Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the Ghost of You

And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me

by TeamWentz17 0 reviews

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! I hope you liked this story!! Midnight kisses to all of you reading this story as well as my other ones!! Enjoy!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-12-31 - Updated: 2008-01-01 - 685 words - Complete

Erin's POV

"Eriinnnn," I heard, Gerard say.

"What?? Where am I??" I asked.

"The hospital. You're ok now," Gerard assured me.

"Where's my baby??" I asked.

Gerard's eyes stared at the ground. I could tell that I was about to hear some terrible news.

"They had to perform an immediate C-Section and you lost the baby," Gerard confessed.

No. No this couldn't have happened!! Not my brother and my baby!!

"Shhh," Gerard said, calming me down and petting my head.

I was sobbing so hard now. I thought my life was completely over. Then I saw Lindsey. She had been quiet over the last couple of months. Sure we'd talk here and there, but we've kind of had a void between us since Mikey died.

"C'Mere Linds," I said.

She looked-up, and a few tears fell. Lindsey slowly walked over to me, and I gestured for everyone to leave the room. They all nodded and they did.

"I-I'm sorry, it's just I miss your brother soo much and I was hoping that your baby would survive," Lindsey apologized.

"Ohh Linds, it's ok. I love you, girlie," I said, embracing my friend tight.

Lindsey then reached for something in her pocket. I was a picture of Mikey from his Senior Year of high school. I looked at it and smiled. My tears were still sliding down my cheeks, but it was a nice lift to all the trauma that I had just been through. Lindsey and I hugged again, then I asked her to get Frankie in here.

He meekly walked into the room and Lindsey left us alone. We stared into each other's eyes. He extended his hand out to me and I placed my hand in with his. Frankie then crawled into my hospital bed with me. I snuggled up to him and felt the warmth of his body, ease my fragile, newly cleansed body. He whispered that everything was going to be alright.

That's when he abruptly entered the room.

"David?? Frankie don't," I said.

Frankie got up from the bed and walked over to David. The two were staring straight into each other's eyes, full of rage and anger.

"Get the hell out of my girl's life," Frankie commanded.

David just laughed.

"And if I don't??" David asked.

"Then suffer the consequences," Frankie replied.

"OoOo I'm scareeeeed. Iero what are you gonna do?? Kill me with your guitar??" David said, in a sarcastic tone.

Frankie snickered, then sucker punched David to the ground. I gasped, but then started to laugh. Everyone then started to pile in as Frankie jumped ontop of David, beating the shit out of him. I didn't try to have Frankie stop. No no. This was entertainment.

Once some doctors came in to break-up the fight, David got up and yelled that he was over with my "shit" and stormed out of the room.


He came back in.

"WHAT ERIN?? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT??" David yelled, at me.

I gestured for him to get really close to me. Our lips were almost touching. I smiled, blew in his face, which pissed him off, but I grabbed onto his shirt collar and sucker punched him in eye.

"Geez woman!!" David yelled.


Frankie and everyone else had their jaws to the floor. David stormed out of the room and out of the hospital. I was panting with anger. My adrenline was pumping and I was enraged. I hated David soo much!! He was SUCH an asshole.

"Nice work, Erin," Gerard said, breaking the awkward silence.

I smiled and Frankie walked over to me. He kissed my forehead and sat down in the chair next to my bed. I had a feeling that nothing was going to be wrong anymore. I may have lost my first baby, but I still had the love of my life. Frankie Iero. My lover, my solider.

The End.
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