Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Only Think In The Form Of Crunching Numbers___x

Chapter 35: We Drown Traitors In Shallow Water

by VikkiMole 0 reviews

‘What is a fuck ass?’ Patrick asked, leaning on the arm of the couch

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-01-06 - Updated: 2008-01-06 - 1142 words

Taylor and Frank left after a short while. Taylor claiming that she had to have peanut butter or else. Pregnancy cravings. Weird. Frank said that she really was not joking and moved so fast it could make heads spin. Mikey wasn’t there for much longer either, mumbling some goodbye and an excuse in the weird Way code that I didn’t really understand. It was kind of like a separate language, a lot of hand gestures. Gerard grinned, hugged him and told him he’d see him later. Apparently, they thought he was well enough to leave today but he had to take it easy. Personally, I thought it was just because they were running out of space and needed his bed but hey, I’m cynical.

Patrick called, asking me what I wanted for dinner. Sure, like he would cook for me. I would have felt more guilty for not bringing him to the hospital with me if it wasn’t for the fact that as soon as we’d finished breakfast this morning, Patrick was on the phone to Joe, telling him to come on over. So, I gave them a list of things to do when I was out. Hey, my house, my rules. As you can see I’m taking full advantage of the slight age difference between the three of us. Don’t feel sorry for them. The list consisted of two things. One, take Hemmy for a walk. Two, get some coffee. Simple but essential. If Hemmy didn’t get to go out he got cranky and also would piss all over the house. If I didn’t get my coffee I would probably do the same.

‘Honey, I’m home!’ I called, opening the door to find the two of them on the couch, clearly watching Star Wars

Patrick just looked at me dumbly.

‘Yeah...’ Patrick said, less than amused, ‘Don’t... do that’

‘No need to be jealous Patrick’ Joe lifted himself up from the couch and walked over to greet me, ‘How’s your day been babe?

‘Patrick’ I jolted around, avoiding Joe’s outstretched arms, ‘Patrick... Control him’

I tripped over backwards, landing in Patrick’s lap. Now, that was well planned. Allegedly. That’s what I would have claimed anyway. Not mentioning that I’m a totally clumsy idiot. He put his hands over my chest and growled at Joe.

‘No!’ He snarled, ‘Mine!’

‘Really?’ I asked, puppy eyed

He nodded. Joe made gagging noises and signaled being sick. I rolled my eyes and stole from the box of popcorn that was conveniently placed at the foot of the couch. I honestly did not want to watch Star Wars. For the umpteenth time. Though, considering where I was currently placed I didn’t argue. That was, until Joe started to move his lips in time to the actors on screen.

‘Oh... Come... On’ I huffed, pleading with Patrick, ‘He’s clearly watched this like a million times’

‘It doesn’t hurt to watch it a million and one times’ Joe poked his tongue out before returning to be glued to the set

‘What do you want to watch?’ Patrick asked, lifting my head and putting a pillow under it

I thought for a little while before smiling broadly, knowing exactly what I wanted to watch.

‘Donnie Darko’ I grinned up at him, seeing his eyebrow crook up, ‘Oh... Don’t tell me you have never watched Donnie Darko’

Patrick shrugged. My mouth gaped open. Jumping, no, flying out of his lap and into my bedroom I pull a box up from under my bed. Patrick had followed me, standing in my doorway and staring at me. He was tutting. Tutting at me, like I had done something wrong. I turned and looked at him.

‘What?’ I sighed

‘You know,’ He started, shaking his head ‘Most guys keep porno under their bed’

‘Do you?’ I snorted

‘No!’ He said, slightly more defensive than he should have

‘Then clearly..’ I smile, flipping open the box, ‘We’re not most guys’

‘I don’t have any porno under my bed either’ Joe yelled from the living room

‘What do you keep under there then?’ I call back, ‘Flat bread and kippahs?’

‘I find that offensive asshole!’ Joe answered, pausing before adding ‘But it’s true’

‘Exactly’ I nodded, routing through my shit, Patrick closing in looking with me

I pulled out some papers, old valentines cards, poems I wrote, you know, all my sentimental things. I don’t like people to see how much of a romantic I am so I like to hide all of my ‘feminine’ emotions in this little box under my bed. Oh, along with my Donnie Darko DVD because the cover art freaked Ash out. Patrick lifted a sheet of paper I’d discarded. He read out loud as he skimmed his eyes over it.

‘Boy: James, Pete Junior, Tomas, Owen, Daniel, Lewis’ Patrick read, eyebrows arched, ‘Girl: Layla, Kimmi, Louise, Kate... What is this?’

I snatched it from him and crumpled it up, promptly shoving it into my mouth. Must destroy evidence. Must erase from existence.

‘What... uh... Pete?’ He, again, arched his eyebrows, seems that he’s never seen a grown man eat paper before

‘Bauuhby nuums’ I grumbled, coughing out half of the paper into a waste bin

‘I see...’ Patrick exhaled, ‘So.. When did you and Ash discuss that?’

‘We didn’t...’ I shook my head, ‘I mean, she made me think of Lewis for a boy... but otherwise... the list kind of always existed’

‘Awwww’ Patrick cooed, ‘You always wanted kids then?’

‘I always imagined that’s where I’d end up’ I answered, pulling out the DVD and returning everything back to the box before sliding it back under my bed, ‘Donnie Darko?’

‘Okay’ Patrick agreed, going over to the couch ahead of me, ‘Move it Afro Nova’

‘All this anti-Semitism that’s going on here...’ Joe shook his head, ‘Why, I oughta...’

‘Shhhh’ I silenced him, rubbing his hair ‘We still love you’

I slide on to my knees and put the DVD in the DVD player, then scooting back to the couch where I rested my legs on Joe and my head in Patrick’s lap. The movie began, INXs playing loud and steady. I rocked my head to the beat, my eyes closing on occasion. I guess I had always loved music, just without even realizing. Ash kind of closed me off to real music, all I ever heard in the house was some shit she was working on or some crappy lyric that sounded like it could be written by a kid. I sighed, laughing to the dinner scene.

‘What is a fuck ass?’ Patrick asked, leaning on the arm of the couch

‘Oh my god...’ I laughed
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