Categories > Original > Horror > The Vampire Eden

9. Escaping the Enemy

by famouslastwords93 1 review

chapter nine

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres: Horror,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-02-06 - Updated: 2008-02-07 - 371 words - Complete

9. Escaping the New Enemy

I lay guilty as a murderer next to Gabriel in his bed. Once again he had tricked and seduced me. I hated him for this. Before I had known this as a fun habit Gabriel and I would engage in, but now, it was nothing but guiltiness on a platter.
Gabriel had his arms around me, trapping me into his fantasy and me into my nightmare.
"I sense your fear, darling." Gabriel whispers in my ear.
I adjusted myself to a comfertable shape, then answered softly "I dunno if I feel like this is.......real."
"What do you mean by real?" It's here and now, we did it Eden. It's in the past, I know your date was Sam, but he'll surely understand." Gabriel explained. "He isn't good enough for you. I mean, look at him, and look at me. He lives in a loft downtown I live in a mansion."
I couldn't take it anymore. I sat up abrutley and held the sheets up to my chest. "Don't you dare insult him! He happens to be my best friend on the entire planet and my true love." I almost shouted at him.
Gabriel's eyes flared at me, then in an instant, I was up against the wall with his hand at my throat. Even in the nude, he didn't seem to care, he held his hand at my throat as if it was a pressure bag. He couldn't kill me this way, but it was a way to show his power.
"You belong to me," Gabriel hissed. His eyes had gotten black, and filled with hate and power. "So help me, I'll kill him myself if I have to."
I stood there terrified and useless, I just wanted to run down the hall to him and grab him. Then we'd fly away where no one could find us.

Serena lay on top of me, dragging her small finger up and down my bare chest. She stopped at my neck, then looked up at me with a smile on her face. "Sam," she purred. "What if I could give you the gift of life? A gift you could never imagine, and you would live forever."

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