Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My Heart Is The Worst Kind Of Weapon

Chapter 2: Secrets

by patricksgirl84

I posted this before but it was deleted.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-02-11 - Updated: 2008-02-11 - 1032 words - Complete

Chapter 2: Secrets

Bobbie turned from the bright sunlight. She looked at her alarm clock. 10AM. She decided to get up. She noticed Lynn and Samantha weren't up yet. She took a shower and then unpacked the rest of her things.

Around noon the other girls were waking up. Bobbie was making some toast. "Good morning, you two." "Yeah. I should let you both know that I am not a morning person. No matter what time I get up." Samantha said. "Hope you don't have any early classes." Lynn said. "My earliest is 10:00." She laughed. "So are you going to see Patrick today?" Lynn said. "Um, I don't know." "I think somebody has a crush." Samantha said. "I just met him. He's very nice and I like being with him, but I'm not ready for a relationship or anything." "I wasn't talking about a relationship. You could be friends with benefits. If you know what I mean." Oh, be quiet." Bobbie laughed.

Just then Bobbie's cell phone rang. She answered it without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" "Hi Bobbie." She got a knot in her stomach. Why did he call. "You shouldn't be calling." "I just wanted to hear your voice." "You need to get on with your life. Without me. You know there is a restraining order on you." "I know, but I need you. Where are you?" "I'm not telling you that." "Come on. Tell me. I just want to visit. We could go out for coffee. No one is telling me where you are." "I'm not telling you. You need to stop calling or wanting to get in touch with me."

Lynn and Samantha looked worried. The doorbell rang. Lynn went to answer it. "Hi Patrick. She's in the kitchen on the phone." Both Patrick and Lynn went to the kitchen. Bobbie was still on the phone. "Bobbie, I want you back. I can change. My life isn't complete without you." "Just stop it." Her voice was getting louder. "We have been through this before. I'm hanging up now. Goodbye." She closed her phone and turned around. "Oh, hi Patrick. I didn't here you come in." "What was that all about?" He asked. "Oh, just an old friend." Patrick, Lynn, and Samantha all looked at each other. They knew they shouldn't push her. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Bobbie went to the bathroom. She got a little container out of her make up bag. Inside was a razor blade. She took off her shirt. She started cutting into her skin on the inside of her wrist. She did this every time she talked to him and when things got out of control. The bleeding stopped and she put a few bandaids on the marks. She grabbed her shirt. Thankfully she put on a long sleeve this morning.

Bobbie walked into the kitchen. "So, what's up?" Patrick smiled. "I was wondering if you would like to go for coffee?" "Sure let me get my shoes." She got her shoes and they left. "There's a coffee shop down the street. About three blocks down. Do you want to walk?" Patrick asked. "Sure. Sounds like fun." Patrick was thinking that she has such a beautiful smile, but there was something she was hiding. Her eyes were blank a lot. He was worried about her. He couldn't believe it. He just met her. He didn't want to get hurt again. They walked mostly in silence.

Bobbie really enjoyed the walk. Especially after the phone call. Patrick didn't say a lot. She could tell he was shy and in deep thought. "Do you want to share?" She broke his thoughts. "Uh, what?" "I asked if you care to share. You look like you are in deep thought." "Oh, just thinking over some songs." "Alright. You look cute when you are in deep thought." She couldn't believe she said that. Patrick blushed and put his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of said that." "No. It's alright." He smiled at her.

"We're here." They walked in and ordered 2 coffees and 2 danishes. They sat down by the window. "So are you really going to tell me who was on the phone?" Patrick asked. "Just an ex boyfriend who won't face that we broke up." "Does that bother you." "Yeah. I want to get on my life, but whenever I hear from him I can't. Anyway, it's a long story. Let's talk about something else." "Alright." But he could tell she was upset. "When do you start school?" "Tomorrow I go in for schedules and books and a few orientations. Then Tuesday we start classes. I'm a little nervous. Thankfully, I don't need to get a job right away. I worked through high school and my dad is loaded." Patrick laughed. "That's another story. My parents got divorced when I was 2. My dad has another family now. He only sees me a few times a year if that. He gives me money when I need it. I think it's because he feel's guilty." "I'm sorry. My parents are divorced too, but I'm close to both of them." "That's cool. I feel like I'm doing all the talking. How long have you been singing?" "About three years. I used to play drums, now I sing and play guitar. This is my first real band." "I always wanted to learn the guitar." "Maybe I can teach you." God he loved her smile.

After a few hours they walked back. "Bobbie, I know this maybe is too soon, but I would like to take you out on a date tomorrow. Would you go?" She really wanted to, but she just didn't know. She looked into his eyes and they said it all. "Sure." "Great. I'll call you later tonight." "Okay. Bye Patrick."

When Bobbie got inside she noticed both Lynn and Samantha were gone. She turned her phone on. She turned it off when Patrick and her went to the coffee shop. She noticed there were 5 text messages and 15 messages. All from him. "Why can't he leave me alone?" She went into the bathroom and got her razor out.
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