Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Bad news
Good News
21 reviewsOkay, does ANYONE know what's going on with Teletoon? Good news, though!
Okay, does ANYONE know what's going on with Teletoon? They can't make up their mind whether they should cancel D&J or what the heck they're doing. Anyways, four back-to-back episodes of D&J, baby! It's happening apparently on Thursday, February 21. In response to someone's review, I guess they just canceled it for now. Also, to clarify (if I can), in the cartooning world, a season is 13 episodes. So, we got seasons 1 and 2 back to back two, three years ago when D&J started and I guess they decided to split up seasons 3 and 4 this time. Anyways, have fun everyone and don't stress on mid-terms/finals!
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