Categories > Cartoons > Xiaolin Showdown > The line between good and chase

A private chat with evil incarnate

by momo_is_juicy 0 reviews

chase probes deeper into kimiko's "shameful" past...

Category: Xiaolin Showdown - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Chase Young - Published: 2007-12-31 - Updated: 2007-12-31 - 364 words

As soon as Jack left, a heavy anxiety coated the room. "If you dont mind," I said spitefully "I'd prefer if you came right out with it." He seemed almost truly confused, but the light of mockery in his eyes let me know how he loved his games. "With what exactly Kimiko?" he mused "you think I came here to merely pester you?" My answer was spelled out in the thick silence that followed. He laughed, and his voice might have held a tinge of somber amusement, if that was possible. I edged closer to the high backed velvet chairs that sat close to the gloomy darkness of the unlit hearth. "Aren't you going to have a tantrum? demand I leave? tell me how your inner good is far superior to my dark games?" He seemed a curious mix of dissapointed and intrigued, like a child who's toy had broken as soon as it came out of the box. I scoffed "No, because I know that it would only prolong your visit." and with that I gently lowered my self onto a chair.
"Very well," He sighed, appearing in the chair opposite mine " So let me ask you, What is it that you wanted to hide?" My mind froze and I dug my navy blue polished nails into the thick red material. "We all have things we need to hide chase." I said, scrambling for a diverting topic "I seem to remember that you had a history with the xiaolin..."
He smirked "Yes, thats true." as he spoke his eyes slid to the fireplace, instantly it lit as if the spark that his gaze held had caught on the dry kindling."However, I openly admit to my origins while you wish to keep yours from even your most trusted allies." I frowned "damn it." I thought angrily. There was no distracting him, and the overwhelming guilt I felt for my secrecy was bearing down on me. One way or the other he would find out, Why not save a scrap of my dignity? Slowly my mouth opened and I inhaled the deep breath that would give life to the darkest mystery of my existence.
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