop out from the crowd
“let’s go” she replied, everyone started to follow her, Frank took my hand as we walked through the crowd
“very busy and yet they don’t know they have about five minutes until they notice the storm” I said softly making Frank grab my hand tightly, shaking with laughter
“we better hurry up mum will get pissed if we are not with her when it hits” he said, I nodded as we walked a little faster, No one noticed as Vampires slipped through them, all they felt really was a cool breeze and that’s it, there memory wouldn’t think it was something dangerous floating by them, which was lucky for us, Frank kept smiled as I looked around out surroundings carefully
“what?” I asked, he smiled
“just wondering why you keep a look out, we are safe here” he said, I nodded
“I like to watch people go around in their normal life without feeling that there is danger in the world at all” I said, Frank looked at me and then looked away
“come” he said simply as we walked up to the house, Monica waiting for them on the porch
“ how much time does it take to get home” she asked a little angry, Frank shrugged and walked inside leaving Niomi with Monica
“I am sorry Monica it’s my fault” I said softly, Monica smiled and gently hugged her
“I didn’t mean to sound angry I just worried a little” she replied, I nodded and sat down on the porch and watched the clouds roll in with the lightning, Monica went inside as I looked above until something or should I say someone caught my eye, I looked down at the gate as a man jumped the fence and ran up to the porch
“hi” he said with a wide grin, I looked up at him
“hi” I replied as Monica came out
“Gerard how nice to see you again” she said and hugged him deeply,
“this is Niomi, a friends of mine daughter” she said looking at me, Gerard looked at me and smiled
“Nice to meet you” he said, I nodded and looked back at the clouds
“5,4,3,2,1” I said and it started to pour hard, Monica smiled
“very smart Niomi, Hey Frank Gerard is here” said Monica as Gerard sat down next to me

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