Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Don't You Just Hate Stalkers?

01 Suspicions & Flowers

by Strings 0 reviews

!01-30-06! One of my earlier fictions. Have patience.

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-01-30 - Updated: 2006-01-30 - 858 words

DC: This never happened. It'd be pretty funny if it did though. Heh heh. Then again, I would feel bad for Paul...

Paul's POV
I don't know if I should tell the guys or not. I mean, they would laugh at me. I can imagine Joel's voice now...
Paul...think about it logically man. The second to last percentage of people like you. No offense intended of course, but honestly...
I could swear that I was being stalked. I knew I was. I would leave things a certain way and they would be different when I came back. If I asked the guys if they touched it, they would say that they hadn't. Now days, if we were walking down a street to get to a building, I would find myself looking around for anyone that looked suspicious. The guys have noticed me doing this and think that I'm paranoid about something. I don't know. I put my hoodie down on my desk. I remembered how I put it and where, taking a mental picture. I walked out to the living room where all the guys were. I cleared my throat and they all looked at me.

"You know Paul, You really shouldn't do ruins your esophagus." Joel stated.

"Thanks for the anatomy update." I replied. "But, I need to talk to you guys."

"Alright, what about?" Benji asked. At least he cares. Benji always cares...if you have the stupidest or smallest problem, he'll listen. That's why I love the fact that he's my friend.

I looked around. I sat down and motioned for them to come closer. "I think I have a stalker." I said quietly.

"You what?" Billy asked; eyes wide.

"I think I have a stalker. You know how I would ask you if you touched any of my stuff?" They all nodded. "Well, it's because I would put them somewhere in my room and then when I came back, they were gone or moved or something. Like my sweater that I was wearing earlier. I left it on my desk with the hood and bits of the sleeves hanging over the edge. I bet it's gonna be different when I go back up there. I'm kind of freaked guys. It's like waking up in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm and seeing someone with their face pressed up against the window."

Chris started to laugh. "Enough scary movies for you, dude." he laughed. I shot him a glare that made him shut up almost immediately.

"Someone come up there with me...I want you to see what I'm talking about." I said. Benji looked around at the others and finally volunteered.

"I'll go. I believe you Paul." he said. I took him upstairs. When we got to my room, my sweater was gone.

"See? My sweater was right here. At first I thought I was losing my mind and leaving my stuff where I forgot I had put it, but now..." I trailed off. Benji looked at me with a concerned look.

"Well man, until things get a little freakier, then I can't say anything...this doesn't necessarily mean what you think it means." Benji reasoned.
*A Couple Days Later*
"Paul! There's a package here for you!" Joel called up the stairs. I hopped down one step at a time and went to the front door. I signed for the package and took it. It was a plain, long white box. I noticed that there was a note on top. I read it out loud so the guys could hear.

To My Dearest Paul,
You are the love of my life, as I am yours. I know that you know that I'm there. I'm always there. I will never leave you alone. Please take this gift as a token of my love.

I looked over at them with my eyebrows raised. I set the box down on the counter and opened it. Inside were a dozen red roses with maggots crawling all over them.

"HOLY SHIT!" I exclaimed, when seeing what was inside. I shut the lid quickly. Both Billy and Benji gave me startled expressions.

"What the hell?" Joel asked, looking from me to the box. "What is it?" I walked away from the box, not sure if I was going to throw up or not. Benji walked over to it and opened the lid the slightest bit. Since he couldn't see, he lifted it up more.

"That's kind of sick and twisted man..." he said. Billy and I gave him looks as if he were crazy.

"/Kind of/??" Billy asked in disbelief.

"Do you all believe me now?" I questioned them.

"I believed you from the beginning." Benji stated; closing the box before the little white creatures inside escaped.

"Yeah, we believe you, Paul. Who the hell is that demented?" Joel asked, looking at the box.

"Hopefully, we'll never find out." Benji replied; throwing the box out the front door and slamming it shut.

~AN: What will happen? If you review, I swear that I will update faster. I already started on the second chapter. wink, wink~
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