Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

Five Years Later

by oxycontin_genocide 2 reviews

Okay I got stuck on what to write so I jumped five years into the future.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-02-24 - Updated: 2008-02-25 - 949 words - Complete

I was playing with my seven year old son Dacoda when Gerard walked through the door. I went up to him and gave him a kiss and a hug. I could feel that he wasn’t happy.
“What's wrong Gerard?”
“I got fucking fired.”
“Oh no, did they tell you why?”
“No. they just came up and said ‘don’t bother coming to work tomorrow because you're fired’.”
“Oh my.” I hugged Gerard. He was the only one with a job.
“I can't believe they fucking fired me. What are we going to do now?”
“Well I’ll get a job. We can ask for an extension on the rent.”
“It’s not as simple as that Ella!”
“I know but at least I’m trying.”
“I've already decided I'm going to New York. I’ll write something and take it around to the kid’s channels. I’ll get a job there.”
“But what about Dacoda and I? I don’t want to move to New York. Dacoda has all his friends here. He is in year one.”
“No I never meant us to move there. I’ll go, see if I can get a job.”
We argued for a few hours and I got fed up with him. I took Dacoda to Samantha and Dia’s house. They had a place together because the rent was too high for just one and Dia got kicked out of her house. Mikey answered.
“Hey Mikey.”
“Hey, where is Gerard?”
“He is at home, just came to see Dia for awhile.”
“Oh okay, well come in.” I walked inside and Dacoda started playing tag with Mikey. I walked to Dia’s room she was on her laptop as usual.
“Hi Dia.”
“Hey girl, what you doing here?”
“Just wanted to get away from Gerard.”
“Aww did you two have a fight?”
“Yeah…” Dia came up and hugged me.
“Aww what about?”
“Gerard lost his job. Now he wants to go to New York to see if any of the kid’s stations will take him on.”
“WHAT!? You can't leave me!”
“Oh no I wouldn’t be moving it would be just him.”
We were just talking about all this and it was Dacoda's bedtime. I decide to stay the night. I could hear Mikey and Samantha from the other end of the house. Dia told me they were trying for a baby.

Morning came and I looked at my phone. I had fifteen missed calls, all from Gerard. Samantha came in and sat on my bed.
“Hey, Dia told me what happened. I hope you two figure it out.”
“Yeah so do I. Just one little factor, Gerard is as stubborn as hell. I don’t know how I’m going to get him to stop.”
“Maybe you shouldn't.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean like, let him go. He’ll be happy and soon he’ll realize that being away from you and Dacoda isn’t a smart thing.”
“Yeah your right. Thanks Sam.” I gave her a hug.
“No problems I love helping out my friends.”
“Yeah next time just keep the volume down a little.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Last night.”
“Oh… sorry.” She went all red. I started laughing.
“Well I had better get Dacoda home and I need to go to the shops. It was nice to see you.”
“Yeah you too.” I gave her another hug. I had to hunt down Dia but I finally found her and I said good bye. Dacoda and I got into the car and we drove to the shops. I picked up some food for dinner tonight and I saw my old friend Jane Harcus again. We chatted for about an hour and then I paid for the food and drove back to our apartment.
“GERARD! I'M HOME!” I shouted. I got no reply I took the shopping into the kitchen and found an envelope with my name written one it. I got a little worried. I opened it. Gerard had left to go to New York. He left without saying goodbye. I leant on the cupboards and slowly slid down to the ground crying. Dacoda came up and asked what was wrong. I just gave him a hug and said nothing. I made dinner for Dacoda and I. Afterwards I put him to bed and called up Dia.
“Hi Dia.”
“Ella? What's wrong?”
“Gerard left, he left a note on the kitchen table. He never said goodbye to me or to Dacoda.” I broke down crying again.
“Oh my! I’ll be over soon.” Dia hung up. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bar of chocolate I had bought today. I was stuffing my face when the doorbell went off. As soon as I opened the door Dia almost knocked me over.
“I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
“I can't believe he’s gone…”
“He’ll be back. Gerard loves you, and he loves Dacoda too. Where is the letter?” I took her to the sitting room and handed her the note.
“I've tried calling his mobile. I just need to talk to him.” Dia gave me a hug. Dia stayed over my house and we just talked.

Okay... I know this story is going all over the place, some random guy tried to kidnap Dacoda and then the next chapter it jumps like 5 years... but I have planned this story to move forward... and I got stuck on what else to write. Next chapter soon... (so much homework that I had to stay up til like 3 am) but enough with the random talking. Enjoy your day/night
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