Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How To Save A Life

Her Return

by gerard_is_my_savior 1 review

Someone comes to vsit...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-01-13 - Updated: 2008-01-14 - 1704 words - Complete

When Avenue awoke the next morning, she couldn’t feel Gerard’s body next to hers. Last night was a fully successful attempt, and believe her, it was way more than just an attempt. She laid still and tried to listen to where he was. She then smiled as she heard his beautiful voice coming from the crack in the bathroom door, accompanied by steam and the sound of running water. “Heaven help us now, come crashing down, we’ll hear the sound, as you’re falling down…”
‘What am I doing here? I wish I could walk in there, and surprise him. But… I can’t… because I saved him…He's alive, because you saved him. You can't walk... because you saved him...’
She was so absorbed in thought she didn’t even notice when Gerard walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a pink towel wrapped around his dripping torso. “Good morning, angel,” he said, smiling at her.
She jumped at his voice. “Oh, sorry baby, I was elsewhere. Oh, and love the towel.”
“Thanks, mom bought new ones when me and Mikey moved out. And well, you better get out of elsewhere, and into here,” he said as he removed his towel and pulled on a pair of boxers. “Because today is your day.”
“My day?” She asked, watching him pull on a pair of black jeans then a black ‘Iron Maiden’ t-shirt.
“Of course, Avey. I plan on spoiling your day and bowing to your every whim,” he said, redeeming his place next to her. She was still naked from last night’s antics.
“Well,” she said. “First,” she took in his lips and drank in his eyes. “Then, maybe you can give me a bubble bath…” she said, laughing. “It’s too bad you already bathed.”
“Nonsense,” he whispered before he scooped her in his arms and got her out of bed. She was so skinny and tall, with ample breasts and long flowing hair. He took her and laid her in the bathtub. He turned on the faucets and poured in the soap, causing little bubbles to float up.
“This is perfect,” she whispered.
“No,” he replied. “Not quite.” He began to undress himself, unzipping his jeans and removing his clean shirt. Then, lastly, his boxers. He climbed in, causing the water to rise.
“Were going to make it flood over and splash!”
“Who cares?” he asked, sliding in next to her, laying his head on her chest. He kissed her neck, then her breasts, then her stomach. He worked his way down, into her wildest fantasies and pleasures.
“Gerard!” She moaned. “Do you know what you are doing?”
“Well,” he said, raising his head. “Obviously it’s working.”
She smiled at him before he lowered his head and continued.

“You know, I don’t get how you girls get past the smell,” Gerard commented, as he painted her fingernails. “I know it makes you look hot and all, but now I know what being a girl is like, I feel bad for all those times my girlfriends dressed up and painted themselves for me.”
“Well, imagine doing this everyday, then doing your hair, then your makeup then running just to stay tiny for you. It isn’t that much fun.” She was sitting on the bed, her hand on Gerard’s knee as he painted her nails a pretty pink.
“I think you should paint mine sometime, I mean, like black, not pink.”
She laughed at him. But she stopped suddenly when she saw him staring at her.
“Gerard… is there something wrong?” She asked.
“Well, if there is something wrong with falling in love with the most beautiful woman in the world who doesn’t know how beautiful and wonderful she is. She is so perfect for me.” He put the bottle of polish down and began to kiss her, softly then he kissed harder.
“Avenue? Gerard?” Mikey called from the top of the steps. “Mom has lunch ready, so you should probably come get some, before Frankie eats……. FRANKIE! NO! Frankie, don’t eat stuff just pulled out of the oven, yeah, I know it’s hot… c’mon… MOM! Frankie burned his tongue again!”
“We should get up there,” she said. “We don’t want to leave them waiting.”
“Of course,” Gerard said, kind of disappointed.
“Baby, are you upset?” She asked.
“No, just a little disappointed.”
“Because, I can’t be alone with you.”
“You’re so dirty babe.”
“I never told you what I did for a living,” he replied, scooping her up and carrying her up the steps.
“I smell turkey,” she said.
“Me too. Mom always makes a pre-Christmas dinner, just a little taste of what is yet to come.” He carried her through the hall and into the dining room, where he sat her at the table.
“Well, hello there miss Avenue. How are you today?” Donna asked, setting the turkey on the table.
“I feel like a human being again, having showered and done my hair.”
“I don’t take she did that by herself,” Frankie whispered in Mikey’s ear.
“Shut up!” Mikey yelled.
“Michael, none of that at the table!” She scolded.
“Yes mother,” he said.
“Apologize to Franklin.”
“Sorry Frankie.”
“It’s okay Mikey.”
“Good,” Donna said. “Now, let’s join hands in prayer. Gerard, sweetheart, would you say grace?”
“Sure mom,” Gerard said, taking Frankie and Avenue’s hand. “Dear Heavenly Father,” he began, “Thank you for this wonderful day and for the beautiful woman next to me and for her quick recovery. Amen.”
When they all released hands, Frankie decided to make a comment. “Gerard, thank you for that beautiful compliment, but what am I recovering from?”

“So what movie do you want to watch?” Gerard asked, browsing through the DVDs on the rack by the television.
“Well, I suppose, something scary,” Avenue replied from her spot on the couch. She knew he wanted to watch something scary.
“Oh?” he asked, turning toward her and flashing his perfect smile. “You know me too well.”
“We never got to finish that conversation the other night,” she said, watching him pop a DVD in to the player.
“That’s true,” he said, sitting next to her. He grabbed the remote and pressed ‘menu’.
“So…?” she asked.
“Well, I suppose you could start by telling me if you like the movie Joyride.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Good,” he replied, because that’s what were watching.”
He kissed her tenderly. “I love you, Avey. And I won’t let anyone or anything get in between us.”
Suddenly, the doorbell rang. “I got it!” Mikey hollered from the kitchen. A moment later, Mikey entered the living room.
“Umm, Gerard, someone is here for you.”
“Who?” he asked.
Suddenly, a short blond girl stepped out from behind one very nervous Mikey. She had on a blue skirt and a white blouse and perfectly straight hair.
“Gerard Arthur Way, why the hell aren’t you in Kansas?”
“Grace?” he asked.
“That’s right, I’m here now and you had best tell me why the hell you aren’t in Kansas and…” She gasped. “Is that her? The girl that saved your life?”
“My name is Ave…”
“Yeah, I know who you are, you little tramp boyfriend stealer! So, you think that if you save his life that he owes it to you to fuck you? What the hell is that? How do you even do that, you one-legged little twit? I bet it’s fun, Gerard, strapping the back of some deformed monster!”
Donna stormed in the living room then and caught Grace by her collar “Listen to me, Gracey Girl. If you want to live, I suggest you walk out of this home right now and NEVER return again.”
Grace slapped her hand down. “Remember my words, miss Monroe. Have your way with him then, but he will never be happy with some free-loading little skank like you. And you Gerard, you are some sqeez ball sex crazed lunatic. By the way, you suck at fucking! I need a man who can do more in my bed! Plus, you are a terrible singer, and you should probably invest in lip syncing. Oh, and” she said bitterly, turning to face Avenue. "If he gives you an STD, he didn't get it from me. He probably got it from being a horrible drug user! Fuck you, Gerard, and enjoy fucking your little girl friend. And don't worry, Avenue, he will leave you soon."
"Grace! Get th fuck out of my house right now!" Gerard stood up and yelled down her throat.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you and the cripple. Have a nice life!" And with that she took her pride then and left as quickly as she had arrived.
“Gerard…” Avenue whispered as he returned to her side. “Am I all those things?”
“God, no, Avenue. Fuck! Why did she come here any way? God dammit. No, baby, no, you are not even close to any of those things. Understand?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her.
Avenue just quietly nodded her head.
"Avenue," Frankie began, "You are so beautiful and smart and funny. God, I wish I was as lucky as Gerard to get someone like you."
"Yeah," Mikey said. "Grace is just a plastic little bitch who should fucking die because she is so.... ARRG!!!"
"She's a pirate?" Frank asked, trying to make Avenue smile.
She did, slightly through all of her tears. She was all those things, an insignifigant crippled loser who was freeloading on Gerard.
"Leave it to that bitch to come in here and say things like that," Gerard said. "But fuck her Avenue. She's just jealous of you. Jealous that you're mine." He squeezed her tighter.
"Okay," she whispered as the tears ran down her face. But she was all those things. She was. She so badly wanted to tell Gerard about her past, but somehow, she couldn't bring herself to it. It hurt her too bad, and she knew Gerard would be extremely upset if he ever found out. 'No,' she told herself. 'No, I can't tell him.'
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