Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Comfortably Numb


by Kate438 0 reviews

"Paramedics..." One of the men said. "Where is the emergency?" Instead of talking Frank just started to walk toward the bedroom and the paramedics followed him.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-01-01 - Updated: 2008-01-02 - 1018 words

Frank ran back and forth from bedroom to the front window, watching nervously for the ambulance to arrive. Mikey had stopped shaking and was laying still on the floor. It scared Frank to see him so still after being so animated only minutes before. He could hear the sirens in the distance and prayed that they would hurry. He didn't know how much time Mikey had or if he even had anytime at all.

Frank remained at the window for the moment, watching the empty street, waiting for the ambulance to come into view. The sirens were louder now. He felt a wave of relief wash over him when he saw the bright flashing lights turn the corner and speed down the street, stopping in front of the apartment complex. He ran to the door, pausing a moment, to close his eyes and lean into the cold wood. Hadn't he been doing the same thing only five months earlier? He couldn't shake the sick feeling of deja vu from his mind. He could hear the paramedics charging through the hallway, the sound of their boots echoing off the walls. Frank opened his eyes and the door and was face to face with two men and a woman.

"Paramedics..." One of the men said. "Where is the emergency?" Instead of talking Frank just started to walk toward the bedroom and the paramedics followed him. He walked into the room and felt the people push past him and hurry to Mikey. Frank stood in the corner, his arms hanging limply at his side, not feeling compelled to speak or move. All he felt really was shock. It felt like a movie reel that was playing and he was just watching. This wasn't his life, it couldn't be. Things like this weren't supposed to happen to people like him and Mikey. This happened to people they didn't know, to people who were truly messed up. This wasn't his friend laying on the bedroom floor. He wanted it to end.

"Sir? Sir?" Frank's eyes focused in on the female paramedic. He turned his head to look at her.

"Yes?" He whispered. She gave him a sympathetic look and spoke.

"Are you riding with him in the ambulance?" She asked him. Frank looked past her and saw that the other two were had loaded Mikey onto a stretcher and were already wheeling him out of the room. He turned back to the woman and nodded his head. He knew that he couldn't drive and felt that he should remain with his friend. She gently took his arm and led his out of the room.

Frank kept his eyes on Mikey. He was pale and his hair was sweat soaked. He had on an oxygen mask and the paramedics had wrapped a blanket around his body. He held his gaze upon him until he was loaded into the back of the ambulance and Frank was led to the front seat. There weren't any sirens and they didn't really speed down any streets, which seemed odd to him. In seemed like an eternity before they had pulled into the hospital parking lot and he felt like everything went in slow motion as he followed Mikey and the rest of the paramedics into the emergency room.

The harsh white lights bothered Frank's eyes and all of the noise in the hospital overwhelmed his senses. He tried to stay focused on one thing at a time but couldn't. He knew that he was being led to a trauma room of sorts but that was it. He looked around him, noting that the paramedics were gone and had been replaced by doctors and nurses. There was plenty of commotion and he tried to make sense of what was going on. Tubes and wired were now everywhere and Frank could feel himself losing composure. The doctors were speaking but the words blended together and he couldn't make them out. He wanted someone to tell him what was going on.

"Are you his friend?" A voice broke him from his thoughts. A young man with a clipboard and pen stood next to him. He couldn't have been much older than Frank. He was dressed in blue hospital scrubs and his name tag hung crookedly from his pocket.

"Yes." Frank said quietly. The man nodded and continued to speak.

"I'm trying to get a history. Does he have any pre-existing medical problems?" Frank tried to think of any that he knew of.

"No-none that I know." The man wrote something on the clipboard.

"Is he taking any medications that you know of?" Frank paused a moment before continuing.

"He was taking Zoloft but I don't think he's taken it for quite awhile. "

"So he's had a diagnosed case of depression?" Frank hadn't really thought about it like that but he knew it was true. Frank nodded in agreement and the man wrote more thing on the clipboard. The man was speaking again but Frank wasn't listening to what he was saying. There was a great commotion and machines beeping wildly. People began to move in a more frantic manner and their voices became more intense. Frank turned to the man.

"What's happening? What's going on?" The man looked perplexed and he didn't answer him right away. Frank stepped forward, trying to get a better look, to hear better, anything. He felt a hand on his arm.

"You need to leave." It was that man again. Frank looked at him annoyed.

"What is going on?" Tell me what the hell is going on!" Frank could feel himself being led from the room. The noise of everything swirled around him and he felt like he was going to be sick. He tried to look at Mikey but his view was blocked by scrub clad people. Why wouldn't anyone tell him anything? He was being led through the double doors now and as they swung shut, the last thing he saw was a doctor holding a defibrillator and the sickening sight of Mikey's body jumping in the air as the shocks went through him.
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