Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My Heart Is The Worst Kind Of Weapon

Chapter 29: Cross My Heart

by patricksgirl84

I posted this before but it got deleted.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-02-15 - Updated: 2008-02-15 - 1249 words - Complete


Chapter 29: Cross My Heart

The next few weeks went by fast. Patrick and Bobbie got the wedding together with the help of Patrick's family and friends. It was now the night before the wedding. Patrick was staying at Pete's and Eric was staying at Patrick's Mom's. There was a knock on the door. Bobbie went to answer. "Hi Megan. Come in." They were going to have a girls night while the boys had a boys night. "How are you doing, Bobbie?" "Nervous. I have no idea why?" "Well, you are going to spend the rest of your life with one man. I would be nervous too." "Very funny. Do you want anything to drink?" "I'll take a water. So what movies did you get?" "I got 16 Candles and She's All That." "Great." "I got us some wine too." The went to the living room and watched '16 Candles' first. After it was over they got some Chinese for supper. Then they got the wine and watched 'She's All That'. After that they talked. It was 3AM. "I think you need to get to bed. You don't want circles under your eyes for tomorrow. Plus, if you drink anymore, Patrick will have my head." "Yeah. You can have my room and I'll sleep in Patrick's." "Okay. Can I ask you a question?" "Sure." "How many times did you sleep in there?" "Not too many. At least not by myself." "That's what I thought." Megan laughed. The girls went to bed.


Patrick was at Pete's with Andy and Joe. "So, are you ready for this?" Joe asked Patrick. I've been ready a long time. She is the only one for me." "You make me sick, man." Andy said. Patrick laughed. "It's just that you all need to grow up some." "Very funny." Pete said hitting Patrick in the head. "Hey. Anyway, what are we going to be doing?" "Well, we thought of getting you a stripper." "No! Please say you didn't. If you did, I'm leaving right now." He was at the door. "Come back, Patty. We didn't." Patrick sat back on the couch. "We thought we would have a Star Wars night. How does that sound? Plus, junk food." "Okay." The boys watch 3 of the Star Wars movies and had tons of junk food. Patrick went to bed at midnight. He was missing Bobbie. Andy and Joe left at 4AM. Pete went to bed.


The next morning Bobbie got up early and woke Megan up. They had to be at the hair stylist at 10:00. Both of them got there hair done up. Then they got make up done. They went back to the house. They had 3 hours to get ready and pictures. Bobbie put on her dress. She started to get real nervous. "Oh Bobbie. You look gorgeous. Patrick won't know what hit him." Bobbie looked at Megan. "I'm scared. I shouldn't be. Patrick knows everything about me." "It's just normal."

The doorbell rang. "I'll get it. Finish up. The photographer is here already." Megan left to get the door. Bobbie put on her shoes. "How are you doing, Hun?" It was Patricia. "Good." "You look beautiful. I have a few things for you." "You didn't have to." "I know I didn't." Megan came in the room. "I got you something blue." Megan said. It was some diamond blue earrings. "I love them. Thank you." Bobbie put them in. "I got you something old. It's a picture of Patrick when he was 2." "Oh, I love it. He is so cute." "And borrowed. Here." Megan placed a diamond heart necklace in her hand. "I can't take this." "Yes, you can and you will. Now turn around." Megan clasped the necklace on Bobbie's neck. "Thank you so much, Megan." Bobbie hugged her. "And new. Dave and I got these for you and Patrick. He knows about them." "Oh my. Tickets for Hawaii. What about Eric?" "We'll watch him. You two need some time away and to be together." "Thank you. Both of you. You have no idea what these all mean to me."

"Okay, time for pictures." Megan said. They took some pictures at the house and in the backyard. Then it was time to leave for the church. "Well, this is it. Are you ready?" Megan asked. "Of course. Bobbie smiled. Megan, Patricia, and Bobbie got into the limo and went to the Church.


Patrick got up early. Pete was still sleeping. He made some coffee. He wanted to call Bobbie, but knew she didn't want to see or hear from him until they were married. He made some eggs and toast. After he was done eating, Pete got up. "How are you this morning?" Pete asked. "Good. Can't wait to see Bobbie though." "You'll see her soon enough." Joe and Andy came over to the house around noon and Patrick decided to get dressed. He had black pants, white buttoned shirt, and black dress coat. He was not one for Tuxedos. He put on his fedora and walked to the living room. "You really are going to wear a hat? Don't you think you can go through one event without a hat?" Pete asked. "Nope." Dave and Eric came over and the photographer took pictures of them. They went to the Church. Patrick was pacing the room in the back. "Are you nervous?" Joe asked him. "Yeah. I have sung to thousands and I'm more nervous now." "It's going to go good. I'm going to get a seat. I just wanted to wish you luck." "Thanks." Joe left and Patrick looked out the window.

All of a sudden there were arms around his waist. He grabbed her wrists and turned around. "What the fuck are you doing?" "I want you, Patrick. Please don't marry her." Allison said. "Why can't you get it. I love Bobbie, not you. Why do you have to come here? Especially, on my wedding day." "I came with Kevin." "So I take it you don't love him." "No, he doesn't love me either. He likes Bobbie. He told me that when you brought her home for Christmas he wanted her." "What is it with him? Doesn't he like me to be happy. Not that I would have wanted to spend my life with you." "Thanks Patrick." "Allison, you cheated on me. Not just cheated, but with my brother." "That was a long time ago. I've changed." "Yeah, so have I. I love someone else and that won't ever change. Now please leave." "Patrick, can I have one last kiss?" "No. Leave." She ran out of the room. "God, how did I get into this situation?"

Eric came in the room. "Hi, Pete said to get you." "Oh, okay. Are you ready, Eric?" "Yeah." "Let's go." Patrick went to meet with Pete. "Ready to do this?" "Of course. Allison showed up." "What? Is she nuts?" "I think so. Both her and Kevin. I'm praying they won't do anything to ruin Bobbie's day." The Priest came out to get Patrick, Pete, and Eric. The walked out and stood in front of the Sanctuary.


Bobbie, Megan, and Patricia got to the Church and waited in a small room. A few minutes later it was time. Patricia went to sit down. The music started playing and Megan went down the aisle. Bobbie looked at her flowers. She wanted to see Patrick so bad. The bridal march started and she moved in front of the doors to walk down the aisle.
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