Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Interview With MCR

Part One of the Interview

by EmoParader 2 reviews

First part of the interview..Lots of funnies!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-12-31 - Updated: 2007-12-31 - 896 words

Part ONE

"Hello boys, how are you today?" asked the interviewer who we've yet to find out who she is.

"Bark!" went Frank.

"Why are you barking all of a sudden?" Mikey asked, giving Frank a weird look.


"Uhh, never mind. It just gets annoying."

"Yeah? Well I'm going to bite you in the ass." threatened Frank, growling at Mikey.

"I'd like to see you try." he retorted.

"Hello, I'm Gerard!" He beamed at the interviewer, sitting across from her and giving her his best and biggest smile ever.

"Goody two shoes." Frank coughed under his breath. But Gerard still heard that.

"Mind repeating that?" Gerard challenged.

"No no, never mind Love. Just don't worry about it." he answered, looking around the room.

All of a sudden Mikey started to giggle uncontrollably.

"And what are you giggling about?" Gerard glared at him, waiting for an answer from his little brother.

"I don't know. I think I had too much sugar last night!"

Frank gasped."You got into my candy stash, didn't you?!"

Mikey looked around the room."Not exactly."

"What d'ya mean 'not exactly'? You're looking around the room suspiciously!"

"No I'm not!" Mikey exclaimed, then proceeded to look around the room nervously.

"Shut up!" said Gerard.

Frank and Mikey both glared at him. They hated to be told to shut up.

"Hi people of the Earth!" Bob greeted the camera, trying his hardest not to hit and smash it into oblivion.

"Wait, what did I just miss?" asked Ray, shaking his head.

"Oh my God." Frank smacked his face. "You probably wouldn't understand any way, Afro Man."

"Don't even st-"

"OK!" the interviewer interrupted.

All of My Chemical Romance stared angrily at her. She cleared her throat.

"...As I was saying. How are you guys today?"

"Horny..." answered Frank.

"That's me!" Gerard agreed.

"I can't believe we're related." Mikey slapped his hand to his forehead.

"Ha ha sucks for you!" Bob taunted.

Mikey glared. "Yes it does." He changed to pouting.

"As to answer your question properly, we are all fine!" Gerard said happily.

"My afro suffered all this weekend. And now its Monday! NO!" Ray wailed.

"OH MY GOD IT'S MCR!!!" a random fan girl screamed.

"RUN!!!" all of MCR answered.

So they all ran away, and the interviewer sat patiently and waited for the childish, yet cute, band to come to their senses.

"Alright, I'm here!" I said, walking in."And I brought a friend. Come on Kali!"

"OK OK..Hey Amy, where's MCR?" she looked around curiously.

"Right there!" I said, pointing out the door.

"Ah!" Kali screamed, then ran out the door.

"Ha ha sucker." I shut and locked the door. "Alright guys, you may come out now."

And so all of MCR came out from hiding.

"Where's Bob?" Mikey asked.

"And Frank?" Ray asked after Mikey.

"And Mikey..and Frank..and Bob..and" Gerard looked around quizzically.

"Gerard, look in the mir-"

"SHUT UP!" the interviewer, once again, interupted. Mikey glared at her, still upset about the last time she interupted him.

They all stared at her.

"Now, answer the damn questions!"

"Well, try asking one!" Frank challenged her.

"Alright fine, have it your way." She cooled down.

"We're ready when you are..." Mikey promted.

"OK OK I'm ready now..Mikey, what do you think about communism?"

"????" went Mikey.

"That was a trick question. Now the real question!"

"What?" we all asked, surprisingly interested.

"What do you think of my new outfit?"

"You changed it!" exclaimed Frank, looking her up and down.

"Yeah! Last time we saw you, it was a tight black shirt and skirt...And there weren't any hooker heels!" Bob noted.

"Yeah! And now you're in a...thong and tights?" Gerard looked stunned. Heck, we all did at that moment.

"Yes! And when I'm through with you guys, you'll be wanting some too!" she said happily.

"Annnnnnnnnnnd CUT! Alright, commercial break!" the director shouted.

"Thank God!" we all cried.

"Can I change for a while now?" the interviewer asked politely.

" can I talk to you outside for a bit?" the director asked, already headed for the door.

They walk out, shut the door, and proceed to talk...or at least thats what we thought...I'm not too sure about all the noises coming from outside...

"Hey guys, what do ya think they're doing?" I wondered aloud.

"I don't know..but it sounds fun!" Mikey said, running towards the door.

"Ahh, no you don't!" Ray cried, picking Mikey up like a stick.

"Put me down!" he screamed, and hit Ray's afro.

"NOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!!!!" Gerard wailed.

We all raised an eyebrow...even Ray's 'fro."What?"

Just at that moment the director came back in, followed shortly by the interviewer.."All righty tighty, let's get back to work!" he said cheerfully as if nothing had happened.

"Alright, changed ma outfit." the interviewer said.

"What do you mean 'changed your outfit'? You have absolely nothing on!" I complained, a sudden urge deep down inside of me that wanted to beat her really hard into little tiny sparks.

"Yeah, and what's with the vocab?" Mikey questioned.

"Yeah..." Gerard looked at her strangely.

The interviewer started to sweat. "Uh uh uh..."

"Hey!" I pointed at her." SHE'S the one making the noises!"

"Guilty as charged, hehe." she said, raising her right hand. I only smirked.Until.....
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