Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Foster Life

Chapter 47

by disturbedangel6 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-13 - Updated: 2008-02-14 - 1189 words

If I stayed in that house another minute, I think I would have suffocated. I walked down the road to anywhere, just anywhere but here. I wasn’t walking away or frustrated because of Bob, I was walking away because I was frustrated and disappointed at myself. I am a whore. I really was. I sighed and wiped a tear off my cheek. What Eric was saying at that time that I was dirty. He was right. He knew it all. He was just trying to blackmail me. I didn’t want that to be in the open.

Before I came here, I had another family that never pretty much looked after me. They made my life hell as it was, and people had different way of doing things to take their mind off the situation. Well my way was to be with a friend of mine named Ashley, get high on drugs and have sex with strangers. I shivered at that thought. Can’t believe I did that. Well it wasn’t really me, it was just the drugs. You never know what the drugs can make you do. I really didn’t like what I was doing, but I couldn’t help it. The drugs for me were the only way out at that time. The real Mary-Anne was never there when I was on drugs.

Renee found out about this and sent me here to the Bryar family. I was glad that I moved. I wanted to start off fresh. I wanted to forget my past and focus on a healthy good future, so I lied to myself and others. I was never a virgin; I just never liked doing it since it just reminded me of my sins.

I sighed; I can never do anything right. I dug a little hole with a small stick as I sat on the grass at a small park. Sometimes you just wish that God can just take your life now so you can just forget this life and the pain in it. Sometimes I wonder how people will react if I just died now. What would Bob, Mikey, Gerard, Frank or Ray do? Or Mr. and Mrs. Bryar? Probably glad that the pain that I brought them is over.

I sobbed and cried more, my face was wet from all those tears.

I was lying down in the grass just watching the swings at a distance. Somehow time has passed and the sun was setting. It was twilight. My tears have dried off as I lay hugging myself. I didn’t even know what I was going to do next.


I turned to see Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Frank running to me. I sat up and they all crashed hugging me.

They said things at once like ‘I miss you’, ‘Where were you?’, ‘We’re so sorry’.

They sat with me in a circle and looked at me with their concern faces.

“I’m fine” I said when I got annoyed by their stare.

“No you’re not” Frank said as his hand touched my cheek. “Look at you, you look wrecked”

“Thanks so much Frank, you’re so awesome” I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

“Thank you” he smiled then paused, “Hey! I’m trying to be nice!”

Ray chuckled and muttered ‘stupid’ under his breath.

“Come on Mary, let’s take you to my house” Gerard stood up.

I stared at him longingly then nodded.

He pulled me up and wrapped his arm
around me as we walked to his house.

Mikey looked really upset or angry can’t tell as he walked next to his brother.

“Here” Frank gave me a glass off water.

I took it and drank it all in my gulp.

“You hungry?” asked Ray.

“Uh… kinda”

“Pizza coming right up!” he jumped up and ran to the home phone.

“So you wanna tell us what happened?” Gerard asked with an alarmed face.

“Just some stupid argument that we had” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Well it didn’t look that way” Frank said.

“What do you mean? You saw the argument?” I asked.

“No, but we just randomly came over your house and saw Bob very um…he was fuming” Mikey explained.

“What did he say?” I asked.

“Nothing, he just told us to go find you” Mikey said, “He actually told me off for no reason. Do you know why?”

I looked up at him, “No” I lied.

“Oh” he mumbled.

“So do you wanna go home?” Ray asked.

I shook my head.

“Ok, you’ll stay here” Gerard said.

“But what if Bob comes here and tries to get her back home?” Mikey asked.

“It’s her choice Mikey” he glared at
his brother.

Mikey sighed.

“I’m serious Gerard, I wanna sleep in the couch downstairs” I said.

It was night and pretty late. Everyone else has gone home and Gerard was insisting me on sleeping next to him in his bed but I wasn’t in the mood of sleeping with someone even though that someone was Gerard.

“Please?” he begged.

“No. please Gerard, I wanna sleep

“Fine” he sighed, “What is wrong
with you. It doesn’t seem like you and Bob had just an argument”

“We did” I said.

“But there’s more to it”

“How about this? I’m a very bad person Gerard”

He chuckled, “Honey, you’re not. Don’t listen to Bob”

“I didn’t listen to Bob. I just know”

“Ok, then we’ll forget that we slept
with each other. But still you’re
not a bad person”

“I am!”

“Whatever you say Mary. We all think
you’re a wonderful good person”

“Of course you guys will think that”

“Yes we do”

“You don’t know me and my past
Gerard” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“What about you’re past?”


“Look, you’re past is your past. It has got nothing to do with now” he said and headed to the door, “I’m sleeping in the couch then”

“No Gerard! I said I was sleeping in
the couch!”

“Mary sleep!” he demanded and walked out.

I sighed and I sat on his bed. I was tired. I laid on the bed and stared at the posters on his wall. It was posters of his favorite bands. What am I gonna do? Bob wont want me anymore. Hell, I think we already broke up. Mikey is being weird with me. Now Gerard is pretending to be nice to me. I turned and laid on his stomach. What if I ran away? Like really far? So far, maybe even the other side of the earth. Like back to my home country Australia or England. It would be cool. Just a fresh start. New friends, new everything. I’ll go to uni there. I could see it now. That would be great. I can forget about this life then.

MUM doesnt hate u alll....
just me and the pc lol
plz review!!!!!!!!
wat to do!!!!!!!!!

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