Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > Comfort at Heart

Coming Together

by slickboy444

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Storm,Wolverine - Warnings: [!!] [X] - Published: 2008-01-05 - Updated: 2008-01-05 - 6630 words - Complete

Comfort At Heart
Chapter 4: Coming Together


A few more days passed. Every night they slept in each others’ arms brought them closer, but Logan and Ororo had yet to talk seriously about what was happening between them. This was new to them. They had never been in a situation where they felt so strongly for another person that they were willing to call it love.

It was ironic in many ways. This was supposed to be an issue reserved for confused teenagers, not a couple of adults. Then again, their situation was anything but typical. While Ororo had some experience with relationships in Africa, none were ever this serious. Logan didn’t even have memories of his relationships, let alone love. But there was no denying this unseen force was drawing them together. Sooner or later, they would have to confront it.

Rumors persisted about their involvement, but nobody was brave enough to call them out on it. All it took was a grunt from Logan and everybody shut up. Maybe when they could make sense of it all they would come clean. In the meantime, Logan and Ororo went about their business with this matter never far from their minds.

While Logan was not one to seek advice, Ororo took a different approach. One afternoon she and Jean were working on a new Danger Room routine in the observation deck. Being the most mature and most experienced in matters of love, Jean would know best how to handle Ororo’s situation. It was just a matter of it not being so awkward.

“How’s it look, Storm?” asked Jean, looking up from the main computer screen.

“Okay on my end,” she said, keeping an eye on the holograms that formed below, “A few more obstacles near the middle couldn’t hurt. We don’t want everybody thinking we’re going easy on them now.”

“Boy, you are hanging out with Logan too much,” grinned Jean, “That sounds like something he would say.”

“Doesn’t mean it’s not rational,” she argued.

“True, but it’s still worth pointing out.”

Ororo didn’t argue the point. There was no use fueling suspicion even though Jean was not the gossiping type. Having bore the blunt end of the same chatter when she and Scott first hooked up, she knew better than anybody what it was like to have one’s personal life under a microscope. Even though she was young and inexperienced, she had insight Ororo didn’t. And it was time she sought help.

“Jean, can I ask you something?” she said as the younger redhead kept typing.

“Of course, Ororo. What is it?”

“It…may sound kind of strange coming from me to you,” said the goddess awkwardly, “But I’m curious…you’re in love with Scott, right?”

Jean looked up from the console. The subject of love and relationships always caught her fancy, given how much experience she had with it in dealing with her feelings for Scott. Ironically, it was Ororo who first led her to confront her feelings. Now their roles had been utterly reversed.

“Yes, I’d definitely say so,” she said.

“Well if you don’t mind me asking, how did you know?” asked Ororo, “What exactly did it feel like knowing you were in love with someone?”

Jean got up and sat back on the console. She had Ororo’s full attention as she casually leaned against the glass, folding her arms in anticipation for what her young pupil turned colleague was about to say.

She needed a moment to think it over. The love between her and Scott was a well-known fact, but it was also very complicated. Jean honestly didn’t know where to start, so she just sighed and went only from what she remembered most.

“Honestly, it was kind of scary,” she began, “It really messes with you, feeling so utterly drawn to somebody in a way you can’t rationalize. At first, I wrote it off. I just thought it was adolescent hormones messing with my mind. But I learned it there was more to it.”

“Like what?” asked Ororo intently.

“Little things mostly,” she went on, “Like how the way you look at them changes from being no different then how you look at the rest of your friends to being something entirely unique. I can’t tell you exactly when it happened. But there was always this one moment that stood out where I started to feel like maybe Scott and I shared something special?”

“Really? What was that if you don’t mind me asking?”

Jean paused, her gaze diverting from the former goddess as her thoughts wandered back to that fateful moment when her life changed forever.

“It was back when my powers went haywire,” she said in a distant tone, “I know it sounds odd since it was such a traumatic event, but aside from that I most remember how Scott saved me. He risked his life and reached out to me, saying how he knew me better than anybody has or ever will. He made himself so vulnerable, not just physically but psychically as well. That’s when I reached out to him and that special bond between us began. And you know where that eventually led.”

Ororo smiled as well, remembering vividly how she and Scott officially became an item after the Mystique incident. At the time she didn’t understand why she held it in for so long, but with her situation with Logan she knew first hand how hard it was. And for that she had a new respect for Jean.

“So that’s when you knew it was serious?” said Ororo.

“I’d say so,” said Jean with a proud smile, “It was definitely worth destroying the med lab, although I’m sure Professor X would disagree.”

“Well he did have to pay for it,” she said with a laughed, “So how did you and Scott go about taking that step from friends to lovers?”

Jean shook her head and smiled again. She had been asking herself that same question ever since that fateful first kiss and she still didn’t have an answer. She gave up trying to rationalize it and Ororo had yet to learn the simple truth.

“To be perfectly honest, Ro, it just happened,” she shrugged.

“Just happened?” said Ororo in confusion, “How?”

“I couldn’t tell you if I wanted to. I’d like to know the answer myself, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned since Scott and got together it’s that love is not rational. You just feel it and you know it. And if two people feel strongly enough about each other it all works out in the end. You just have to be willing to open up and be honest with yourself.”

Ororo sat on that for a moment. It wasn’t the most clean cut answer she was looking for, but it made sense in a ways. She had been trying to rationalize that night with Logan since it happened and she was no closer now than she was then. But in this light she thought about it differently. She really did feel something for this man and it was strong. Trying to make sense of it wasn’t doing her any good. Maybe it was time to stop thinking and start acting.

She cast Jean a warm expression. For a girl still in her teens, she was wise beyond her years. Irony was an amazing thing. The student had helped the teacher and for the first time Ororo had a plan. She refused to spend another night in uncertainty. Ready or not, she was going to face her feelings.

“Thanks Jean, you’ve been a big help,” she said, turning off the console and making her leave.

“Wait, where are you going?” asked Jean.

“Just out for a walk,” she said casually, “You can finish without me. I’ll see you later.”

“Okay,” shrugged Jean, “See you later, Ororo. I hope everything works out for you.”

“Me too.”


Later that evening Logan came back from a long bike ride. It was his way of clearing his head from the ongoing stresses back at the mansion. The brisk summer wind blowing over him as he rode his Harley down the Westchester back roads helped him relax. If only dealing with emotions were this simple he wouldn’t still be struggling for answers with Ororo.

He arrived back just in time to see Scott and Jean heading off for another date. He stopped his bike midway up the driveway, observing for the first time how his first two students interacted when they thought no one was watching. It was strange because he never gave Scott and Jean’s relationship too much thought before. He knew they shared a special bond, but he wrote it off as something he couldn’t and didn’t want to understand.

But things were different now. He actually found himself intrigued by how Scott and Jean interacted. There was a look in their eyes that said more than words could ever describe. It wasn’t verbal, overt, or rational. But it was there and it was very strong.

“Ready to go?” said Scott, guiding her into the passenger seat of his car.

“Always ready for you, babe,” smiled Jean as she strapped in for the ride.

They shared an affectionate kiss. This was usually the point where Logan rolled his eyes and looked away, but this time he watched. And from this simple expression of love, he smiled. He was hardly a romantic yet here he was appreciating it.

Then he noticed something else. The way in which Scott looked at Jean was eerily similar to the way he looked at Ororo. He wasn’t psychic so he couldn’t tell if he was feeling the same things he felt, but the subtleties were clearly there.

He kept watching until they drove away. They even waved as they passed him. He didn’t wave back, but they knew he wished them well. He always had and now it seemed more meaningful. It was ironic in some ways because he used to criticize Scott for not making a move on Jean. Now he knew first hand how tough it was.

He rode his bike the rest of the way into the garage. There waiting for him, casually leaning against the X-van was the goddess he now shared a bed with. From the looks of it she had been waiting for a while and when she saw him she greeted him with a smile.

“I knew you’d show up here if I waited long enough,” she said, “You can’t resist an evening ride at sunset.”

“You know me well, darlin’,” he said, parking his bike and taking off his jacket, “So what’s up? I’m sure you didn’t wait here just to say hi.”

The look on Ororo’s face grew serious. Logan had come to know that look well and tensed somewhat as she approached him. She wasn’t upset or angry, but something was definitely on her mind.

“We need to talk,” said the former goddess bluntly.

“What kind of talk?” asked Logan, “Is it one I’ll need another bike ride after?”

“Please don’t throw sarcasm at this, Logan. I really need you be serious.”

“Fine, I’ll be serious,” he said with a slight groan, “Can we go somewhere private?”

“Of course,” she said with relief, “We’ll do this in my room.”

Placing his trust in the hands of the former weather goddess, Logan followed her into the mansion and up to her room. It was a path he had walked a million times before, especially in the past few weeks. But this time felt different. His instincts told him she wasn’t grabbing him aside to discuss sleeping arrangements. It was the same instinct that had served him so well through many battles and for the first time it made him uneasy.

When they reached her room, Ororo closed the door and locked it. This was quite possibly the most important talk she would ever have so there could be no interruptions. She watched as Logan paced near the foot of her bed, trying to act casual when his body language gave away so many emotions.

At first there was silence. Ororo was the one who asked him up here and she didn’t know where to begin. After her talk with Jean she was committed to doing this. She just didn’t expect it to be so hard.

“Should I sit down?” said Logan, breaking the silence.

“Whatever makes you comfortable,” she replied.

Logan sat at the foot of her bed, feeling somewhat more relaxed. Ororo chose not to and started pacing in front of him. She was avoiding eye contact, a clear sign that she was conflicted. More silence followed and Logan couldn’t stand it.

“Are you gonna tell me why we’re doing this or not?” he asked impatiently.

“I am. I just need to gather myself,” she began in an annoyed tone, “You and I both know what this is about and we’ve been avoiding it long enough. I don’t want to mess this up so please just bear with me.”

Logan shifted uncomfortably. Sometimes he hated having instincts that were right. He wasn’t ready for this. He still hadn’t made sense of it. But Ororo was right. They couldn’t put it off forever. Something had to give. Ready or not, it was time. So like the brave Wolverine he was, he dove right in.

“Just say what ya gotta say, darlin’. I promise I’ll listen,” he said sincerely.

Ororo took a deep breath. She kept pacing, preparing for the emotional roller coaster that was sure to come.

“Before you came to me that first night we spent together, you and I were friends. We liked each other and respected each other. Can we agree on that?”

“I’d say so,” answered Logan.

“And there was nothing wrong with it. But when two people share what we shared, it changes things,” she said in a conflicted tone, “You can’t just get close to someone and expect not to feel anything. And I definitely felt something that night.”

“So did I,” said Logan, rising up from the bed, “And I’ve been just as confused about it as you. You know I don’t do emotions well. Hell, neither of us does.”

“I would argue nobody can under these circumstances,” said Ororo, moving in closer to his warmth, “But I realized something today…something we both know, but won’t admit. I’m not sure how you’ll take it, so I’ll just come out and say it.”

Logan listened intently. The former goddess hesitated, looking away briefly before staring him in the eye and saying what needed to be said.

“I’m in love with you, Logan,” she said with emotion flowing from her tone, “And I…I think you’re in love with me too.”

Those words echoed with uncanny power. Logan had faced sentinels, Magneto, Apocalypse, and Weapon X. But none of them could hold a candle to this. If anyone else had told him he was in love, he would have scoffed without a second thought. But looking into the ocean blue eyes of this goddess of a woman, it was undeniable.

For a moment, they stood in silence. Neither one of them knew what to say. It was a profound thing to process. Then Logan finally broke the silence.

“You’re right,” he told her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

“So you felt it too?” said Ororo with great relief.

“Of course I did. How could I not?” he said, slipping his arms around her waist, “I don’t feel easy. But I feel for you, darlin’. And that’s the main problem.”

“What do you mean?” said Ororo in confusion, “Why would that be a problem?”

“Because it’s dangerous to be involved with me,” he said with firm intent, “I have a long list of enemies in case you’ve forgotten. They’re all ruthless enough to use anything and everything to get to me. And I can’t have you caught up in that mess.”

“So you say you love me, but not enough to risk making something of it?” she said angrily.

“It ain’t like that, Ro.”

Ororo pulled out of his grasp and turned away, hiding a look of bitter anger.

“You’re making excuses.”

“I’m trying to look out for you!” exclaimed Logan, “You have any idea what Sabretooth would do to you if he knew hurting you would hurt me back?”

“You think I don’t know the risks? Are you trying to scare me out of loving you?” she shot back, “Need I remind you I was used by a 5,000-year-old mutant tyrant! I’ve lived my worst nightmares! Trust me, I don’t scare easy!”

“That’s not the point!” retorted Logan, “Put yourself in my shoes! Could you live with yourself if someone you loved suffered just because you were involved? You want that on your conscious?”

They were harsh words, but they bore some hard truth. Logan and Ororo lived in a complicated world under complicated circumstances. It was impossible to just write these issues off.

They were silent for a moment, taking some time to calm down and think about this. Logan had a point. He couldn’t live with himself if something happened to her just because they were involved. Ororo knew that burden well enough from Apocalypse to understand. There was no way around it.

Logan was at an end. He was faced with two choices. Either put this woman’s life at risk and share this feeling with her or push it aside and protect her. It was either his heart or his brain. There were a million reasons why Ororo shouldn’t be involved with him, but none of them were good enough to make him want her any less.

“I’m sorry, darlin’,” he said in a low tone, “I can’t change the way I feel about you and I can’t do anything about the baggage being me carries.”

“Don’t be sorry, Logan,” she said in a calmer voice, “It’s not your fault.”

“Maybe so,” he conceded, “But where do we go from here? It’s not like we can have a normal relationship.”

“Does that matter, Logan?” pondered the former weather goddess, “I love you and you love me. Can’t we just work off that?”

Ororo stepped back into his warmth, slipping her arms around his neck and tracing her finger down his burly face. Her touch was warm and soothing to the former living weapon. He returned the gesture, enrapturing her with his powerful arms and holding her close.

“Ro…” he said, his voice still full of uncertainty.

“Shh, don’t say another word,” said Ororo, placing a finger over his lips, “We’ve agonized over this. Either we take the next step or stop right now. It’s time to choose. I know what I want. I just need to know if you want it too.”

Logan gazed helplessly into her eyes. As a battle hardened warrior, he didn’t flinch easy. But in the arms of a goddess every one of his defenses crumbled. It was all on him now. He had to decide and be damn sure he made the right choice. But rather than think over it as he had been trying to do since the beginning, he let his actions say what he couldn’t.

He gently cupped her chin and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. It wasn’t the answer Ororo expected, but she went with it and soon found herself kissing back. A brisk gust blew around them. In her current state the winds mimicked her emotions. It was a surreal yet fitting addition to the moment.

So many forces were working against them. They both had enemies that would exploit them and doubts that still haunted them. But in the end it all boiled down to that one underlying feeling. There was no rationalizing it. There was no escaping it. They had fallen in love and there was no going back.

“By the Goddess…” gasped Ororo as they parted.

“Takes one to know one,” said Logan coyly.

“I take it this makes us official,” she surmised.

“I guess so,” he shrugged, “So what happens now?”

It was a simple question that could have so many answers. Clinging firmly to the strong man before her, Ororo smiled and started kissing him again. Only this time it was more impassioned, filled not just with love but also with lust and desire. Logan returned her gesture with equal fervor, his feral instincts taking hold as he craved this woman on another level.

It was so sudden, but then again so was everything else about this relationship. Rather than resist, they both just went with it.

“Ro…is this what I think it is?” he asked in a husky tone.

“You’re the one with the super senses,” she said in a sultry tone, “What do you think?”

“Gotcha,” he grinned, “Are you sure?”

“Of course,” she smiled, “Just do what you do best and follow your instinct.”

“I can do that,” he said with a wolfish grin.

Logan recaptured her lips and the fervent kissing resumed. They soon found themselves lying on the bed with Ororo clinging to her love’s burly arms while he hungrily ran his hands up the curves of her body. It had been a long time since either of them had gotten this close to anybody. It had been even longer since the last time they had sex. The need was powerful and so was the passion.

The kissing abruptly stopped to they could remove their clothes. Logan’s shirt was the first to go, followed by Ororo’s purple shirt. She hadn’t been wearing a so once it was off, Logan got a full view of her breasts. He was immediately taken by them. They were bigger than he though. He had always thought of Ororo as being nicely endowed, but now it was even more so. The animal in him started coming out and he eagerly attacked her breasts with his lips.

“Oh Logan…” gasped Ororo.

Hot shots of pleasure coursed through her body as Logan grasped her breasts and hungrily licked her cleavage. He nibbled on her nipple, his burly facial hair trailing along her cleavage. It was ticklish in a ways and Ororo couldn’t help but enjoy it. There was something about that feral hair that was very sensual to her. It helped deepen her arousal as she moaned in delight.

While Logan was busy with her breasts, she lifted her hips slightly and undid the back of her skirt. She hadn’t expected to make love to Logan tonight. If she did she would have worn something less cumbersome. Her long black skirt was a hassle to get off, but when Logan sensed what she was doing he stopped his licking and helped her out. She lifted her legs and he did the rest, removing the skirt and leaving her in only a pair of black underwear.

Logan could smell the wetness between her legs. It was like a woman going into heat. Then to his surprise, Ororo showed off her own feral side and shot up from the bed and threw her arms around his neck. She bore a lustful grin as she eagerly kissed his burly faced and softly trailed her hand down his manly chest, evoking soft moans of an animal desperate to mate.

“Such a strong man,” she purred.

“Darlin’…” said Logan in a heat of lust.

“I want you, Logan,” she told him, “Please…give yourself to me. And I’ll give myself to you.”

She didn’t give him time to second guess. She captured his lips again and stepped up her touching. She also hooked her legs around his waist, feeling his erection bulging in his jeans. The feeling of her hot skin grinding against his drove the animal within him crazy. He never wanted a woman so bad before in his life. His animal side was mixing with his human side and for once they were both in agreement. He loved this woman and he wanted her.

While their lips wrestled in a fervent passion, Ororo pulled back a little and went to undo his pants. Logan soon helped out and helped to swiftly remove them, boxers and all. His hard dick now stood ridged and hard. Ororo couldn’t help but admire how well-hung he was. He was like an animal in heat and that turned her on. Either she was picking up his animalistic tendencies or her connection with nature gave her a feral side of her own.

Upon tossing his pants across the room, Logan grabbed Ororo by the hips and laid her down again. He let out deep grunts of lust as he kissed down her womanly body. He hungered for her so much. He needed her like he needed air. The taste of her mocha skin was so intoxicating. And the growing sensations were driving him wild with arousal.

Logan couldn’t take it anymore. He had to taste her. Still grunting with lust, he lifted her hips and grabbed the sides of her panties. He then slid them down her legs. Ororo helped by raising her legs, showing off her feminine physique as a way to further entice the Wolverine. It seemed to work well because when he saw her fully naked body, he was speechless. The animal and the man were both in awe of the sight before them.

“Damn, you really are a goddess, Ro,” he grinned.

Ororo blushed under his gaze. She watched as his eyes ran down her body. To him, she was so elegant. Her large, voluptuous breasts matched her tall, strong stature perfectly. Her hips curved in all the right ways and her legs complemented her womanly figure. She was also very fit. All her meditating and yoga really added to her sensual allure.

Logan also noticed how aroused she was. The folds of her vagina were moist with her feminine juices. Her clit swelled at the top of her folds, perfectly exposed under a trim patch of white pubic hair. It was truly a sight to behold, but it was the smell that truly intoxicated him. His enhanced senses were driven wild by this powerful scent of a woman in heat. His hunger for her boiled over. He had to taste her.

Grabbing her by the hips, he lifted Ororo off the bed by the hips and buried his face in her pussy. He immediately licked up her moist slit, inhaling the wonderful aroma. This caused Ororo’s whole body to arch. His lustful yearning drove her wild as well as hot sensations surged through her body.

“Oh Goddess!” she cried, clutching the sheets of her bed.

Logan moaned as he gorged on her pussy. Her blissful cries were music to his ears. A part of him was worried at first that Ororo would be overwhelmed by his lustful actions, but it turns out she liked this sort of thing. He couldn’t help but smile at that because it meant he wasn’t the only one in the mansion with a feral side.

While inhaling her scent, Logan went on to probe her tight folds with his tongue. She was so wet and hot inside. It tasted so good and she loved every second of it. She even thrust her hips up into his face a bit, communicating her desire and approval of his actions. He didn’t disappoint, relentlessly flicking his tongue in and out of her folds and teasing her clit.

Soon she was breathing in pants. She was so aroused she couldn’t take it anymore. The teasing and foreplay had peaked. It was time to embrace what they both truly wanted.

“Oh Logan! Please…take me,” cried the weather goddess desperately, “Take me now!”

Logan gave her slit one last lick before he let her go. As much as he enjoyed inhaling her pussy, it wasn’t enough to satisfy the burning need within him. He had to make love to this woman. It wasn’t a matter of wanting her. He had to do it. They had come this far and there was no going back.

Still holding onto her legs, Logan positioned himself over his divine lover. Ororo spread herself wide for him, allowing him to guide his erect penis towards her heat. He propped himself on his arm as he maneuvered his hips until he was at her entrance. Not wanting to tease any further, he delivered a firm thrust and shoved his cock into the depths of her pussy.

They each let out a cry of delight. Ororo closed her eyes and gasped sharply, taking in the feeling of his large cock inside her tight pussy. It had been a while for her. She needed a minute to adjust, but it didn’t take long before pleasure filled her body. Logan couldn’t believe how great her insides felt. She surrounded his cock in a tight, warm vice. It was a heavenly sensation that sent his lustful instincts into overdrive.

Gripping the sheets hard, Logan let out a deep grunt and started working his hips. He went slow at first to get a feel for Ororo’s insides, but soon his feral instincts took over and he was hammering away at her pussy. His pelvis rhythmically slapped against her hot flesh, filling her depths and stimulating her deepest recesses with each motion. Ororo’s whole body arched and thrashed about as she cried out in delight. She too became lost in the heat of lust, clinging to her lover’s hard muscles and absorbing every hot sensation.

“Uh-uh-uh-Logan-uh-oh Goddess-uh-so-so strong!” panted Ororo in between thrusts.

“Rah-rah-rah-Storm-rah-Storm!” grunted Logan in the heat of the moment.

Seething with lust for this woman, Logan sought to make her moan louder. He rose up slightly and grabbed her legs at the knees. He then held her legs apart even wider so he could penetrate deeper and hit all her sensitive spots with greater ease. This drove Ororo even wilder with passion. He even felt a slight gust of wind sweep through the room, indicative of her connection to nature. And for some reason, that turned Logan on even more.

Ororo had never been in such a lustful state before. Either she was picking it up from Logan or it was part of her letting out everything she had been holding in. But whatever it was she liked it and she loved sharing it with this man. As he rammed his cock into her pussy, she worked to match his every motion. She lifted her hips each time, grinding her pelvis against his for even more sexual bliss. Logan loved it and was drawing closer to his peak with every powerful movement. Ororo was getting close too and switched positions so they could share it together.

Raising up off the bed with her legs still hooked around Logan’s waist, Ororo threw her arms around Logan’s neck and hugged her body close to his. The hot feeling of their naked skin rubbing together further heightened the pace. Logan grabbed her by the butt and worked her along his ridged cock while Ororo grinded her hips against his in a hard humping motion. Sweat had consumed their bodies, allowing their flesh to rub together more easily. It made for a firm, yet fluid motion as they approached their climax.


“RAH-RAH-RAH-ME TOO-RAH!” howled Logan.

The two lovers captured each others’ lips as they held on for the final push. Logan squeezed her sexy ass while she gripped his bicep firmly and tensed her legs. She was so close and so was he. The line between love and lust blurred as their emotions and feral drives came together in one profound moment. Then they felt it.

Ororo squeezed Logan’s torso with her legs and embraced him tightly as her inner muscles contracted around his cock. She let out a divine cry of euphoria as waves of pleasure surged through her body, filling her with the peak of sexual delight. The tightness sent Logan over the edge as well. With a firm grip on his lover, his cock was as deep as it would go as it exploded inside her, filling her womb with his cum. He howled at the pleasure. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. And looking into the eyes of a goddess, he was truly awestruck.

With their bodies reeling from the pleasure, they fell back on the bed. They remained in an embrace, kissing and touching each other with tenderness and lust. It was a perfect myriad feeling. Even for two people who had so much trouble with emotions, especially love, it was truly incredible.

“Mmm…you’re a wonderful man, Logan,” said Ororo with a warm smile, “And a true animal in bed.”

“You’re not so bad yourself, Ro,” grinned Logan huskily, “I didn’t know you had a taste for the wild stuff.”

“What can I say? It’s in my nature,” she shrugged, “You and I both share a connection to a more primal side of ourselves. I guess it’s only natural it manifests like this.”

“I don’t mind. It just means we have something in common we can use to make love.”

Ororo smiled warmly and they shared another kiss. There was no more anxiety or uncertainty as they lay naked in bed, sharing a moment together. And if this was a taste of the kind of sex they had, then they had a lot to look forward to as a couple.

For a while they just rolled around on the bed and made out. Logan continued to taste her womanly flesh, evoking soft moans from Ororo as she felt along his burly physique. They were still sweaty from the first round, but their lustful side desired more. And too Ororo’s surprise, Logan rose to the occasion very quickly.

“Up for more so soon?” she said playfully.

“Healing factor, dalin’,” grinned Logan, “You’re in for a real treat tonight. I promise.”

Making good on his word, Logan kissed down her neck and began massaging her breasts to further arouse his lover. Ororo closed her eyes and moaned, letting the Wolverine do his thing and tantalize her body to a renewed state of arousal. Since she didn’t have a healing factor it took a little longer for her to get ready again. But with some firm rubbing of her breasts and a little fingering of her pussy, she was ready for another round.

Not to be outdone by Logan’s animal prowess, Ororo took charge of the next round and got on top of her lover. She pinned him to the bed and straddled his waist. A loving smile never left her face as she teased the tip of Logan’s cock with her outer folds slightly before lowering herself onto him. She watched as her feral lover’s face contorted to the sensations as he moaned at the renewed tightness around his dick. She then started riding him, slamming her hips down against him with the same vigor he had done for her earlier. All the while she playfully ran her hands over his burly chest, indulging in the lustful moment with her feral lover.

Soon her cries echoed through the room and mixed with Logan’s firm grunts. He watched in a daze as Ororo danced atop him, showing that she could be just as feral as him in the arts of mating. He reached up and kneaded her bouncing breasts and thrust up into her, savoring every sensation of making love to this divine woman.

Once they got things going again, Logan and Ororo went all out. They vigorously rocked their bodies in a rhythmic heat of passion. Soon they were each moaning and grunting with feral lust as they rolled around on the bed and made love from different positions. Ororo rolled onto her side and Logan positioned himself behind her and thrust into her from behind while holding a leg up. After doing this for a while he flipped her over completely so that she was on her hands and knees, holding onto the wall while he was behind her thrusting into her pussy. They really liked this position and even rose up so that they were standing on the bed at one point with Logan firmly gripping her hips and pounding his cock into her while Ororo bucked her hips with every motion.

They worked up quite a sweat going at it in all these positions. With every one of them they went at it with vigor and ferocity. It was quickly becoming a natural component of their lovemaking. They each had a deep lustful side to them that they had never truly unleashed before. Even with previous lovers, they never dared let themselves go like this. But they each shared the need to express their more primal side. It was very liberating, not to mention very hot.

Eventually they found themselves back on the bed with Logan on top and Ororo lying flat on her back, her legs wrapped around her lover’s torso while he laterally worked his body against hers. They were nearing another orgasm. Ororo held onto her lover desperately, moaning and panting in the heat of passion. Logan was lost in a sexual daze, savoring every sensation as his burly flesh rubbed against her smooth, womanly skin.

They went at it vigorously and wildly until their bodies finally gave out. Logan let out a howl of euphoria as he shot another load inside his lover’s depths. The warmth of his climax sent Ororo over the edge as well, her pussy throbbing around her lover’s hard dick and releasing a wave of bliss as their fluids mixed in a blend of passion.

With a desperate gasp, Ororo collapsed atop her burly lover. Sweaty and exhausted, the looked up at one another in a content daze of passion.

“I love you, Logan,” she said softly.

“Love you too, darlin’,” he said, planting one last kiss on her forehead, “You think a goddess and an animal can really make it work?”

“You know it, bub. Now shut up and kiss me.”

Never one to argue with a goddess, Logan kissed his lover. From there they snuggled close and drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Their lives had taken a new and unexpected turn. What started off in Ororo’s bed had ended in the same place in a most fitting way. Logan and Ororo now shared a special bond. It went beyond their understanding. And at its heart, it all came back to comfort at heart.

The End


AN: That’s it. There may be more spin-offs to this fic in the future, so stay tuned. Please remember to leave a review. Send it to me via email or post it on the fanfiction website. Thank you all for reading and I wish everybody the best.
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