Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My Beautiful Rescue

If Lovin' were easy it wouldn't be Love

by TeamWentz17 0 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-01-03 - Updated: 2008-01-04 - 409 words

Rylie's POV
We had the night off and so all of us went out for a night on the town. We were currently in Chicago, Illinois, a personal favorite of mine. Andy and I were holding hands and we were just walking down Michigan Ave. I loved being with him. He was SUCH an amazing boyfriend.
"Hey Andy and Rylie, we're stopping at Starbucks, ok??" Danny announced.
"Yes sirrrr" Andy replied.
Andy was always calling Danny "sir". It was funny. I guess that's the price he pays for being a newbie.
They may have wanted some Starbucks, but Andy and I had a different idea. We broke away from our friends and walked to a hilly area that over-looked the city. We laid down and gazed-up at the stars. Andy rolled-over onto his side and stared into my eyes. He smiled and kissed my lips. I mirrored his expression.
I've been through some pretty tough shit in my life and Andy has been nothing, but perfect to me. He's seriously an angel to me. I love him.

"You wanna get out of here??" Andy whispered, into my ear.

I nodded.

We kissed once again then got up and started walking down town. Once we reached a Hilton hotel, Andy asked me if I was sure I wanted to go through with this. I gave him a reassuring look and he led me inside the hotel. We walked up to the customer service desk and asked for a room.

"Just the two of you?? For tonight??" she asked.

"Yep," Andy replied, handing her his credit card.

She handed us our keys and Andy's credit card, then we walked over to the elevator. After we reached our floor, Andy and I walked over to the door of our room.

"You sure you wanna do this??" Andy asked, me.

"Yes Andy, I love you so much and I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else," I replied/

"Good," Andy said, then kissed my forehead.

He led me inside the room and locked the door behind him. He then turned on the light and I walked over to the bed. He took off his shirt and walked over to me. We started making-out and letting our hands wander all over our bodies. As our passion grew stronger, we started to get more intimate. This was going to be such a magical experience.

A/N: That's all I wanted to write for now. xoxo
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