Categories > Anime/Manga > Tsubasa/xxxHolic > Of Love and Pain

Chapter 5

by cattyfuzzy 1 review

Category: Tsubasa/xxxHolic - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Fye,Kurogane - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-02-08 - Updated: 2008-02-09 - 757 words


The dark storm inside him brewed stronger and stronger and he can’t stop it, he can’t stop the anger and panic rising within him. He looked at the princess lying on the ground covered with her own blood and dropped the sword he was holding in his hand. He had done it, the inevitable can never be avoided no matter how carefully you thread. He backed away slowly from her body and crumpled to the ground and looked on helplessly as Syaoran picked up that limp body and ran in the opposite direction without throwing a glance at him. He hoped there was help nearby. He hoped he hasn’t stabbed any of her vital organs. He continued to stare at the blood trail until he felt hot tears running down his cheek.

Kurogane didn’t have enough time to react and watched as the sword pierce through the princess’s body and Fay’s shock as his eye widen finally comprehending what he just did before he withdrew the sword and let it fall to the ground. He should gather the rage that he was supposed to be feeling now, instead all he felt was despair. Everything has started to break apart ever since they left Acid Tokyo, everyone is slowly fading away. He tried to hold on to them, to prevent them from disintegrating but he had failed spectacularly. Especially Fay, he had failed to unravel the cocoon wrapped so tightly around his heart, he had failed to let him understand the essence of hope and life, he had failed to protect him from this, this gruesome episode that shouldn’t have happen. But it did and it had happened…what now?

Mokona looked on and opened his mouth, projecting Yuuko’s image infront of them, she looked at both man full of sorrow in her eyes. They weren’t supposed to be like this. Had something gone wrong with the prediction of Hitsuzen? She wished she could help but she could not, their journey must still continue and their pain must be carried to the end.

“Fay” she called out and Fay looked up at her.

“She’ll be alright. The power of her feathers will keep her protected”

Fay heard those words, but he could find no relief against the darkness that engulfed him.

“I wish for death Yuuko, will you grant it? I can’t continue anymore…I am too tired…do I still have anything that you want?” Fay said and turned his lifeless eye back to the puddle of blood on the ground.

Kurogane kept his silence. Though his heart aches with sorrow and regrets, he knows he no longer has any right to hold on to the mage’s life. He looked at Yuuko and nodded his head, telling her without words that he will not interfere this time.

“I will grant you your wish and as for your payment, I will take your pain and suffering. For once, you shall know peace.” Yuuko said as she closed her eyes and chant those ancient spells that she had hoped she’ll never use in her life. Somewhere in between, she wove in another and hoped that it will work and undo the spell she had cast before time runs out for Fay. When she stopped, Fay was slumped on the ground lifeless with a peaceful smile grazing his lips.

“Kurogane, take him to a safe place and keep his body well. I did not kill him.”

“What are you saying witch?”

“I just took away his hurt for a while, just enough time for him to find the peace he seeks and recover. It will be three days before he wakes up. Take care than and don’t give up Kurogane, if peace is not within the reach for Fay, your love is the other thing he needs most.” She smiled a wistful smile before the projectile fades away.

Kurogane knelt down and scooped up the lifeless body into his arms, he was grateful to the witch and grateful for the second chance that was given to both of them. He knows that it’s up to Fay now to find the strength he has abandoned in the deep recesses of his heart. Even though it will be another hurdle for Fay when he faces Sakura again, he knows Sakura will easily forgive for she too, understands the strings of Hitsuzen that was being played out.

For now, he awaits for the first breath to come.
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