Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Interview With MCR

Part Three of the Interview

by EmoParader 0 reviews

Vampires and Werewolves were never meant to be together..Enjoy the randomness!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-18 - Updated: 2008-02-18 - 997 words

(My POV)

Kali and I walked out side and took out a cigarette each.

"You know, one day we're going to die because of this," I said sadly, holding my cigarette up and blowing out the smoke that was in my mouth.

"Yeah I know. So what? At least we'll die knowing that we finally met MCR!" she said happily, throwing her cig on the ground. "Are you finished with that?"

"Yeah, here." I gave her my cig and watched as she smoked it slowly, letting the smoke fill her entire body. Oh my, her body! How I wanted to--

"Amy? Are you alright? You kinda spooked me for a second!"

"What? Yeah I'm fine. What did I say?"

"Nothing, thats just it! Usually you say some thing when I smoke slowly."

"Oh. Well I'm sorry, I guess I didn't notice."


We stared awkwardly at each other for a while, until Mikey's popped out right in front of us. "It's time to go in!" he sang gayily.

"Ugh, Mikey! Don't sing!" We laughed at his pretend hurt face and walked inside with him, linking arms. We came in just as the director was saying for us to take our places. I quickly ran and sat down between Bob and Ray. Kali sat down next to Gerard and Frank. Ha! Figures.

"Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd ACTION!"

"Hello and welcome back to Midnight Watch: Interview with a group of vampires." I greeted the camera. All the guys smiled and then looked at me weirdly.

"Uh, I'd like to say some thing." Frank said.

"Yes?" we all asked.

"I'm not a vampire. I'm a werewolf."

"You traitor!" screeched Gerard, who then pounced on him and started to attack. Frank suddenly grew out a long snout like a dog and teeth to go with it and bit Gerard in the arm, who screamed and then proceeded to grow fangs and bit down on Frank's neck.

"Yeow!!!!" Frank screamed, twisting in agony.

"Alright. While Gerard and Frankie continue to play fight, let's move onto more....important things." I smiled. "Mikey! Who do you think should win tonight? The Green Bay Packers or the Dallas Cowboys?"


"Congrats Mikey! You've won my love!" I got up and hugged him. Meanwhile, Frank and Gerard were still fighting and I could tell Kali was getting nervous because her "lover" was obviously loosing.


"Yes Ray?"

"Shouldn't we stop Kali from killing Gerard?"

"WHAT?!" I looked at the fight, which was now consisting of Gerard and Kali, while Frank limped off to the nurse. "GET OFF HIM RIGHT THIS INSTANCE!!!" I lunged at Kali, drawing my fangs out and biting her in the back of the neck.

"YEOWS!!!!!!!" she screamed. She writhed under my power and as soon as Gerard ran off to the emergency room to fix his boo boos, I let her go.

"Amy! Why did you bite me? I though you LOVED me!!!"

"I do. But you can't kill my lo--I mean you can't kill the lead singer of My Chemical Romance! That's just unheard of!"

"Well he was gonna kill Frankie!"

I looked at her for a bit."....So?"

"YOU BITCH!!" She screamed, and then lunged at me, scratching and biting and mauling me to pieces.

"And so ends this fabulous chapter of the werewolf/vampire fights!" Mikey said happily, smiling and waiting for the director to yell CUT! so they could be done and go drink coffee and smoke. But it never came.

"Why won't you yell cut?" Mikey asked innocently.

"Because you still have 5 minutes of airtime before I'm allowed to even think about it."

"I hate you!" He crossed his arms and shrank back into the couch.

"How dare you say no to my Mikey!" screamed a woman. We all stopped and looked up as none other than Alicia Simmons came striding in, glaring and cursing at the director and the cast.

"Look lady, we only have another 3 minutes before we can take a break. Chill out will you?"

"No I will not 'chill out', will I Mikey?" Mikey shook his head and stuck his tongue out at the director.

"Oh really. And what are you gonna do about it?"

"Uh oh. You shouldn't have asked that dude!"

As if to answer to Mikey's statement, Alicia dove at the director, snarling and scratching and biting the shape of a cat.

"Dude, Mikey! You have a cat for a girlfriend? What kind of a werewolf are you?!" Ray and Bob exclaimed.

The director couldn't do anything to protect himself, as he was only human. Amy and Kali were fighting like a couple of dogs, except Kali was a werewolf and Amy a vampire. Frank was still in the nurses' office, and Gerard just got back from the hospital.

"Uh...What's goin' on here guys?" asked a very confused Gerard."And where's Frankie?!"

"Frank is still at the nurses' office. Meanwhile, us two are enjoying ourselves by watching these four people fight each other." answered Ray and Bob at the same time.

"OK, let me rephrase that: Why is Alicia attacking the director, and why is Amy fighting Kali?"

"Oh! The director said no to Mikey," Gerard gasped and muttered 'oh no' under his breath," so that's why Alicia's attacking him. Amy took your side in the Frank vs. You attack, so thats why Kali's attacking her. It's all very funny."

"Yes, it is."

"Um, excuse me, but it's time for a break!" yelled the Co. Director.

"OK thanks!" they all yelled, while they continued to fight and watch Amy kick Kali's ass.


Hey, sorry about the sucky chapter. I'm running out of ideas! So this is what I'm offering: first person to give me the greatest idea ever for the next chapter gets to be in it. Same goes for every chapter I can't think of. K? Please guys, I'm begging you!
falls on knees and cries

Emo Parader aka Amy Revenge
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