Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Interview With MCR

Part Two of the Interview

by EmoParader 1 review

Part two..More people come in..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-15 - Updated: 2008-02-16 - 712 words

Part TWO
my POV

"Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd ACTION!" the director suddenly yelled without warning. We all sat down and stared at the camera.

All of a sudden, the door (that I thought I had locked) busted open..and in popped Kali. She was really really red.

"And WHO locked the door?!" she demanded.

They all pointed at me. "Amy! Amy did it! Not us!"

"And WHO hid when she told you to?"

The interviewer pointed at MCR. "They did! They did! Not me!"

"Was I talking to you?"

She huffed and puffed and then shut up..and she still didn't have any clothes on.

"Dude, you're interrupting our interview," Gerard said bluntly. Kali turned to face him, slowly, as to get her point across.

"Oh, I'm so sorry...Can I help?"

"Uh...that's not up to us. It's up to her," Mikey pointed at the interviewer.

"You mean the naked one with really bad hair?"

I cracked up laughing. I couldn't help it! I mean, how could she NOT recognize her own mom?!

"Uh, Kali? That's your mom," I said quietly. She turned beat red again.

"Oh. Sorry mom. But would you mind going away? You're disturbing me.."

"Oh fine! I was only on here to get to him any ways..." she pointed at the director.

With that, Kali's mom left. Thank. God.

I turned to the rest of MCR, and proceeded to ask questions.

"So, Gerard, what's your favorite thing to do when you're bored?"

"Well, I uh like to draw. And write songs."

"And he enjoys going on my space too!" Mikey blurted out. I looked at both of them before Kali asked one.

"Frankie, what do you like to do?"

"I play my precious guitar." He pulled out Pansy and started to strum.

"I meant in the dark. Do you cry? Do you fantasize? Do you think about ME?"

Frank dropped Pansy, who instantly shattered into millions of pieces, and proceeded to stare at her. A million thoughts ran through my mind.

"What she meant was do you think about your fans, miss home, and live in a fantasy world." I quickly covered.

He seemed to recover a little bit."Oh. Well um, no I don't live in a fantasy world, some times I cry when I miss Jamia, and um..will I get in trouble if I said I didn't think about my fans at night?"

"Yes, you would. FROM THE MILLIONS OF FANS WATCHING THIS!!!" Kali screamed.

Frank jumped back about a foot."Oh oh oh..well then, of course I think about my fans! Who wouldn't?"

"Thank you."

"No problem."

I turned to Mikey."Mikey, we've all heard that you only learned bass so that you could 'play in your brothers band.' But was that the the real reason? Or were you forced into it." I asked as slowly as possible, knowing that he'd had tons of sugar while on break and was still a little slow.

"Well uh...." he looked at Gerard, who only continued to stare in the mirror at himself. He leaned in closer to me."Yes." was all he whispered.

I gasped. "And why were you forced?"

"No no no! I meant 'yes' I only learned bass to play in my brother's band. I wanted to change the world.."

I scoffed. "Well you've certainly done your part...Do you know now many basses have been sold since you joined the band?"

He shook his head. "Um no. How many?"

"Too many to count, that's what."

"Oh...any more questions?"

"Frankie, you have beautiful eyes.." Kali said dreamily.

I cleared my throat. "Uh Kali? You're right in front of him. What are you feeling right now?" I knew what she'd say.

"I feel like I'm in heaven..and that any minute now he's going to take me by the shoulders and--Hey! You knew I was going to say that. Didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?!?!" She screeched at me. I smiled and nodded.

She got up, probably already planning on how to kill me when...

"CUT!" yelled the director. "Alright you two, take 5." He said, pointing at Kali and me. I saw the look in her eyes shrink down to the normal calmness they were.

You know? Some times it's really hard having a bipolar friend.
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