Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In Between Days

It's All You Can Do When It Gets Out Of Hand

by -PLWwayy 2 reviews

It's funny what things can make you like a girl. Gerard and Sidney both learn a lesson, and Sidney has to make a sacrifice.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-15 - Updated: 2008-02-16 - 508 words

Haiii. I know it's slowing down and getting a bit whingy but things'll pick up soon, promise.
Jonads xx.

For Fuck’s sake. Why am I so good at getting into stupid fucking love triangle cliché shit? I look up at Sidney’s bunk. I know she’s in there, and the curtain’s pulled shut. Probably having a bit of Gee Time with her fingers.
Easy now
Why should I be? She’s the one who turned up here in her mini skirts and seduced my brother and boyfriend, and- Hey…
Ray jumps out of her bunk and walks around the corner to the living area.
Jeez, she does get around, doesn’t she.
Hey! That’s not very nice.
I’m just being truthful.
Well maybe you should go see what’s up. You should talk to her about last night too.
What about last night?
You slept with her.
Fine. Okay. Whatever.
I blocked the mental battle I was having and climbed out of my own bunk and up across to Sidney’s .
She was in there crying. “Hi.” I said. She looked up at me and nodded. “Alright, what’s up? Why are you crying? What did Ray want?” She looks up, surprised and says “Gerard I think it’s better we don’t do stuff anymore.” I raised my eyebrows. “Why the change of heart?” She lowered her head, and to my surprise, when she looked up, all sadness had gone from her face and it was replaced by a ferocity driven, pitiless expression of disinterest. “Gerard, you want the truth? I was lying last night. I don’t love you. I never did. I mean, you’re Gerard Way. I had to do something with you. A souvenir, if you will. I really like Mikey. That’s it. So, don’t come near me again. We can be friends, if that’s what you want, but other than that… Sorry.” What the fuck?! Last night, this girl had lay in my arms telling me of how much she loved me, and for a while, it felt like I loved her too, if not liked her a lot. And now she’s saying she used me? And she wants to be my friend? “Er, what makes you think we were gonna do it again? Or be friends? I’m glad you feel the same way about me as I do you, actually. Goodbye.” I jumped out of her bunk, swatting the tears off my cheeks and walking to the common room.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Did I just do that? Fuck. Oh my god, I’ve ruined my chances forever. I told Gerard that I used him last night, for the title. I USED him. It’s so far from the truth, I love him so much. But I know him, and Ray forbidding it wouldn’t be enough. I had to hurt his ego, his pride, and I did. I’m so sorry, Gee.
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