Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > He Doesn't Look A Thing Like Jesus


by MizPink 2 reviews

You sit there, in you're heartache. Waiting for some beautiful boy to come. But he never will.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2008-01-16 - Updated: 2008-01-18 - 541 words

You Sit There, In You're Heartache

Pete idly twirled the photograph between his fingers and reminisced on those days when Jeanae meant everything to him. Absolutely everything.

It was sad, to say the least, because, in a distance from now, no-one would know just how much Pete knew about her. Oh, sure, they'd know that he was obsessed with her. But they wouldn't know her.

They wouldn't know, that for the most part, Jeanae was what made him cry, and she was always what made him happy.

Truly, genuinely happy. He felt bad, shitty even, for thinking that Jeanae was the worst thing that happened to him, because she was actually one of the best.

She made Pete happy. She made him sad. She made him feel loved. She loved him. She supported him, until towards the end. She'd get angry at him, yell at him, not talk to him for days and days, and Pete would loose his mind. The girl he loved not talking to him?

But it would be okay, in the end. Cause he'd always apologize, and she'd always forgive.

Besides, it's not like Jeanae had the cleanest record. Jeanae's lying, constant cheating and backstabbing were what really hurt Pete the most. He felt like he was hated, when she did those things to him.

It was during those times that he thought no one would ever love him. Those times, when death was a closer comfort then life would ever be.

But, he grew out of that, as most people do, when they grow up. Reflecting on days when He and Jeanae could just lay at opposite ends of the couch, toes touching, reading books.

When they would curl up under the covers, and Pete would whisper secrets to her, about love, and life, and the stars and how god had made her for him, specially.

Those times, when Jeanae would drag Pete in the cupboard, and they'd sit there, as she'd lean on his shoulder, talking about some man who came in for a haircut the other day, and who had claimed he was David Bowie's nephew.

They'd laugh, share stories, and talk about what they wanted to be, who they wanted to be, when they finally learned to grow up.

Of course, there was also the fighting. The yells, the screams, the glass breaking as Jeanea would throw another china glass on the floor, and so on.

After the experience, for the first few days, Pete had claimed it was the worst thing to ever happen to him. But how could he say that? Jeanae was the possibly best thing that had ever happened to him, and he knew that.
He just wished hew knew it sooner.

If it did, he could've loved her. He could of stopped obsessing over her, and actually, fucking loved her. But, he didn't. He kept thinking, there's more time, there's more time.
But there never was.

Time was what killed everything, not death. It was time that was to blame for everything that happened.

And so, Pete blames time for not letting him love Jeanae. (But he blames himself for the most part).

A/N: Thats the first installment.
Patrick, Joe, Andy, and Ashlee, will all be mentioned. :)
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