Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Down We Go.

Mikey Saves The Day!

by AshamedToRiseAndBe 1 review

Aaaah! What's gunna happen?!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2008-02-01 - Updated: 2008-02-01 - 1000 words

Haha!!!!!!!! Why aint anyone reviewing?! =[ grrrrr... if you don't review. I don't know ifyou like it... so I'll just have to stop!!!! So review. Okay enuff of my shit........



"Hello... Amy!" He said in a low voice. I breathed deeply and looked back at Casey who was being held by Frankie on the bed. I closed my eyes for a second to remember my last moments on earth.
I looked back at my uncle who had a soft grin on his tanned face.

"Glad to see you've made some new friends." His smile grew even bigger.

"How did you find me?" I whispered while tears began to form in my chocolate eyes.

"You're principal told me which room you were in but since you weren't there I went next door and you're friend Ray told me you were here. Which you were." He told me grabbing my wrist.

"Which I am! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I shouted jerking my way out of his grip.
He chuckled.

"Okay say goodbye to you're friends because you're going home... NOW". He said with firm eye contact.

"Maybe you didn't hear me. I said no!" I shouted.
He came closer to me.

"Amy. You get you're fucking ass on that plane home!" he souted this time coming in the room shutting the door behind him. I shot a look back at Casey. Who was now crying and Frank who looked confused. I looked back at my uncle who grabbed my wrist again.

"Let me go!!" I shouted while tears poured down my face. I tried to escape but I couldn't.

" Why? So you can go and run away with you're stupis American friends? Why did you run away Amy? Why?" he shouted grabbing my shoulders and shaking me violently.

"Let her go!" Frank shouted getting up from the bed. he is such an idiot! I thought to myself.
I saw Casey quickly sneek away while my uncle let go of me and threw me to the ground and walked towards Frank. She creeped out the door quietly. I looked back at frank who was trying to hide in a scream.

"What did you say?" my uncle asked slowly.

"Stay away from him!" I shouted from the ground.
He moved towards Frank and punched him square in the face knocking him out.
I whimpered as I watched Frank fall to the floor.
My uncle turned back around to me.

"Your turn..." he whispered.
At this point it was safe to say I was SHIT scared. I quickly shot up from the ground, my whole body aching. He took me by my shoulders again and lifted my his fist to do the same as he did to Frank before......

Mikey's POV

I came storming through the door to find Amy being held firmly by her uncle. She was scared and weak.

"Get the fuck away from her!" I shouted.
He threw her the chest of drawers hard. All I wanted to do is kill him when I saw her fall to the ground unconcious.
Blood was streaming down the right side of her face. I couldn't stand to see her this way so I ran and kicked her uncle straight in the balls he wished he had. He fell to the ground and grunted in pain before I punched him in the nose making him the third person to fall unconsious. I knelt down next to frank who layed peacfully behind Amy's evil uncle. He had blood streaming out his nose. I ran into the bathroom grabbing the roll of toilet paper. I ripped off about 3 sheets and lightly dabbed it around Franks nose. He twitched in pain so I decided to leave it. I crawled over to Amy who was lying with her hand under her head. Blood had now slid off her face and onto the carpet. I ripped off about 5 more pieced and gently placed it above the deep cut she had on her right temple where the corner of the chest of doors had hit her. I sat and watched her. Her Black hair sat on her shoulders and her face was calm and peaceful. Suddenly the door shot open. In came a crying Casey, 2 policemen and 4 paramedics with a stretcher. Behind them stood Gerard and Ray. Not to mention pretty much the whole school who was standing about 4 meters behind them.

"What happened?" said one of the policemen.

"I wasn't here for all of it but when I came in this man had thrown Amy into the chest of drawers and the corner went straight into her head." I said with a few tears on my cheeks. Gerard came into the crouded room and hugged me.

"She deffinantly has a concusion. We'll need to take her to the hospital. The boy will be fine as soon as we patch up the cut and the man should wake up in a few minutes. But he has a broken nose so we will fix that up." One of the paramedics said.

"Did you do this to him?" one of the police asked me.
I was hesitant to nod but I did.

"It was self defence so there will be no charges. But we will need to question you and each of the others." He added.

I nodded once again.

"Do you know who this man is?" he asked.

I explained to them everything that Amy had told him about him. I could see hurt in their eyes.

"Thank you Mr Way." He said as the 2 walked out with Casey to ask her questions.
The paramedics took Casey carefully in the stretcher after thay had fixed Frank and Amy's uncle. Frank had been put back in his bed. Amy's uncle had woken up a few minutes later and the police took him out of the school and back to the station.

"You will be able to visit Amy in the hospital tomorrow." One of the paramedics said and they walked out.

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