Categories > Original > Drama > Life Of A Modern Day Teen

Chapter 3 - The Fairytale.

by MarissaBby 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-02-17 - Updated: 2008-02-17 - 594 words

Wow! Considering how over the past week I didn't appreciate how things were swinging my way with Rick, thing have gone pretty darn well. Like on Thursday. 125 of these Japanese exchange students came to the school for the day so basically three quarters of our year had to go help. Last period, English. It just started to poor down with rain; Rick had his hand around me 'cause I was cold, with my head on his shoulders and his head on top of mine, and as if that wasn't good enough! Miss Beverly let us sit at the window and look at the rain. I was next to Rick, just talking. The rain was so beautiful; you couldn't see the mountains in the background. All through the lesson Rick came closer and closer, till the point where he almost kissed me on the top of my head. One of the best days of my life! He walked home with me 'cause I was going over Sean's house. As I left to hug him, he held me tight and told me he didn't want me to go! I left smiling and thinking,/ "He actually said that to me!"/ I was so happy.

I'm pretty happy with the way things are going. Almost like a fairy tale. My birthday party is next weekend and Veronica and I both think something is going to happen. I have had this feeling for ages! I don't know what it is. Will he ask me out? Will he kiss me? I don't know, but I have a feeling, and my feelings always mean something. It should be a great night. Everyone loves my parties. Only 'cause I supposedly have, the biggest house with the biggest pool and the biggest backyard. They're always the most memorable. Makes me feel special.

I just spent a whole day with him. We were laying all over each other! Holding hands and everything. I had the biggest smile on my face. It was just hard to believe that this was happening to me. The girl who in primary school couldn't talk to a guy let alone hold hands with one. I have changed so much. I'm going to the plaza with him tomorrow. Hope he will be ok to hold hands in public. Isn't that meant to mean he really does like me? I don't know; just want tomorrow to be the same.

Not looking forward to school on Monday. Can't really be bothered to get up and work. I need to improve on my grades though; I really need to start and pay attention. Trying to change my Graphic Technology class to Commerce. Graphic Tech is so boring, and the teacher doesn't know how to control the class. I have had him for the past two years and can't stand having him for another four terms. Thank god for Rick 'ay. He helps me with everything.

Swimming carnival in about a week! Pretty excited, not like me to be excited about something organized by the school. Maybe I've had a change of heart. -Laughs- WHATEVER! I think its 'cause I'll be with friends. My friends are my life, I'd do anything for any of them. I haven't ahd a fight with any of them for ages.Oops! probably just jinxed it.Oh well i'm sure if anything happens i'll find a way through it, like i do every other time something goes wrong. Got to go straighten my hair,'causre right now it looks like Whoopie Goldburg without her braid in! Can you imagie?
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