Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > Aftermath


by Quillian 0 reviews

Quicksilver's POV...

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Quicksilver - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-01-23 - Updated: 2006-01-23 - 894 words

DISCLAIMER: See the Prologue.



Pietro Maximoff normally did several things fast with his super speed, including eating. It never led to digestive problems like with most other people, human or mutant.

However, this particular morning, he was deep in thought, just like every other morning he'd been here at the Institute since he moved in with his father and sister.

As he sipped his orange juice and gazed out the window, he just kept thinking about three other people who had once lived in the same house with him and Wanda.

Hey guys, how's heaven? Enjoying a nice big breakfast buffet in the sky, Fred? Snacking on insects in some divine garden, Todd? Playing a guitar instead of a harp, Lance?

Pietro silently thanked his friends for the umpteenth time for being his friends while they were still alive, especially after some of the things Pietro had done and gotten away with.

Looking back on it now, Pietro could only think one thing to himself:

What the /hell were you thinking, Quicksilver?/

Pietro had come to the conclusion that if someone videotaped him doing all the crap he'd done and gotten away with, he wouldn't have been able to last even ten minutes without trying to get out of watching it.

Why did Pietro do all that? He was immediately able to answer his own question.

Simple. Because you thought you could get away with it.

Knowing this, Pietro understood better why Stryker, Trask, and Kelly did what they did, apart from their obvious hatred of mutants: Because they thought they could get away with it.

Not that knowing and understanding why they did it makes what they did any less of a crime...

Still, the whole incident helped put Pietro in perspective; he just wished it didn't involve all the death in fighting to make him see otherwise.

That knowledge would always stick with him the same way that bullet would always stay stuck in his back. (There was no way for Jean, Kitty, or even his own sister or father to use their respective powers to remove it without causing terrible permanent damage, although Pietro silently thanked them for at least considering the possibilities.)

Pietro's gaze then moved from the window to his sister, sitting next to Kurt. Both of them kept stealing glances at the other when they thought the other wasn't looking. A few months ago, Pietro would have been immaturely disgusted by the idea of the demonic-looking mutant being with his sister, but now, after all they had been through (Wanda especially, what with getting her memory back and all), he was glad that his sister had such a gentleman as a boyfriend.

He was also glad to know that even after all that had happened, his sister still loved him and cared for him. If her threatening him not to die on her after getting shot multiple times didn't prove it, then Pietro didn't know what did.

Pietro had a new group to be with, he had his father and sister... he was also sure that he had his mother with him, somewhere nearby although not in the physical sense. He was pretty sure that his mother was looking out for him from the great beyond, and that she had helped save his life that night.

Thanks, Mom.

So much was lost, including friends of Pietro's... but to have gained acceptance among the X-Men and his father, whom he had frequently fought with and had not gotten along with respectively, was certainly nothing to sneeze at, either.

After all that had happened, Pietro managed to have a lot more faith in Xavier's dream, since it was now a lot more possible that before. His new faith in Xavier's dream of a peaceful future between humans and mutants was also reinforced after just sitting down and talking with the professor himself one afternoon. After what was actually minutes but seemed more like hours, Pietro could see for himself why his father was friends with Xavier.

At first, Pietro had also been worried about fitting in with the X-Men - and why wouldn't he be, especially after how he fought with them and antagonized them from time to time? - but this new opportunity for a better future had helped everyone put aside their past grudges and start fresh. There was certainly more strength in unity than in discord.

And to top it all off, Pietro was able to try and start over with his father, who he had almost never gotten along with in the past. Both father and son had much more in common than either realized at first, or would have been willing to admit. It was only after both of them realized what they had lost and nearly lost that both of them realized how much they loved each other as the family members they were.

Yup... after everything that had happened, Pietro "Quicksilver" Maximoff would have to have been the biggest fool in the universe to not realize all he still had and be thankful for all of it.

After finishing up his breakfast, Pietro found some renewed energy within himself, and took off to run some laps through the forest behind the Institute.

A/N: Well, I just hope I did this one okay.

Next chapter coming up soon... -Quillian
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