Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

Get Off My Son

by oxycontin_genocide 2 reviews

Rushed so it is very random... also couldn't think of what to do next so yeah... its random

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-02-18 - Updated: 2008-02-19 - 920 words - Complete

“AHHH.” Dacoda was screaming. I woke up and quickly jumped out of bed. I threw on my underwear and one of Gerard's The Used tops. I ran to Dacoda’s room and saw a man holding him down, with his hand covering Dacoda's mouth.
“LET GO OF HIM!” I screamed. Gerard rushed past me and pushed the guy off Dacoda. I ran to Dacoda's cot and grabbed him out. I was trying to calm him down.
“Dacoda, go to Uncle Mikey’s room. Now!” He did as he was told. I saw Gerard punching the intruders face. The intruder kicked Gerard in the stomach. I looked around and saw a bat. I grabbed it and hit the guy. He stepped back a couple of steps. Gerard joined me at my side. Mikey and Donald ran in.
“Go to my room now!” Mikey ordered.
“Okay.” I handed him the bat and ran to Mikey’s room. Dacoda was crying into Donna’s lap. Donna was on the phone.
“Dacoda come here.” He looked up and ran to me. I picked him up and just held him. I moved and sat on Mikey’s bed. Dacoda was still in my arms.
“Shhh, Dacoda. It’s okay, mummy’s here.”
“Where is Daddy?”
“He is dealing with that bad man. Don’t worry; your dad is going to be alright.” Donna was talking at rapid speed on the phone beside me. There were noises of crashes and things breaking. I heard a gunshot.
“Oh fuck.” I hugged Dacoda tighter. He was frightened and crying his eyes out. I tried my best to comfort him but nothing seemed to work. I heard a window break and another gunshot. The police finally arrived. I saw them run past the room. I was really scared. More gunshots went off. About five minutes later Gerard stumbled into Mikey's room. He had blood coming from his nose and a cut above his eye. His lip was split and he had a gash in is arm. Other then that he looked fine. I gave Dacoda to Donna and ran to Gerard. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, no one was shot except for the guy. The police have taken him now.” He held me close. After awhile we went over to Dacoda. I picked him up and just hugged him. Gerard came up and hugged both of us. Donna walked out. Gerard broke the hug and walked out of Mikey's bedroom. I followed him to the kitchen. Dacoda was still in my arms as I sat down at the end of the table.
“Do you want a Milo or coffee?” Donna asked me.
“Um can I please have a coffee and a warm Milo for Dacoda.” Dacoda nodded at this request.
“Ella, can I please have a word?”
“Sure.” I put Dacoda in his high chair and followed Gerard to the family room. Gerard sat on the couch and pulled me down beside him.
“I’m not leaving tomorrow.”
“Gerard! You have to go back. You’ve missed too many classes as it is.”
“No. Not after tonight. What happens if it happens again and I'm not here? I wouldn’t be able to deal with losing you or Dacoda.”
“I know, but you wanted to go. I knew the consequences, not being able to see you, not having your help with Dacoda and not having help with a lot of things. I knew this; if I had a problem with it I would’ve stopped you before you went. I'm now telling you to go. I’m fine here. Dacoda will sleep in your room with me. I’ll have Mikey and your parents.”
“I know. I just don’t want to leave you.”
“What are the chances of it happening again?”
“I don’t know…”
“See? It is most likely not to happen again. I promise I’ll call you if I need anything.”
“Thank you!” I kissed him on the cheek and led him to the kitchen sink so I could clean the blood off his face.

That night Dacoda slept with us. Our night had been ruined. It started off great but some fucking guy had to ruin it. It took us all a long time to finally get some sleep.

I woke up and saw Gerard and Dacoda were already up. I got dressed and went for a shower. Gerard was giving Dacoda his breakfast. I walked up and gave Gerard a kiss then bent over and gave Dacoda a kiss on his cheek. About half an hour later, Donna came and told us to be at the car in five minutes to take Gerard to the airport.

The drive to the airport was long and daunting. I really didn’t want Gerard to leave again but I wanted him to finish off his year at art school. When we arrived at the airport we went to the upstairs area. Just before Gerard was about to enter the departure lounge he turned around and kissed me. His tongue entered my mouth and I just moved my hands up and down his back. We broke off for air.
“I'm going to miss you, Gerard. Never forget I love you.”
“I won’t. I fucking love you Ella.” I gave him a peck on the cheek and he said good bye to his mum and Dacoda. He turned around just before he entered and mouthed “I’ll miss you.”
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