Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Day My Life Changed Completly

The Day My Life Changed Completly

by xXi_luv_gerardXx 1 review

pg-13 for swearing... and um thats pretty much it. when a teenage girl's mother is killed by a drunk driver after a concert, the members of My Chemical Romance offer to take her in until she can f...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-14 - Updated: 2008-02-15 - 987 words

It was long after a My Chemical Romance concert. The fans had left hours ago. Still, Rachel and her mother lingered, watching the band's van and talking about how cool it would be if one of them came out. Then, a drunk driver spun out onto the sidewalk, hitting Rachel's mom and knocking her down.

It was all a blur. I just remember my mom gasping and pushing me away. I heard tires screeching, and next thing i knew, a truck had hit my mom full force. The driver got out and ran.
I screamed. My mom was lying on the floor with severe injuries. She was dying right in front of me. I ran around the car, looking desperately for someone to help me. It was late, and no one was outside. "Somebody help!" I yelled. No answer. I looked around and panicked. "HELP!!! PLEASE!" In frustration, I fell to my knees in tears.

Gerard was just hanging out with the guys, talking about their concert and what they should improve on. Then, he thought he heard a faint cry outside. "Guys shut up!" he yelled. "Did you hear that?"
"What the hell?" Mikey said. "What is it?"
"SHH!" Gerard said impatiently He listened in the silence. Then he heard it again. A small voice screaming for help. Frank heard it too. They looked at each other and ran outside.
From a distance, Gerard could see a girl, kneeling over a body and crying. He ran towards her.
"Please help, my mom, she was hit..." The girls voice cracked and she broke down in tears again. Frank came running up, looking worried and confused.
Gerard helped the girl up. "It's gonna be ok, alright? We're gonna help you.? Your mom's going to be ok." He led her to Frank. "Take her inside and get her calmed down. Tell everyone whats going on. I'm gonna call for help."
The girl was breathing heavily, fighting back more tears. Frank took her back to the van, where the rest of the members where waiting anxiously.
"Fuck..." Gerard got out his cell phone and dialed 911. It looked like this woman was going to die.

"Hey whats going on?" Mikey asked as Frank walked in with his arm around a crying girl. Ray and Bob, who were casually lying in their bunks, rushed over.
"No time right now." Frank said hurriedly. He sat down with the girl, who was now trying not to cry. It was obvious that she did not want to look so distressed in front of people. "It's ok," He said, "Gerard's getting help right now. Don't worry." Not knowing what else to do, he held her tight as she cried some more.

I remember seeing someone running towards me. I pleaded for help, not knowing or caring who it was. Somebody else appeared,and the first person helped me up. Then I heard his voice and knew instantly who it was. It was Gerard Way. Normally, I would have screamed, fainted, died, or all of the above. Gerard was my idol. It was my dream to meet him, or any member of the band. I couldn't think straight. I felt like such an idiot for crying and being so hysterical in front of him. I fought back tears as someone put his arm around me and rushed me away. I looked up, and saw Frank Iero, looking very worried. How was i supposed to act? I couldn't be all fan-girlish now, but i certainly didn't want to start crying again. Then I remembered seeing my mom on the ground like that, which made me burst into more tears.
Soon, I was sitting down in their van, with Frank trying to comfort me and the rest of the band members confused, wondering what happened. I was so overwhelmed, I didn't know what to do but cry.

Mikey, Ray, and Bob ran out to where Gerard was. "Hey man, whats going on?" Ray asked. The sound of an ambulance siren echoed not so far away.
"This girl's mom was hit by a truck... I think it was a drunk driver." Gerard said, pointing at the empty beer bottles and cans inside the truck. "The guy driving ran off somewhere."
The ambulance pulled up next to them. "Thank God," Ray said, "I hope she's ok... you should have seen that girl, she's hysterical."
"I know," Gerard said, "When she was trying to tell me what happened, she couldn't even talk. I had to get her away from the scene so she could calm down. She could barely breathe."
"What are we gonna do?" Mikey asked, watching as the woman was carried into the ambulance.
"I don't know, I guess we can just hope that her mom will be ok." Ray said.
The police were asking Gerard what happened, when one of the ambulance workers came out to them.
"Wheres this woman's daughter?" she asked. "I think you should bring her out now. I'm afraid her mom has passed away."
"Oh no..." Gerard said. He immediately felt sorry for Rachel. "I guess I should get her."
Suddenly, Bob, who had been quiet the whole time, spoke. "I'll get her." Everyone turned to look at him. He was staring forward, not making eye contact with anyone. "I remember how horrible it was when I lost someone like that. I feel so bad for her, having to go through that when she's so young. I want to talk to her." With that, he turned and walked towards the van.
Mikey turned to Gerard. "Did you know that someone important to him died?"
Gerard and Ray shook their heads. "No," Gerard said. "He's never talked about it."
"Weird," Ray said. "I never knew either. And this whole time he didn't tell us. I wonder who it was."
The three friends were left to wonder as Bob left to retrieve Rachel.

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